All up in the blogs sayin' we met at the bar

Jul 22, 2010 06:38

WHO: Trowa Barton, A crowd of NPCs and 14 poor unsuspecting saps all under a curse, and anyone who sees this going on or gets dragged in by accident. ADD YOUR TAGS.
WHERE: Alllllll over the City.
WHEN: Thursday, July 22 (Day 1)
WARNINGS: Large amounts of hideous as the weekend wears on.
SUMMARY: The poor kid pissed off Aphrodite and then told her ( Read more... )

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, trowa barton | n/a, † kagamine rin | the flower girl, † parker | n/a, † aphrodite | goddess of love, † sheldon jeffery sands | weaver, *in progress

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Comments 61

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[It's cool~] pacifisted July 22 2010, 13:20:44 UTC
Trowa knew much better than to go for a run in the middle of the afternoon. For one thing, it was damned hot out with the sun just overhead like that, and in any case it was a terribly stupid risk to wear the shape of a prehistoric beast the size of a pickup truck and go tearing through the City in broad daylight. He liked danger, and took a hell of a lot of chances where his safety was involved--to be expected after the kind of life he'd lived up until now--but even the adrenaline junkie in him could recognize when something was just an all-around bad idea ( ... )


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pacifisted July 22 2010, 15:17:53 UTC
The sound of his name being called out like that made him flinch--although whether it was due to a breach in security or because he thought it would bring more loonies out of the woodwork was up in the air--and he turned his head to see Bakura coming his way.

Trowa was already getting tired of surprise interactions with other people. For a moment, he thought of making an escape. Perhaps if he leaped onto the nearby newspaper vending-box, bounded off and grabbed the street-light, then used it as a swing-bar up to the apartment balcony not too far away...

But he reminded himself that it was Bakura, who was kind-hearted and amiable, and probably not at all the sort to make a nuisance of himself. In any case, his friend had gone out of his way to make him comfortable in his new role as normal teenager. He could at least try to repay it by being sociable for a few minutes.

Trowa stood still, waiting, only giving a slow raise of one hand to signify that he'd heard.


Outside, some random outdoor coffee shop on Trowa's route, open 20_lbs_of_crazy July 22 2010, 12:53:38 UTC
Parker was lounging outside the coffee shop at one of the little metal tables bolted to the sidewalk, feet propped up on the empty chair as she bit into the bear claw with relish. Mmm. Sugar ( ... )


pacifisted July 22 2010, 13:34:25 UTC
His morning had already been off to a brilliant start; the young woman across the hall had come out of her own apartment as he was leaving and greeted him with a smile. She'd then complimented his outfit, which had confused him, as it was a dark-colored turtleneck and a pair of skinny grey jeans, which was pretty much the same thing he'd always worn. After several failed attempts to slip by her, Trowa had given up and tried to just let her talk herself out instead; fortunately for him, her husband came out shortly thereafter. The guy took a moment to stare at the pair in sleepy bemusement, then glowered at him and ushered her back inside ( ... )

Reply what does Trowa smell like? He's so getting sniffed. 20_lbs_of_crazy July 22 2010, 14:05:19 UTC
It was his hair that Parker noticed first, and the fact that so much of it fell across his face. How could he even see straight with all that thick, chocolate-brown, shiny hair covering half his face? Ooh, maybe it was hiding a secret eyepatch.

Whatever the reason, Parker had the sudden, overpowering urge to brush his hair out of his face - and it wasn't entirely because she wanted to see if there was an eyepatch. She swallowed her last bite of bear claw with some difficulty before abandoning it and moving to sate her curiosity.

Spell or no, old habits were hard to break, and Parker found it hard not to sneak up on people. So by the time Trowa got in line, he might suddenly notice that out of nowhere there was a blonde right behind him, well in his personal space bubble (but not touching) and studying him intently. He probably hadn't heard her approach, but that was par for the course if you were an ex-Navy Seal.

((Let me know if this is okay. Parker routinely sneaks up on just about everybody.))


Rofl, someone else actually doing that to him for once instead of the other way around. XD pacifisted July 22 2010, 15:07:16 UTC
He could see just fine; after almost a lifetime of wearing his hair that way he'd learned to adjust to having it in the way, catching only snatches of this or that from that half as the hair shifted from side to side. It made for sharper aim with firearms, too. In any case his hearing was good--at least on the right side--as was his internal sense of spacial awareness.

Still, she was well-trained, and while he got the sense that people were standing behind him, he chose to brush it off as the norm for being in a line in a coffee shop. Or, rather, he intended to, but after catching sight of her leaning in toward him in the compact mirror of the woman in front of him, he turned and gave her an icy stare.

No words. The disapproval radiating from him was, hopefully, enough.

[All right -- gun oil, plain soap, Mane'n'Tail shampoo, animal fur, the bacon he fried this morning, and, uh... Quatre. However much of that you feel she can pick up.]


Inside, Temporary office?, Open love_and_lace July 22 2010, 13:19:26 UTC
Aphrodite was feeling pleased with herself, as she usually was. Knowing that people (meaning Terra) wanted her powers allowed her to forget all of the naysayers and just continue on with business. Part of that business was making sure that everyone knew who she was. These mortals kept saying that only making one person fall in love didn’t prove anything, in that case she would just need to make lots of people fall in love at once. Luck had it that soon after that plan was formed, Trowa volunteered himself for this little spell.

It wasn’t her way to put on a spell and then stay back. She wanted to watch this one unfold and maybe push it along if she had to. Plus it should be good for a laugh or two. The benefits of being a goddess was that she could teleport anywhere she wanted to, and right now that was right in front of Trowa. She might have come in somewhere more hidden, but she forgot that she wasn’t able to make herself invisible anymore and could be clearly seen.


Re: Inside, Temporary office?, Open pacifisted July 22 2010, 13:42:02 UTC
Aphrodite's timing was, of course, impeccable.

Trowa sat there with his head resting on his forearms, bangs trailing across the shiny wooden surface of the desk, tired and annoyed. He'd just had to deny someone who thought that juggling with bricks despite having no talent or coordination would be a good idea; only the fact that the ex-pilot had good reflexes had saved his computer monitor from a premature death.

And then the man had given a sly smile and a comment--one about which Trowa still couldn't decide as to whether it had been meant with innocence or in the fashion in which he, having been raised by rowdy mercenaries, had immediately interpreted it.

He glanced up, putting on his secretary persona, dropping it again with a frown shortly thereafter.

"May I help you?"


love_and_lace July 22 2010, 13:57:30 UTC
Aphrodite went through a range of emotions in a short time in response. First she looked back in surprise that he could see her. That was shortly followed by a quick stomp of her foot that she still couldn’t make herself invisible to mortals. That only lasted a moment as she realized she looked ridiculous and that was not the image the goddess of love was going to give. She put her hands on her hips and gave him a flirty smile.

“Just came in to say hi,” she said innocently. “Nothing wrong with that right?”

While she hadn’t meant anything with the flirty attitude as it was normal for her, she couldn’t help but notice that…this mortal actually looked pretty good.


Was busy finishing and dropping off the cakes--back now pacifisted July 22 2010, 15:11:13 UTC
This kind of thing was the reason he failed to see why he ought to believe in any such thing as a goddess of love. From what little he'd heard growing up, deities were supposed to be powerful, respectable things with great and easily injured dignity.

Not busty blond women who stamped the ground like two year olds at not getting their way.

Cautiously, being far too suspicious of Aphrodite already after their first and last conversation, he replied:

"...I'm working. And you don't look like a circus performer."


[Just watching from above] sands_in_mexico July 22 2010, 19:49:00 UTC
Sheldon was peering out with a set of high-powered binoculars, still casing the docks. His hearing is 'on' and catches notice of some passers-by below talking about the hottest guy they've ever seen. Curious, Sheldon uses those binoculars and sees what this is all about. He laughs...loudly, lights up his cigarette and watched this guy instead of the dock.

He was bored anyway and needed a good laugh. "You've got to be kidding. He's scrawny!"


okay we will backdate! curse you work stabitystabstab July 23 2010, 15:29:43 UTC
Rin was out walking home from school, because she'd been bored and school seemed as good a place as any to be. Maybe one of the best things was that her records wouldn't transfer when she went home, so she could do whatever she wanted and get away with it. Like just go for the social life and not do any work at all, for example, which was all for the best because mostly geometry was deadly boring ( ... )


Backdating works. I'm cool with it. sands_in_mexico July 23 2010, 15:39:45 UTC
Good thing his blocks that Emma placed up allows him to block out the pheromones from the scent or he would be in serious trouble. He gave a smirk from what he was hearing and thought back to his high school days where everything was messed up from hormones before he broke into a chuckle.

"Cute." The Japanese accent caught his attention and strained to listen but he got the gist of what was being said. Being around Spanish speakers most of the time really paid off.


\o/ Yay a three-parter! pacifisted July 23 2010, 15:41:51 UTC
Having never seen either Sheldon or Rin in person, he had no idea that they were even around--and anyway, he was busy giving one of the dock workers a quiet glower from underneath the curtain of bangs at being asked if he'd ever seen the insides of a cargo ship before.

Of course he had! Just how many times had he come down here, exactly, checking in on shipments for Winner Corp.? Too damn many for this fool to be asking him stupid questions, that was for sure. And he didn't have time for this, anyway; if he didn't get his sketches to the technician group soon, they'd have nothing to do the next day. They'd be behind schedule again.

"Just be careful," the young man said, his decent mood for the day nearly evaporated by that point. "He'll be upset if you drop the glass this time."


That night, when Trowa tries to get some sleep... ofthedream July 25 2010, 03:11:00 UTC
At first, Towa's dreams are normal and (for the most part) innocuous. But at some point during the night, there is a subtle shift.

Trowa will find himself wandering through a forest. The deeper he goes, the more primordial and ancient the forest becomes. However, contrary to the primeval instinct of mankind, this forest is not forbidding. In fact... it feels almost welcoming... In fact, it seems to be calling him deeper into the forest.

After a time, he'll start to get the feeling of being watched... But it's an almost benign sort of interest - like a smile from someone watching you across the room.


pacifisted July 25 2010, 03:50:39 UTC
He isn't exactly clear on the point that he's dreaming, at the time; he does not often remember any of them save the worst. It's only been recently that he can recall snippets of the more pleasant ones after waking. But even if he isn't, being in the thick of the natural world has never been something he's had a problem with. In fact, for all of his time spent around machines and weapons of war, the boy is equally at home in a forest as he is in a mobile suit ( ... )


ofthedream July 25 2010, 04:13:00 UTC
The forest is full of rich and exotic scents. Green growing things, strange and exotic flowers, the scent and distant sounds of creatures unknown on Earth, or unseen for thousands of years.

The trees are massive things, towering far above the forest floor. Trunks as wide as a three-lane highway in some cases. The ground cover thins out to low ferns as the canopy arches far overhead. The light that filtered down from above was almost glowing green from shining through the leaves above.

Here, the forest is quieter, more serene than a forest would naturally be. It's almost as if the primeval forest was holding it's breath in the presence of something. There's a new scent in the air here - richly redolent of green growth and flowers, something female and... a breath of something almost reptilian ( ... )


pacifisted July 25 2010, 05:16:44 UTC
It is not the sight of unusual animals or gigantic plants that gets him wondering about where exactly he is. What bothers him is that there should be no way he could have gotten from the City to a place with that much foliage so fast; there is just no place around that exists to even possibly think of hiding that much green growth inside of it within many, many hours' travel.

Still, he keeps going. There's something about this place that just...

Trowa snarls at the sound of the person behind him, at first, spinning and lowering himself to the ground to prepare to spring if necessary. However, it isn't another creature come to be on the attack--it's a lady, and one rather unlike any one of them he's met before. She's shockingly tall, and very... well, she's very green, isn't she?

He can't make up his mind as to what he ought to do about her, and so repeatedly bares his teeth without making any actual sound, trying to figure out what she wants and whether or not scaring her off would be one of his brighter ideas.


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