Demons and the Angel 1/5

Apr 27, 2011 19:04

 Title: Demons and the Angel
Author: candylovinangel
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Seen SPN Season 5? Know who Sam, Dean and Gabriel are? You're good.
Word Count: 1685
Summary: The gift of a renewed life is tainted by one thing, and that one thing gets Gabriel into a lot of trouble...

His sword was removed…it could no longer pin him, even as the last of his grace was spent healing his fatal wound…His eyes fluttered open, the light of the moon seemed to shine down upon him through the windows where he lay…It's rays cool and chilling as he struggled to sit up..He didn't feel them anymore…His wings…They're gone…They were his pride, his joy to show off when he could properly…but now…

Gabriel struggled to his feet, reaching out to grab one of the tables that had been there when he died…He couldn't say who had removed the sword…all he knew was that…he needed to leave. Yet that seemed impossible to do right now…it surprised him how weak he was even as for the first time hunger clawed at his stomach… When he got up he looked at the floors and saw that the ground and tables had been scorched…He really had been dead…He noted as he saw his wing patterns burned into the floor and tablecloth of both tables…

Gabriel turned his head away from the sight and left, noting that his sword was nowhere to be seen… He searched the hotel, looking for any sort of food that was edible and was not a human body part…Which he noted even they were spoiled as he stepped over the half decomposed bodies of the pagan gods.

He left the hotel, taking with him several blankets from the room he had sent Dean and Sam to what felt like yesterday… He shifted a blanket so that it covered him and yet so it didn't drag so that he'd be somewhat warm as he walked along the highway, looking for anyone to pick him up and give him a ride. He wouldn't be awake to see that as a few hours in, he collapsed of exhaustion, sprawled out on the side of the road….
Dean picked up the newspaper for the morning and brought it inside, going to the counter and taking a long sip of his coffee, black as usual. He sat there and skimmed through it and rolled his eyes as he saw the political race getting even more annoying now more than ever. He skimmed through the rest of the paper, coming to the missing persons section. He saw a familiar picture there…He frowned when he saw the caption…

'Man found out on the highway, unconscious. If anyone knows who this man is, call the number below for details.' Dean frowned and stared at the picture…No it couldn't be…Gabriel had died over a year ago…but then again Sam and Samuel had been brought back… He picked up the phone and called the number, going into the living room and sitting on the couch as the phone rang and someone answered it.

"Hi, um, I saw your notice in the paper, about the man that you found, he's my friend Gabriel," Dean said as he stared at the black and white picture the paper always had, "What's happened with him?" Dean asked as he grabbed a piece of paper and started jotting down the information he was being told.

"Alright, my name is Dean Winchester, I'll be there as soon as possible. Thank you," And Dean hung up, setting the phone down and looking to Lisa, who had been standing in the doorway.

"What happened to your friend?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

"Well, apparently someone found him on the side of I-60 and brought him to the hospital, apparently he's in a coma right now…," Dean muttered as Lisa went over to the couch and sat down next to him.

"You want to go and get him?" She asked, watching Dean's expression as he looked at the paper some more.

"Yeah, he…sacrificed a lot for me and Sam, the least I could do is go and visit him, if it really is him…" He folded up the paper and went upstairs, packing a bag for at least a week's worth of clothes and he took them out to the covered impala, swallowing as he uncovered her and the memories she held. He opened the trunk and put the bags there.

"You're taking the impala?" Lisa asked as Dean closed the trunk.

"Yeah, it can carry more than the truck," He said casually as he went with her back into the house.

"Be sure to salt the doors and keep the shot gun ready, alright? Be prepared for anything," He said to her as he exchanged a kiss with her and she hugged him.

"I hope you're friend gets better, and come back soon," Lisa said softly and Dean hugged her all the tighter before he let her go and nodded.

"I plan to be back within a week, if I can't get back within that time, I'll let you know," He said, and Lisa nodded.

"Take care," She said as he opened the door and left after looking over his shoulder at Lisa before closing the door and getting in the impala and opening up the shed so he could back her out of it, aware of how dusty she was… He backed the impala up past the truck and then out of the driveway, glancing in the rearview mirror and smirking at what he saw.

Sammy, Sammy, you're way too predictable, He thought as he stepped on the gas and continued onward toward his destination, Sam following him in his wannabe slick black car. Dean decided to go through a car wash first though, clean off the Impala so that she'd be nice and clean before going out on the highway and off to Indiana…
Dean arrived at a small town and got out of his car, looking to the one behind him, Sam's own car. Dean leaned against the Impala's driver side as Sam pulled up after him and got out.

"Sam, what are you doing? Don't you have people to be saving from monsters instead of following me?" Dean asked, and Sam waved off his question.
"I have a few relatives to pick up the slack, remember?" Sam said with a smirk.
Dean just shook his head.

"Where are you going anyways?" Sam asked.

"To visit a friend," He said, earning a questioning glance from Sam.

"Who do we know that lives out here?" He asked as Dean looked back into the Impala, at the paper there.

"We don't know anyone here in this state specifically…he kinda was supposed to be dead…you'll see in a bit…" And Dean got back in the impala and started it as Sam did the same with his car. Dean drove for a while longer until he saw the hotel that had been hell… The Elysian Fields Hotel…
Dean got out of the car and went to the trunk, taking out his shotgun and a wooden stake before entering as Sam yelled after him.

"What are you doing?" Sam yelped as Dean went inside.

"Checking something," Dean said as he wrinkled his nose at the smell of decay in the air as they had to walk over the half decayed bodies of the pagan Gods and went into the Grand Ballroom.

"Just like I thought…He is the real deal…" Dean muttered as they saw the burnt wings on the ground. Dean frowned and looked around a bit.

"Where's his body?" Sam asked as they looked around the room, "It's clear that he died right here…I even see the sword off by that window…" Sam muttered as Dean looked at the pool of blood that stained where Gabriel's body had lain with his wings scorching the ground and tables.

"Well…since it's been made clear that he isn't here…I should show you this…" And Dean took out his paper and handed the bit he'd seen to Sam.
Sam's eyes widened and he looked to Dean.

"So you called them and told them you knew him?" He asked and Dean nodded.

"What? It's not like I was lying about it either… Apparently he was found on a stretch of the highway just a few miles from here." He said as he left with Sam and went to the Impala.

"Just follow me, I looked up the hospital he's at before I came took off," He said with a faint smile as he got into the Impala and led the way, keeping an eye on the shoulder to see if he could see anything. About two miles out he stopped and pulled over. He'd seen something familiar. He got out and wandered over to the side and saw a red blanket…He picked it up and went to the trunk, as Sam pulled up behind him and got out.

"Recognize this? It was from the hotel…" Dean said as Sam looked it over. Sam nodded silently as Dean balled it up and tossed it into the trunk before getting back in the car. Now they knew where the people had found Gabriel…
Gabriel didn't know where he was…or even what had happened to him…all he knew was that he saw Lucifer stabbing him over and over again…like a bad memory on repeat…
Then it seemed to change, to melt away as he found himself walking down an empty highway for what felt like hours…

"No-one's going to stop to help you, no-one cares. No one even bothered to bury you, the boys? They didn't appreciate what you did for them! They didn't even bother to try and come back to bury you…"
Gabriel let out a snarl at the words.

"Leave me alone," He said as he readjusted the blanket.

"They don't care! No-one ever did! And you were killed by your own brother! That's gotta hurt somewhere!"

Where did he recognize whoever was talking to him anyways?

"The name's Crowley," The voice said as a plume of black smoke obscured Gabriel's vision and he found himself choking on the smoke, trying to gasp for breath as it forced its way into him, the taste of sulfur horrible…

"You know what the worst thing is? I'm not the only one…" Crowley said as Gabriel struggled to catch his breath…

gabriel, lucifer, dean, sam, fic: supernatural, trickster, supernatural

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