Pieces Left Behind 3/?

Apr 27, 2011 08:20

Title: Pieces Left Behind
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Seen Jericho Season 1 & 2? Know who Sam, Dean and Gabriel are? You're good.
Word Count: 3564
Summary: A mushroom cloud in Denver spells panic for the small town of Jericho, and when a storm that is suspected to be radioactive comes upon the town, Bill gets caught in it, even if briefly, and it changes his life along with other peoples' lives from then on...

Part 1
| part 2 | part 3| part 4| part 5 (coming soon)

Dean watched anxiously as they looked at Bill sprawled out on the bed in the night and Sam at one point sighed and muttered about getting the food from the car or it would finally spoil. He nodded to Sam and then once his brother left he looked closely at Bill and then got up and went over to him and rubbed a hand along the sleeping deputy’s back and started massaging his back, right where Gabriel’s wings would be… The effect was instantaneous, Bill letting out a low moan of pleasure and pushing into Dean’s hands, Dean grinning and keeping it up. Yet the material of the jacket and shirt got annoying to Dean so he carefully took those off, hoping Bill would be bare chested after that, but he saw the deputy had a undershirt on, or a wife beater…

Dean bit his lip as he saw the well defined muscles of bill’s arms and the curve of his midsection. He could see these muscles even through the undershirt, yet they were loose from lack of use, yet Dean wasn’t bothered by that…bill had been in the hospital with radiation poisoning, he should be allowed to be a bit under his peak…. Especially since the man had thought he was going to die…. Dean started massaging Bill’s back and he started thinking about Gabriel, wondering how Bill’s soul and Gabriel’s grace were getting along at this point, as it seemed Gabriel’s stubborn attitude was coming through well, as was his sense of Justice and order…Maybe Gabriel’s grace was just heightening what was already in Bill…? The man is a deputy after all, there had to be reasons why he was there in the first place besides for the money which frankly, in Dean’s opinion, doesn’t pay enough.

Dean started rubbing the muscles of Bill’s back and shoulders gently yet firmly… Bill let out moaning sounds, hell even happy sounds as Dean did this, the tension very clearly seeming to melt away from the deputy…. Dean grinned as he did this and tried to ignore the excitement of his cock at all these happy sounds and moans from Bill. Two hours later when Bill was now completely relaxed Dean leaned forward and kissed the top of his dusty dirty blonde hair and then he got up and stroked Bill’s cheek lightly before he went and picked up Alyssa’s body and took it down to the basement and silently got Sam to help him prepare it for a burial…
Sam worked quietly for a bit before looking to Dean.

“I saw what you were doing,” He said after a moment and Dean shrugged.

“Just helping him physically relax…I have no clue what’s going on in that head of his…” Dean muttered and Sam sighed.

“He could have woken up while you were doing that, and what would your reply to his question have been?” Sam asked as they covered the body and Dean who rolled his eyes.

“’Sorry….you were moving around a lot and you looked uncomfortable so I thought this would help you calm down,’” Dean said and Sam eyed him for a moment, seeming to approve the fake excuse, and without another word they went upstairs. Dean looked up the second flight of stairs for a moment and then looked to Sam.

“Did you bring in the food?” Sam nodded and showed him where he put it and Dean snagged a can of raviolis and weighed it in his hands for a minute before putting it back and looked at the other food they had there. It had helped out Bill’s dwindling supply…and Jessica might like some of the stuff they had. Like they had some mac and cheese boxes and then a bag of dries pasta and then some chocolate they had hidden at the back…They’d found for some reason Bill’s house still had power, so the put the perishable that they hadn’t deemed too far gone in the fridge, though it smelled like Sam had stuck em in boiled water for a bit, as if in an attempt the boil away the germs before he stuck it in the fridge all wrapped up…But then Dean noticed there were veggies and some of the pasta and chunks of the meat in there and he chuckled.

“Shoulda known you were making a stew,” Dean chuckled and Sam shrugged.

“Never know when he’s gonna wake, and he’s gonna want some food…he was looking at us weird earlier too….like he could see through us…and then the way he was looking at his hands… I don’t know I just think he will be a very hungry man when he comes down those stairs…” Sam said softly as he looked around at the spices and herbs and added some salt to the stew and tasted it a bit and tilted his head a bit and let Dean taste some.

“Damn! Awesome cooking skill are definitely in ya, Sammy,” Dean chuckled and Sam smiled sheepishly and kept the stew on a simmer as he sat down at the table, his journal being pulled out of his pocket and Sam started rifling through it and then went to the nearest page and started writing down the recipe and then after he started writing something else and Dean just sighed and went around the house and then upstairs and he hesitantly passed Bill’s room and went to the daughter’s room and frowned. She wasn’t there. He looked back to Bill’s room and saw it was opened a bit. He smiled and then went in quietly and saw Jessica looking at her dad and then she looked to Dean and went over to him quietly.

“Where’s mommy?” She asked softly and Dean sighed and held her close.

“Your mommy…passed away this morning, honey, I’m sorry,” He said softly and Jessica’s eyes widened and she started crying and Dean picked her up and took her downstairs so bill could keep sleeping in peace, God knows the poor guy needed it…

Sam looked up at Dean as he brought Jessica down and immediately came to their side.

“You told her?” He asked, and Dean nodded. Sam took Jessica and sat down with her at the couch and talked softly with her, rubbing her back. Sam and Dean both kept her company until she fell asleep, and they stayed down there for the next few hours until she woke and asked for food, in which they went over to the stew in the kitchen, it’s aroma having filled the house and made their stomachs grumble, but they hadn’t wanted to leave her alone in the living room. They poured the stew into a bowl for her and then watched her taste it, proclaim it yummy and wolf it down happily, having seconds. They both smiled at her and she claimed she wanted to go back to sleep, so Dean picked her up and took her upstairs, telling her everything was going to be fine.

Dean then pulled a chair out from a living space upstairs and sat in the hallway, listening to both Koehlers sleep… He himself got comfy and eventually fell asleep in the chair.
When he woke he found he was warm and his whole body was loose and completely relaxed, not a tense muscle in his body. He felt the lingering sensation that meant someone had actually been massaging him. All the knots and tensions from the past few weeks and months were all worked out and relaxed. He just lay there and enjoyed the feeling before he heard a thump outside in the hall of something falling over. But before he could move he heard Dean’s voice cursing and a groan. Bill heard footsteps and another voice…

“Dean…Think we should wake him up? He’s been out for almost fifteen hours….” Sam’s voice…Bill dimly registered as there was a huff from Dean.

“No, leave him alone Sammy…and fuck that chair… Go check on the kid I’ll check on him…” Dean mumbled and then there were retreating footsteps that masked Dean’s own. Bill only knew he was in the room from the dip of the bed under Dean’s weight and then Bill felt hands on his back and felt them gently starting to rub his already tensing muscles from this but something about the way Dean was massaging him made his mind go to jelly as he relaxed under the touch and his eyes fluttered open and he blinked sleep out of his eyes as he shifted a bit and Dean paused while he did that before continuing once more.

Dean moved his hands to his shoulders, right at the point between Bill’s shoulders and holy shit that felt good! His muscles flexed at the movements like remembering something he didn’t have anymore…

Dean chuckled and rubbed at the muscles a bit and that got a response from Bill, he let out a gasp at the feel of it and he felt like something…something was missing from him but he didn’t know what it was.

“Shit, Bill, you okay?” Dean asked, concern lacing his voice and Bill let out a indistinct mutter before pushing his back against Dean’s hands, he couldn’t help but remind himself of a cat.

“Keep doin’ that…feels good,” He mutter as he heard Dean let out a breath of air and he started working on that area, on the muscles that seemed to flutter at Dean’s touches and ministrations to his back.

“Feel like I’mma melt into the bed,” Bill says with a faint laugh, his voice slurred with pleasure from the massage...

“Sounds like I’m doing this right then,” Dean said in a low voice that made Bill’s heart skip a few beats and it got his chest to warm up… And it was a good kind of feeling but Dean suddenly yelped and pulled his hands back.

“Son of a bitch!” Dean growled as he shook his hands and Bill shifted and looked back at him with a raised brow.
Dean looked at him and just grimaced.

“My hands cramped up and hurts like hell,” He explained and Bill just shrugged and just now noticed he was in his undershirt and that the rest of his deputy’s uniform was still on. He looked to the side and saw his shirt and t-shirt discarded on the other side of the bed and Bill frowned and looked to Dean.

“Did you take my shirts off?” He asked and Dean looked to him, still rubbing his hands.

“Yeah, fourteen hours ago. You looked uncomfortable in your sleep and well…I just wanted to help so I tried easing up the tension in your back, neck and shoulders but they kept getting in the way so…” He shrugs, “If its any consolation, it seemed to really help…” Dean trailed off and sat down.

Bill knew something was up with the man but he didn’t say anything, he also didn’t mention just how much he’d liked the massage when he actually got to feel it just now…and a part of him wanted more…. But then he caught a whiff of something that smelled…awesome and his stomach growled loudly and angrily and Bill found himself blushing in embarrassment though why he should be embarrassed he had no

Dean then laughed.

“We made stew, so when you’re ready you can come and eat it and then we can bury your wife where you want,” He said softly and Bill looked sharply to Dean.

“So that…that wasn’t a nightmare?” He asked with wide eyes, and Dean sadly shook his head. He went over to Bill and hugged him close.

“You did great though, not often that someone can tell when a person has been possessed,” Dean says in a soft voice before he runs a hand carelessly through Bill’s hair and then he gets up.

“Hey…Dean…if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you are flirting with me…” Bill says as he gets up and unbuckles the belt that held his gun and setting it aside. He doesn’t notice Dean blush but he does notice the way Dean’s…aura or whatever seems to get tinted with a pinkish color. Dean just laughed.

“No, I wasn’t you’re just tired and I was just trying to help you out…now come down and eat when you’re ready, my brother made an awesome stew,” and with that Dean left the room and Bill watched him after. He felt a pang of guilt over something and he tried to shake it off but his conscious wouldn’t let it go… He closed and locked the door and he changed into different clothes, but he paused when he saw his reflection.

Something was off and when he got closer he saw his hair had gotten lighter, some weird shade of blonde that looked a bit like gold. There was something odd going on with his back, his shoulder blades itched and yet he couldn’t see anything bugging them… he shifted a bit and noticed how he clearly needed to work out again… Bill sighed and went and snagged some jeans and a fresh pair of boxers and put them on and then traded his undershirt for a plain gray t-shirt and he went down stairs. He then went to the kitchen where there was a hot bowl of stew on the table waiting for him and Dean and Sam were sitting there eating their own bowl fulls.

Bill took in a deep breath, his stomach growling even more and he started to eat but stopped and did a silent prayer, more or less for the general well being of everyone of Jericho, of Sam, Dean and Jessica…and for whatever was going on with him…that it wasn’t a bad thing…
When he opened his eyes again he saw Sam and Dean take in a breath as if something was wrong, but they didn’t say anything. Bill just shrugged to himself and ate his first bite of the stew and his eyes widened at the taste.

“Whoa! That’s got a definite punch to it,” He chuckled and looked up to Sam and saw him grinning. He then dug into his bowl of food enjoying every taste, he could taste the subtle things in it too that made it all the more awesome to taste. When he got to the end of the bowl he got up and put some more in the bowl. He ate three bowlfuls before he sat back, full.

“Damn, you were one hungry deputy,” Dean chuckled and Bill let out a huff.

“I haven’t had a decent meal since the bomb dropped. Now…where did you get all this anyway? I know I only had some carrots and other stuff that would be bland in a soup and stew...You guys didn’t steal all of this from the town did you?” He asked, suddenly business and Sam started laughing.

“Dude! No! We killed a deer or two a day ago, few hours before we came into town and we have an icebox…We skinned and gutted the deer and put the usable bits in the cooler and then came into town. We have a whole stock of food…Our dad was a General in Vietnam. He taught us how to survive in just these kinds of conditions,” Sam said as Dean grinned.

“We figured you’re giving us a place to stay and we’ll give you what food water and gas we have left. That and we’ll help however you want us to. You’re the one that trusted us, you brought us into your home, you gave us clean clothes…you didn’t have to do any of that,” Dean said quietly, Bill noticed Dean was still rubbing his palms a bit and now that Bill could see them, he saw they were red and mildly burned. How had that happened?

“What decent person wouldn’t have done that?” He asked as he washed his bowl. Sam and Dean were silent.

“A lot of them concerned for their lives…” Dean said after a moment, his voice low and sad. Bill looked back and saw both men were looking at the table, “No-one would help us because come on…look at us we’re in our twenties and we’re taller than the average person…we eat more than most…we had to sleep in our car…The bastards would promise a place if we worked and earned out keep for it…They lied. They were just taking advantage of our size…Then they’d kick us out when what they needed was done…” Dean looked away, “They tried to make us an offer one time…Sam goes I stay and live. Sam…Sam wasn’t doing too well, he was sick with the flu and people thought he had radiation poisoning. I told them to shove it and left town with Sam, stole as much of their food as I could the bastards…it helped Sam though… We camped out and he eventually got over it…Nearly ran out of the food we stole at one point so I left him with a gun and he knew what to do if some person tried to get close enough to my car or him…Killed a few rabbits that passed by him and when I got back he was making rabbit stew…” He smiled faintly, “That was two weeks ago.”

“What about your friend? You said he died…” Bill said and both men visibly flinched at the mention and Dean looked away, Sam instead spoke.

“We…we were headed to New Bern and…and our friend…Gabriel…he…He got attacked, or well we got attacked while we were camping…It was out of nowhere…” Sam shuddered and Bill frowned. Wait…they’d called him Gabriel earlier…
“He was up, he was always up…he hated to sleep cause of reasons like this, that people would try and sneak up and steal out food, so we always had him on duty for night watch while we slept. I remember hearing a gunshot and waking up and he was standing there shooting his Beretta and shooting iy like crazy. He never really had much training but for what we taught him… We pulled out guns and started looking for the attacker… We found him…but not before he shot Gabriel full of three holes…heard, gut….and shoulder…” Sam whispered and he fidgeted.

“W-we killed the guys attacking us and we tried to help him but…he…” Dean shuddered and still was looking away, ”He died in my arms as I was getting the bullet out of his shoulder…” Dean closed his eyes and then looked to Bill and Bill could see how tortured Dean was and he swallowed.

“What do I have to do with this?” He asked after a moment and both boys blinked and looked to him.

“What do you mean?” Dean asked and Bill shook his head.

“When we first met, you called me Gabriel, why?” Bill asked and Dean paled and looked away. Sam had even paled but he didn’t look away.

“Because…he kinda looked like you, just shorter hair and…well his hair looked more like it was gold in the right light…I think we both kinda just…” Sam frowned trying to find the right phrase to describe it…

“Were too fresh from his death?” Bill asked softly and Sam nodded and Bill just frowned but he ran a hand through his hair, he knew there was more to their story, he could feel it in his bones, but he wasn’t going to push. He instead got up.

“Well I’ve got a wife to bury…” He says as he looks to them and they nodded and got up and they brought the covered body out and started digging the hole for her….

That was when Jimmy came and he arrived and saw Bill and the boys digging and saw the body and he gasped when he lifted the sheet to see who it was.

“Oh my God, Bill, what happened?” Jimmy asked as Bill stopped digging but the other two continued. Bill just looked to her body and knew right away what had happened, he didn’t need to make it up…

“Her heart gave out, all this crap going on…it was just too much for her,” He said quietly and soon found himself pulled into a hug by his fellow officer.

“I’m sorry to pull you away like this but…Graci was murdered and we need you to guard her store for now…Mitchell was saying that Jonah was behind it so we’re going after him,” Jimmy says and Bill sighs.

“Let me finish this Jimmy, then I’ll come and help out,” He said quietly, and Jimmy nodded and then stopped and said he’d help out. So soon all four had finished digging the grave and placed Alyssa into it. Bill said a few final words and a final prayer…
“O Loving Father and Savior, send your angels to carry the soul of your servant from this earth to the heavenly place of eternal and everlasting life. Let family and friends who have passed before in faith be reunited in joy with the departed. Forgive any wrongs that have been committed and welcome this beloved spirit into the warm embrace of your unending peace. Amen.” Jimmy mirrored the amen and Bill turned and started to walk away, feeling a sense of peace after saying those words, he didn’t see the looks on Sam and Dean’s faces before they started filling in the hole…

jake green, gabriel, pairing: dean/gabriel, bill, fanfiction, dean winchester, sam, jericho, demons, fic: crossover, dean, winchester, supernatural

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