All up in the blogs sayin' we met at the bar

Jul 22, 2010 06:38

WHO: Trowa Barton, A crowd of NPCs and 14 poor unsuspecting saps all under a curse, and anyone who sees this going on or gets dragged in by accident. ADD YOUR TAGS.
WHERE: Alllllll over the City.
WHEN: Thursday, July 22 (Day 1)
WARNINGS: Large amounts of hideous as the weekend wears on.
SUMMARY: The poor kid pissed off Aphrodite and then told her ( Read more... )

† bakura ryou | shiromadoushi, trowa barton | n/a, † kagamine rin | the flower girl, † parker | n/a, † aphrodite | goddess of love, † sheldon jeffery sands | weaver, *in progress

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Inside, Temporary office?, Open love_and_lace July 22 2010, 13:19:26 UTC
Aphrodite was feeling pleased with herself, as she usually was. Knowing that people (meaning Terra) wanted her powers allowed her to forget all of the naysayers and just continue on with business. Part of that business was making sure that everyone knew who she was. These mortals kept saying that only making one person fall in love didn’t prove anything, in that case she would just need to make lots of people fall in love at once. Luck had it that soon after that plan was formed, Trowa volunteered himself for this little spell.

It wasn’t her way to put on a spell and then stay back. She wanted to watch this one unfold and maybe push it along if she had to. Plus it should be good for a laugh or two. The benefits of being a goddess was that she could teleport anywhere she wanted to, and right now that was right in front of Trowa. She might have come in somewhere more hidden, but she forgot that she wasn’t able to make herself invisible anymore and could be clearly seen.


Re: Inside, Temporary office?, Open pacifisted July 22 2010, 13:42:02 UTC
Aphrodite's timing was, of course, impeccable.

Trowa sat there with his head resting on his forearms, bangs trailing across the shiny wooden surface of the desk, tired and annoyed. He'd just had to deny someone who thought that juggling with bricks despite having no talent or coordination would be a good idea; only the fact that the ex-pilot had good reflexes had saved his computer monitor from a premature death.

And then the man had given a sly smile and a comment--one about which Trowa still couldn't decide as to whether it had been meant with innocence or in the fashion in which he, having been raised by rowdy mercenaries, had immediately interpreted it.

He glanced up, putting on his secretary persona, dropping it again with a frown shortly thereafter.

"May I help you?"


love_and_lace July 22 2010, 13:57:30 UTC
Aphrodite went through a range of emotions in a short time in response. First she looked back in surprise that he could see her. That was shortly followed by a quick stomp of her foot that she still couldn’t make herself invisible to mortals. That only lasted a moment as she realized she looked ridiculous and that was not the image the goddess of love was going to give. She put her hands on her hips and gave him a flirty smile.

“Just came in to say hi,” she said innocently. “Nothing wrong with that right?”

While she hadn’t meant anything with the flirty attitude as it was normal for her, she couldn’t help but notice that…this mortal actually looked pretty good.


Was busy finishing and dropping off the cakes--back now pacifisted July 22 2010, 15:11:13 UTC
This kind of thing was the reason he failed to see why he ought to believe in any such thing as a goddess of love. From what little he'd heard growing up, deities were supposed to be powerful, respectable things with great and easily injured dignity.

Not busty blond women who stamped the ground like two year olds at not getting their way.

Cautiously, being far too suspicious of Aphrodite already after their first and last conversation, he replied:

"...I'm working. And you don't look like a circus performer."


Mmmm cakes... love_and_lace July 22 2010, 15:31:20 UTC
The beauty of being a Goddess is that you can act however you want and no one can make you do otherwise. It’s part of being all powerful. Being able to do anything you want included sitting on someone’s desk when they were making it clear they didn’t want you in the office at all.

“As if,” she said wrinkling her nose in disgust. Circuses were full of freaks, everyone knew that. It was hard to even look at some of them they were so gross.

Trowa though, he wasn’t gross. In fact for a mortal he was kind of…hot. The hair was definitely doing it for him, though he could stand to be wearing more flattering clothes. Maybe one of the shirtless numbers her temple muscle boys would wear. She stared at him hard as she imagined that. “Oh yeah,” she said out loud. “That would definitely work.”


If ever I see another bowl of vanilla frosting it'll be too soon pacifisted July 22 2010, 15:44:18 UTC
She had, in fact, parked her butt right on top of some of the design sketches for the contortionist acts; he nearly made a move to get them, but realized that doing so would involve pulling them from underneath her. There was nothing about the sketches, he realized, that was so important he would risk putting his hands anywhere near her. They could wait, and anyway, he had tracing paper in case they got crinkled.

The staring was beginning to unnerve him; few people had the guts to do it, as he often returned their gaze with a piercing glare of his own that sent them scurrying to look the other way again.

More so when she started talking to herself.

He rolled back a foot or two in the chair, keeping distance between himself and the rogue goddess. He could still remember her promise to make his life entertaining. From the way she was going on, he had no doubt in his mind that she was about to, if she hadn't already--but he wasn't sure he wanted to know how.

"Great. I'm busy. Move."


I so want frosting right now. Curse you lunch hour why must you be so far away! love_and_lace July 22 2010, 15:54:30 UTC
Aphrodite knew the spell she had put on him would attract mortals from all over, but she had no idea she was also being affected. It made far more sense that she just hadn’t noticed how cute he was when they were talking over those little boxes. After all, mortals could be cute and could smell good. It wasn’t like she was about to jump him, he was just more appealing than she had thought.

“What’s your rush?” she asked smiling at him. She looked around the room bouncing her legs off the side of the desk like a child.

“You don’t look that busy,” she started again with a look that was decidedly not childish. “Besides, you can’t want to circus freaks more than you’d want to talk to me~.”


Because it is torture. pacifisted July 22 2010, 16:04:23 UTC
If he'd heard her train of thought he would probably have turned as pale as his partner, completely unused to the idea of anyone else thinking of him as such. Which was... odd, considering his show-off tendencies, but it wasn't the only gap in logic the boy suffered from, and it more than likely wouldn't be the last.

Her leg-kicking caused some pencils on the left side to jitter around; he placed his hand over the writing implements to still them and then moved them to their little mesh storage can.

"I prefer quiet people," he retorted, returning his hands to his lap and lacing his fingers together. "Ferdinand is mute. You should learn from him."


love_and_lace July 22 2010, 16:24:40 UTC
Aphrodite’s jaw dropped in shock that he would say that to her. Here she is complimenting this lowly…really pretty and muscled… mortal and he goes and insults her.

Love spell or not, no one insulted Aphrodite without retaliation. The spell was still growing so Aphrodite had most of her faculties in place even if the mortal was dripping sex. If he had apologized and fawned on her she might have even taken off the spell. No one wants a flee in their hair after all. He was stuck with the spell now though.

“Excuse you?” she said hoping off the desk to stand over him in the chair. “It’s not everyone who gets a visit from a goddess you know. You should be a little more respectful.”


pacifisted July 22 2010, 18:53:28 UTC
He'd said worse to people who'd held his life in their hands, and come out all the better for it; that was, of course, not to mention the fact that he'd figured she probably already had cursed him in some way. The poor boy did so seem to be lacking in mythological knowledge, however, and had not thought that she would be able to increase its power or do whatever else she thought of to make his life even more miserable in some other horrific way. Spells were spells, weren't they?

Besides. Puck had maken him unable to do anything but babble his every thought, once. He could shrug off strangers. Talking without reason was worse.

For now.

"Those who want respect should earn it. No soldier will obey orders given by a poor Captain."


love_and_lace July 22 2010, 19:54:01 UTC
“Soldiers and captain…you sound like one of Ares’ mortals,” Aphrodite was pouting now. It was always terrible when mortals didn’t respect her just by virtue of her being her. It was so much worse when the mortal in question was so hunky. She hated soldier and war metaphors.

She was so mad at him, but instead of just vanishing she just started walking behind his chair. “Really, I’m not a captain so that metaphor doesn’t work,” she said flippantly. “I mean…" she broke off the sentence and draped her arms over the back of the chair and Trowa's shoulders, "how can you compare the goddess of love to something so ordinary.”

Personal space was such a stupid concept.


oo lordy i'm sorry she done made a mistake there pacifisted July 22 2010, 20:14:29 UTC
His concept of personal space was somewhat twisted from the usual. The real Trowa Barton--the man whose name he'd stolen--had been able to come up and hang on his shoulders to show him a picture. There was a difference between someone who was both the superior officer responsible for giving a guy the steady job that kept him fed and in contact with the Heavyarms suit and happened to be family to the Foundation that was intent on destroying the Earth, and an overly invasive woman who would have made a three-toed sloth run in terror.

The moment she touched his shoulders, he was out of the seat, jumping onto the desk and bouncing off again to land some feet away. As he sailed through the air, his body rippled up and out into the ungodly bloodthirsty were-lion form he'd become so used to using. Perhaps she'd seen something like it before; perhaps not. Either way, if he couldn't order her out he'd have to try frightening her, and if that didn't work, then he would have to leave ( ... )


LOLOL! oops :) love_and_lace July 22 2010, 20:41:18 UTC
Aphrodite was not used to men spurning her advances. She was even less used to them suddenly turning into a giant lion-thing. She was definitely scared of it since it was looking at her none to happy and she was a mortal now. For all she knew she could get hurt.

However the magic flee was still on that lion and another part of her couldn’t help but think he was so cool.

“Hey now, kitty” she said backing up right into a corner (as was clearly the best way to escape.) She put her arms out in front of her in sign of surrender. Surely he’d calm down. If he did anything else like charge, she would teleport out of there.


pacifisted July 23 2010, 13:55:26 UTC
For some reason, his shoulder was itching, but he ignored it about as stoically as he did most other things in life. Human bodies itched all the time for different and bizarre reasons, some of them so ridiculous as a hair poking at a bit of skin where it shouldn't be. The other shapes he could wear suffered from it just as much. Nothing to pay attention to.

Trowa stalked forward a pace or two, the heavy, platter-sized footpaws thudding softly against the shiny tile, and bared his fangs. The words were as thick and clumsy as they always were with that mouth, but he managed to get them out anyway.

"I. Have work. Go away."

Someone would be coming in the next five minutes for an appointment. He didn't want them to see this. Perhaps he could lift her up and put her outside...


love_and_lace July 23 2010, 14:36:16 UTC
Aphrodite pouted when she was told to leave. All she was doing was some harmless flirting. It wasn't her fault that Trowa was overly sensitive and apparently actually a cat.

"Fine," she said huffily. If he wanted to be alone that much she'd just wait for him to calm down. Hopefully the love spell would help him get over his fears of being touched.

She gave him one last angry pout before disappearing into golden sparkles.


pacifisted July 24 2010, 15:11:39 UTC
He waited that way for a minute or two after she poofed into nothingness, eyes narrowed, whiskers twitching. Try as he might, though, he couldn't smell her anywhere in the office anymore--and for that, he was relieved.

Forcing himself to calm down and pick up the pieces of his mask as the one Immovable Object of the universe, Trowa moved back to his seat at the desk and tried to put the papers she'd sat herself down on into something of a proper order.

After that horror, even the brick-juggler returning for more would almost have been a welcome distraction.


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