Pieces Left Behind 2/?

Apr 26, 2011 07:54

Title: Pieces Left Behind
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Seen Jericho Season 1 & 2? Know who Sam, Dean and Gabriel are? You're good.
Word Count: 2939
Summary: A mushroom cloud in Denver spells panic for the small town of Jericho, and when a storm that is suspected to be radioactive comes upon the town, Bill gets caught in it, even if briefly, and it changes his life along with other peoples' lives from then on...

Part 1
| part 2 | part 3| part 4| part 5 (coming soon)

Bill fidgeted for a good ten minutes before he got up and pounded on the door.
“Hurry up you slowpokes, we don’t have all day and I’m needed out there!” He calls, only for the door to open and he blinks and finds himself face to face with Dean and Sam, both men having shaved and huh…They both looked better for it.

“I guess the clothes fit huh?” He said as he looked them over before looking back up to them. He hated that they were like giants next to him.
“Yeah…how did you know our size, they fit perfectly…,” Dean said with a frown but Bill shrugged.

“Don’t ask me, I just took a guess at your sizes and got clothes,” Bill said with a shrug before leading them out, noticing they held their clothes still and had guns at their waists. He watched them go to the impala and put their clothes inside and put on holsters for their guns and Bill got suspicious but he still didn’t get that ‘danger!’ vibe off of them…

“Hey Bill, can you help us unpack these?” Jake called and Bill nodded and left the boys, who glanced back at him and then followed after a moment and silently put on gloves and started helping Bill. He started sorting through the boxes when people started getting angry when Bill and Jimmy along with a few others that were helping the mayor. The townsfolk started taking things and the mayor came out and Bill was yelling until finally…

He grabbed his gun and shot off a round, everyone screaming and stopping.

“EVERYBODY DROP WHAT YOU HAVE AND TAKE A STEP BACK! NOW!” He yelled and his gut wrenched as he gave the order and for some reason ordering felt…felt right. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he held the gun and he felt a thrill that he hadn’t felt before…

“Bill! Put that damn gun away, now!” The mayor yelled at him and Bill looked to the mayor with wide eyes before they narrowed as he put the gun back in it’s holster.

“At least I got their damned attention; they can’t just steal food and get away with it! There needs to be some order in this town!” Bill growled at the Mayor who scowled at him.

“I know that Bill, but you know we don’t have the man power to enforce anything, now SIT DOWN and calm down!” The mayor said sternly to him and Bill took in his breath and straightened to his full height.

“No,” He growled and he didn’t notice the Winchester brothers exchanging meaningful looks with each other behind his back.

“Excuse me?” The mayor took a step forward and Bill felt all eyes on them…

“I said no. I’m not staying out of this damn situation any longer. I’m not useless!” And with that Bill went back to sorting through the packages. A streetlamp nearby shattered randomly as Bill dropped a box, still angry and fuming. He silently worked with Sam and Dean putting boxes in Gabriel’s shop before coming out to hear …

“This food might have to last us through the winter, Gray!” Bill blinked and put down the box he had started to pick up and went over to the mayor.

“Through the winter? My family is hungry now, not when you decide we are! -“ He started to say but there was a hand on his shoulder and he looked back to find it was Dean.

“Bill, they’re just trying to figure out a way to distribute it…it’s better than just giving it all out right away…believe me…We were in New Burn…and their situation is a whole lot worse than yours… Please…just don’t make a fuss when there isn’t one…” Dean said in a quiet voice. Bill blinked as he felt something in him uncoil and he swallowed and nodded and Jake went up to Dean and then Sam and asked their names and started to talk to him…

Bill left several others to do the work as later they were alerted of something going on with the generator and he was brought into the Sheriff’s office with a group of other people only to find out that Jonah had taken a generator from the airdrop.

“And we are not firing off any shots until I say so,” They mayor said and he looked directly at Bill who returned the stern look evenly.

“Yes, sir,” He managed to grit out and they left Gray Anderson behind and Bill went out to the porch and pulled a waterbottle out of his pocket and took a long drought of it and stumbled on a few steps and nearly went crashing into the pavement, but found he’d been caught by someone, and he looked up to find it was Sam who had caught him.

“You’ve got fast reflexes,” He mumbled as he capped off the water and straightened, a few people asking if he was alright and he’d answer with yes as Sam just smiled sadly at him.

“Yeah…” Sam said quietly as he let go of Bill and straightened and Bill started to leave when Sam’s voice stopped him.
“Be careful out there, even the strong men can falter and die in the conditions out there…Our friend we were traveling with was one of those men…” Sam said and Bill felt a chill go down his spine. Why did he get a feeling Sam was talking about him with those words?

He looked back over his shoulder though and smiled at Sam, “I’m always careful,” He chuckled and he saw some tension in Sam’s shoulders ease up, “I promise you, I will come back and then…I’ll see what I can do about you and your brother, I get a feeling sleeping in a church isn’t your style,” He then turned his back on Sam and went to a truck and yet he head Sam laughing and heard Dean’s voice and the excited chatter of Sam’s voice.

He drove with the rest to Jonah’s compound and he stayed by a truck guarding the weapons while having his own at the ready… He watched the talk and then the Mayor came back and looked to him and he nodded, getting his rifle and then passing it to the mayor when ready…

In the end, Emily had stolen the flatbed with the generator and crashed it through the fence and drove it off, just like that.
Bill remembered shaking his head and laughing as he ended up back in the truck and driving back toward town. He left the Truck on main street and saw that the boys were back by their impala and he waved at them and he saw them bring water bottles down away from their lips and they picked up another and started to offer it to Bill who shook his head.

“Keep it, I’ve got some at my house which…Well I think my wife would be willing to house you two,” He says with a small smile and he can’t help but notice the shock and hurt crossing Dean’s face but before he can comment on it, Sam is getting Bill’s attention.

“We’d be glad to accept what help we can get, we’ll make sure to help out as best we can in exchange,” Sam says before Bill nods.

“Ah…it’s a few streets down and I’m barely standing. Mind giving me a ride? I’ll tell you how to get there,” He said with a tired smile now. He really needed a nice long nap or something, now that he wasn’t busy he could feel a headache starting and he wanted to stop it cold before it could cause problems.

“Alright…Hey Dean how about you sit in the passenger seat this time you look tired from that work…” Sam says to Dean pointedly and the brother puts up a fuss and Bill facepalms before getting in the back and closing the door. That gets Dean’s attention and he’s in the passenger seat without another word. Sam mutters indistinctly and starts the car, following Bill’s instruction to get to his home, which is a nice two story one and Bill couldn’t help but feel proud, they’d bought it about a year ago after years of working hard to save up for it.

“You live here?” Sam asked as he turned off the engine after setting the car in park.

“Yup! Me my wife and girl, Jessica,” He said with a grin as he got out and when he did the door opened and a girl came running down the porch and across the lawn, she is about eight and has long dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes like her father.

“Daddy!” Jessica yelled and Bill laughed and ran over to her and scooped her up and spun her around, laughing. Joy, pure joy and happiness was all he felt as he held his child and soon draped his arm over hs wife who had come out and was sobbing in his hold.

“Alyssa, shhh…” He whispered as he nuzzled his nose to hers and then kissed her on the lips briefly, “We’ll be fine sweetheart, I’m fine and alive,” He says softly and Alyssa looked up at him with teary eyes.

“How, Bill, how are you alive and the blisters…they’re gone!” She said as she looked him over and Bill pulled her in and kissed her again.

“Eeew daddy!” Jessica giggled. Bill pulled away and grinned before turning to the two men by the impala. Dean was smiling faintly and Sam was beaming at the scene he saw before him.

“Who are they?” Jessica asked and Alyssa seconded the question.

“Well, this is Sam and Dean, they just arrived in town, they’re refugees,” He said as Sam approached and offered his hand to Alyssa and she took it and shook his hand and then Sam knelt down next to Alyssa.

“Hey there!” He said cheerfully, pushing bangs out of his eyes and Jessica? She hugged him. Yup, Sam was a charmer. Bill looked to Dean who had come up quietly and had already shook hands with Alyssa. He was watching quietly and seemed much more subdued.

“Come on, let’s go inside, it’s chilly out,” He said and Sam lifted Jessica up, chattering with her happily and Dean followed them into the house like a ghost. Sam and Dean looked around the house and seemed in awe at the hardwood paneling and just how homey it felt. They sat on the couch and Jessica pestered them for a bit before leaving and going upstairs. Bill went in the other room with Alyssa and talked quietly with her.

She didn’t seem to get why Bill wanted the two in the house and when she said they could find somewhere else Bill shook his head.

“They don’t have anywhere else to go!” He growls, “Can’t you tell? They haven’t been anywhere solid for a month! What kind of people are we if we don’t take them in?” He asked and Alyssa sighed, “Come on, we have two guest rooms,” He pointed out and Alyssa caved.

“Alright…” She says as Bill grins and kisses her, “But I don’t get it…are they friends of yours? Cause you seem really fond of them…for having just met them…”

“They have been nothing but helpful and I am giving them a chance,” And he sighs as he looks at Alyssa.

“Please…give them a chance too?” He said in a soft voice only for Alyssa to leave the room and go upstairs. Bill sits on his stool and puts his head to the surface of the counter and sighs. He lets a sigh escape him. He’s like that for a while before he gets up and gets himself a water bottle, for the first time realizing he isn’t hungry…
Dean sat quietly in the front room, Sam sighing next to them as they heard the conversation going on in the kitchen. Dean shifted his hands and looked to Sam.

“I’ve lost him, haven’t I?” He asked softly and Sam sighed and then watched as Alyssa went upstairs looking angry and Sam looked back to Dean and raised his brows.

“I don’t think so…” He said softly as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Remember…it’s only been about ten hours…” Sam whispers as Bill moved around the kitchen and then he nudged Dean off the couch, “Go talk to him…”

Dean sighs and nods, getting up and going into the kitchen and sees Bill hunched over the table and staring out the window from his position, a glass of water and some advil in front of him as he took a drink of water and downed the pills without moving his gaze from the window and the scenery outside.

“You alright?” Dean asked him as he sat next to Bill, noticing the man’s eyes were almost a pure gold color right now and even as he snapped out of whatever trance and whatnot that he’d been in, the rest of the color started returning to his eyes. It was almost like….like Gabriel had been shining through in that moment. Bill looked to Dean and he seemed to be taking in his appearance and his eyes met Dean’s for a moment and Dean felt like he was staring at someone with huge potential due to his mixed identities…
Bill looked away and let out a soft laugh.

“Just a headache, nothing to worry about…but I am tired…” He gets up and opens a drawer and takes out two keys and presses them both into Dean’s hands. Dean savored the feel of the warm skin against his.

“God help me if I’m making a mistake…but I trust you and your brother for some random reason…Don’t lose these keys, they were supposed to be the spares.” Bill said with a small chuckle and he started to leave the room when Dean stopped him and pulled him into a warm hug. Bill smiled at him and patted his back.

“I’ll see you later, Deano,” Bill said before going up the stairs. It’s only just after that Dean realizes…Bill had called him by Gabriel’s nickname for him…
Bill went up to the bedroom, where Alyssa was sitting on a chair and Bill looked over to her and a simple glance got him pulling his gun faster than Alyssa could say a word.

“Put the gun down Alyssa,” He said with a growl to his voice and Alyssa just smirked at him, a black aura surrounded her and Bill could see black in her eyes…

She just smiled and pulled back the safety on the gun she held and brought her finger to the trigger.

“It’s sad really, she was hoping to save you some way so she summoned me…tsk, it’s pathetic really, and she herself was all but dead,” Alyssa mused as Bill kept the gun up, eyes narrowed at his wife. Adrenaline, anxiety, fear and something else were building up in him. This something else felt like an incredible force even as Alyssa shot the gun, Bill ducked and could fucking see the bullet as it went through the air. He then ran at and tackled Alyssa as the boys ran up the stairs and Bill chanted out something in enochian, he wasn’t even aware of what he’d done, just that when he backed away, Alyssa was screaming and a black smoke came from her and tried to escape the room, but Bill said one word in enochian, ‘die’ and clenched his fist, the smoke exploded in a burst of gold fire.

“Bill?” Dean whispered as Bill looked toward him, his eyes all gold colored at the moment and he then looked to his wife on the floor.

“She’s dead isn’t she?” He asked after a moment, sitting down on the bed, pushing bangs out of his face. Dean went and checked.

“Yeah…looks like that demon was the only thing keeping her up…” Dean said softly and bill looked to him, that odd….force settling in his chest and Bill absently rubbed at it as Sam peeked in. Bill looked to the boys, their lights or auras or whatever were strong and Sam’s was a green brown and Dean’s a more emerald color…

That’s when the drain on his strength hit him and for a moment he didn’t see the boys, he saw light the color of their weirdass auras and then white a the core of them, and when he looked at his hands he saw a gold thrumming light in the shape of his hands…He looked to the side and saw gold light shaped like wings….and he blinked at this before it all went black and he passed out….

The darkness was soft, but it wasn’t peaceful…no there were voices chattering away and in so many different conversations and in each one he heard his voice, he felt a strain in his chest for a long moment and then it eased up…and a sort of clarity settled on him. The Angel…Gabriel…he’d said he was dying and he wanted to heal Bill…what if, in getting him healed he had to….do something in his body or something? Bill’s head pounded for a moment and then he would have frowned if he’d been outside his own head. What had he been thinking again?

He felt warm in this darkness, warm and comforted as he shifted and memories were somehow being slipped in that weren’t his, but he didn’t know that. To him it was all his…just with him going by different names…

jake green, gabriel, pairing: dean/gabriel, bill, dean winchester, sam, jericho, demons, fic: crossover, dean, winchester, johnston green, supernatural

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