Pieces Left Behind 4/6

Apr 29, 2011 16:45

 Title: Pieces Left Behind 
Author: candylovinangel   
Rating: NC-17 
Spoilers: Seen Jericho Season 1 & 2? Know who Sam, Dean and Gabriel are? You're good.
Word Count: 6647
Summary: A mushroom cloud in Denver spells panic for the small town of Jericho, and when a storm that is suspected to be radioactive comes upon the town, Bill gets caught in it, even if briefly, and it changes his life along with other peoples' lives from then on...

Part 1| part 2 | part 3| part 4| part 5 | part 6

Dean’s dreams that night…they were haunting to say the least. He kept seeing Gabriel both as Bill and as his first vessel had been… He remembered their friendship which had evolved into something else. He then remembered the kisses, the warm lips…and when he opened his eyes it was Bill kissing him.

No…it wasn’t quite Bill…his eyes were a pure gold and his hair gleamed gold almost as if it were radiating light and fuck…this vessel Gabriel had chosen was hot! Much better than his last one…

Bill’s eyes were glowing with the light and he kissed Dean fiercely, he was a warm weight on Dean’s chest and body and he used experienced hands to tease Dean and get him hard and as he came close to coming…

“I’m still here, Dean, I’m not going to leave you behind so easily,” Gabriel whispered and Dean let out a whine and pulled Gabriel closer and kissed him soulfully on the lips. Gabriel chuckled and nuzzled his nose against Dean’s.

“I’m serious, I know you’ve noticed the moments I emerged, there’s no way bill’s eyes would go that gold without me behind it? His soul…is making the transition faster than I expected…and when it completes it you’ll know…I know you’ve already caught glimpses of our ah…personalities coming together smoothly as the process comes along…” Gabriel then smiles mischievously and looks up at the ceiling for a moment eyes searching.

“And I think he has already made quite the impression on some people…excuse me…” And Gabriel left Dean, who woke up with a hard on and cursed angrily and went into the bathroom to jerk off…

Bill had come back from the manhunt for Jonah about three hours ago and had passed out on his bed. He felt drained still but oddly enough, not hungry… He curled up around his pillow and hugged it close to him. He felt so alone as he passed out from his exhaustion he didn’t know what to do…

His dream was weird really it was him walking along a corridor looking for someone but he didn’t know who…and he was flushed and warm and his lips felt swollen somewhat…like he’d been kissing someone, even though he was standing right here…

Then there was a flash of white in the corridor and he was waking with a jolt to find men in his room and he immediately pulled his gun.

“Who are you?! What are you doing in my house?!” He growled, gun aimed at all of them.

“Gabriel…please calm down,” Said the middle person, he snapped his fingers and the lights in the room turned on. Bill frowned.

“Why…why are you calling me Gabriel, and how did you do that?” Bill asked as he squinted at the man and suddenly he could see a pure light coming off of the man and could see wings of light coming from him and all those around him and he let out a yell, shielding his eyes from them.

“Michael…what has happened to him?” One of the men asked. The one, Michael, was the one who had spoken and now he was the one approaching Bill, who let out a growl and backed away.

“Get the hell away from me!” Bill snarled, but he felt like it was more than just him speaking as he brought his hand back down and backs up into the wall.

“Calm down, please we will be gone soon I just need to know…” And Michael was just suddenly…there and pressing a hand to Bill’s head and bill squirmed as he felt something trying to go through his thoughts and he wanted it OUT, NOW! And well Michael was suddenly thrown back as there was a burst of light and by now he was seeing regular humans again save for the light wings behind them, and Michael looked flustered and shocked, as did the other two.

“He’s more powerful than even he must realize…interesting…He blocked me from his thoughts…” Michael said thoughtfully before looking to Bill.

“Be careful, Gabriel…Bill…” Michael said with a searching look before the light wings flapped and he was gone, as was the other two. Bill just stared. Why the fuck were all these people calling him Gabriel? Was he a Gabriel in some sort of past life or something? He just lets out a growl and unbuckles his belt and changes out of his deputy’s outfit as he gets back into bed and crawls under the covers…

He wakes later to find someone guarding the door with a shotgun, and another by his bed. He then notices a figure in the arm chair.

“Wha’s going on?” He asked with a slurred sleepy voice. The person closest to him had Dean’s aura so Bill knew it was him…

“Marines but…they’re not Marines…We asked ‘em to show the tattoos Marine Core Corporals and higher get from their leader and he shrugged us off…He knows where we are so we came back grabbed all the food and brought it up here…This was a few hours ago…You’ve been asleep about a day or so…” Sam said from the doorway in a whisper. Dean shifted on the bed and then got up and went to the window and peeked out at the dark street below.

“There’s some coming…” He hissed, Bill, get your gun. We don’t know what they’ll-“ He then paused as Bill took out a sniper Rifle and opened the window a crack. He then got his walkie talkie and turned it on.

“Hey, Jimmy, you hear me?” He whispered into it and immediately there was a response.

“Yeah Bill, what’s up?” Jimmy asked and Bill flinched at the volume and turned it down.

“We have Marines coming up to my House…are they the real deal?” He asked and Jimmy came back on.

“No! They aren’t don’t let them in, but don’t kill or shoot them unless they start it, okay? They are fake, we found a guy outside of town pretending to be their commanding officer in the capital…so hold on, Jake and the guys will be over soon…” and then the walkie talkie went silent after Bill sent his affirmative as there was an echoing knock on the door…

Jessica for her part was silent even though she was shaking like a leaf in her chair. Bill brought the gun away from the window and nodded to both boys and he went over to his daughter and picked her up and held her as he sat down in the chair with her.

“You’re warm daddy,” She whispered after a moment and Bill smiled and kissed her cheek.

“Well it wouldn’t be good if I was cold, now would it?” He said softly and he had Dean bring him his gun as there was a bang downstairs and footsteps and Jessica nearly screamed but Bill kept her quiet and he kept a reassuring arm wrapped around her …

He lifted up the walkie talkie, “They’re in my house…you better be close with some help…” He said quietly even as sirens sounded outside and he smiled as he heard several cars come to a screeching halt and then the sound of people coming out of them.

There was talking downstairs and Sam stood straighter and Dean quickly joined him. Bill set down the walkie talking and picked up the gun.
Jessica was whimpering and Bill hushed her and started whispering soft words of encouragement to her and he got her to sing her favorite church hymn quietly, Bill sang along with her quietly as well.

The air seemed to get warmer as they sang softly and there were yells of, “Put your guns down, hands up!” By several people and the clatter of guns as Bill recognized Eric, Jimmy, Jake, Stanley and Johnston’s voices.

There was talking and then suddenly a gunshot and Jessica faltered but Bill nudged her into singing softly again.

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”

Sam tensed in the doorway and Dean looked back to Bill and Jessica as they sang and his eyes went to look at Bill and he smiled faintly, Bill didn’t know his eyes had gone gold and that they were glowing faintly…

"When I feel afraid think I've lost my way
still you're there right beside me."

More shots were fired and someone started to run upstairs and Bill kept his daughter singing and in a good grip as he took the safety off of the gun and pointed it towards the door where the boys were at.

"And nothing will I fear as long as you are near
Please be near me to the end."

It was a marine from what glimpse Bill had of the man before Sam attacked, slamming his shotgun into the man’s head and the man letting out a yell as Sam kicked him and had the man cowering until Dean finally stopped him as Jake came up the steps.

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
I will not forget Your love for me and yet
my heart forever is wandering."

“You don’t go after my family, my friends you bastard!” Sam snarled and Dean put a hand to Sam’s shoulder.

“Take it easy Sammy, okay? You’re gonna scare Jessica…” Dean said quietly and Sam blinked and looked back to Bill and Jessica, who were still singing softly.

"Jesus be my guide hold me to your side
and I will love you to the end."

When they finished a sense of peace went through him and he put the safety back on his gun. Jessica let out a soft sigh and pressed closer to Bill and he smiled and kissed her head. Bill leaned his head back just as Jake came in.

“You alright Bill?” He asked and Bill nodded.

“Yeah, just trying to keep Jessica calm, and the boys are protecting us…don’t worry,” He smiled at Jake, his eyes going to Dean and Sam.

“Jake! We’ve got ‘em!” Jimmy’s voice sounded and Bill looked to Jake,

“Need my help with anything?” He asked and Jake shook his head.

“Not at the moment. You need your rest; the boys said you slept for a day straight when we visited a few hours ago. Your body is still trying to recover from the radiation poison, so relax a bit okay? Do office work or whatever, tomorrow, not now,” Jake said calmly as Bill nodded and kissed Jessica’s cheek and Jake smiled at them before he started to leave and then stopped by Dean and muttered something to him and Dean looked at him and then he nodded.

Jake paused at the door, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bill take care of yourself,” He said before he left and went downstairs. Bill got up and opened the curtains to see the dark street outside and he saw the ‘marines’ being led to a truck and shoved them in the flatbed, several people had their guns out before they drove back to townhall…

“Well…I guess we get to fix my door then…” He muttered as he got up and set Jessica down and told her to go to her room, she nodded obediently and went to her room and closed the door.

Bill went to his dresser and pulled on some jeans and then pulled on a button up shirt and he stretched and looked to the boys who had opened up the closet and started taking the food out that were perishables and they went downstairs with them to put them in the fridge.

Bill helped them out and then after they put everything back they looked to the door and he sighed and turned on the lights in his home thanks to the generator and he started working on the door with Sam’s help, and soon it was fixed and put back on it’s hinges before Bill sighed and picked up his walkie talkie.

“What’s going on in town right now, Jimmy? I need to get informed here…” He said calmly and he went over to the table and Sam and Dean followed and sat down with him and listened as Jimmy hesitated a moment and then started talking.

He spoke of refugees that came into town and how they were running low on food…and how they were escorting the fake Marines out of town in a few minutes. Bill let out a sigh and nodded.

“I’ll help guard the food if you want; people aren’t going to be too happy with rations being even lower cause of all the people spilling into town then…” Bill said as he ran his hand through his hair and he noticed Dean followed the movement and then looked to Sam who had also followed Bill’s movement but neither said a thing.

“That would be good, that and help guard Gray? People are going to be pissed if they find out these marines were just con artists and Gray already said half rations until they come back as an effort to keep food here…and for it to last...” Jimmy said softly before he sighed, “you’re coming in tomorrow right? And those boys are still there right? The ones you took in?”

“Yeah, and their names are Sam and Dean, they’ve been nothing but help, Jimmy, I’m not cutting off their share of rations-“ Bill started to growl out but Jimmy interrupted him.

“I know. I was going to ask if they could both help out, well one of the two, rotating every other day, cause I know you need someone to watch Jessica and keep people from robbing your home…” Jimmy said hesitantly. Bill looked to the two and Dean picked up the walkie talkie.

“I know I am in…Sam?” He looked to his brother who nodded, “And my brother will help out too…so long as you and the others don’t screw us over…” Dean said firmly.

“We won’t. I’ll talk to Gray and see if he can let you guys come on as part time Deputies…God knows we need more help to keep order…” Jimmy sighed, “And thank you, all of you.” Bill watched as Dean set down the walkie talkie and put his head in his hands.

Bill then looked to Sam, “Hey, think you can whip us up some food?” He asked with a small smile and Sam nodded and got up and went into the kitchen and started making the food and Bill went over to Dean and put a hand to the other’s shoulder.

Everything was going to settle down…that much he knew. Or at least hoped. Dean looked up to him and Bill smiled at him he was going to keep them safe, Bill was going to keep them safe and under his roof.

So for the next few weeks it went like this, Sam and Dean rotating on helping Bill with guarding the rations of food and with protecting his home.

He for some reason didn’t seem to need to eat as much anymore and so that left a bit more food for the boys and Jessica. Though when it became clear to the people that the marines weren’t coming they got out of hand.

The day had finally come and Bill was yelling for them to calm down, Sam helping him this day and Dean was back at the house guarding it.

“You’ll get your rations! People please just back up!” Bill was yelling as Jake came in the door and Bill looked to him.

“How’s Gray handling things this time?” Jake asked him and Bill just shook his head.

“Gray really screwed up this time, you better get in there,” He said with some agitation, letting Jake into the office and Sam took over where Bill had stood as he followed Jake inside and stood in the doorway listening…

“We just have to figure out a way to make everything last,” Jake was saying and Bill sighed and spoke up.

“I say the first thing we do is stop giving it away to strangers,” Bill said with a shrug, though it physically pained him to say that for some reason, it went against everything he was…He usually gave out what he could but…it had to be said…

Gray then spoke with Bill and some other person he kept forgetting the name of even as he leaned against a chair in his uniform and tapped his hat anxiously, looking at the board again and listening intently.

“Crime’s been going up since they got here,” He added in and Gray turned away.

“Crime’s been going up since the bombs,” He said bitterly, pacing back and forth, avoiding the chalkboard.

“It’s gotta be done, the numbers speak for themselves, just look at them!” Bill pointed out, though the idea of throwing out the refugees…did that include Sam and Dean?

“I don’t need to look at them! I see them in my sleep!” Gray snapped as he looked around seeming to try and figure stuff out.

“What are you going to do?” Bill asked after a moment, and Gray looked back at him.

“We have to kick them out Bill, there’s no other choice…all of them,” He said and Bill bristled and he swore his back itched angrily at those words and his head started to pound.

“What about Sam and Dean?” He asked and Gray looked back to Bill, hearing the anger in his voice.

“What about them? I appreciate their help and all but they are still mouths to feed,” Gray said with a shrug and the pounding in Bill’s head got worse.

“I’m feeding them, Gray, out of my rations and they’ve been nothing but good to this town, I’m not letting you screw them over!” Bill snarled and Gray let out a sigh.

“How do you think it’ll look to everyone else? We kick out them but not Sam and Dean?” Gray asked and Bill’s hands dug into the chair.

“Sam and Dean came here on their own well before these guys did…
Look I don’t like the idea of kicking any of these guys out but Sam and Dean have been helping me take care of Jessica since Alyssa died and they’ve been helping as part time deputies here at the station. They are staying whether I have to defy your orders or not!”

The itching got more annoying and his head pounded more and his hands dug into the chair as he glared at Gray. Bill didn’t know that Sam had been listening in quietly while he had been guarding the food storage, which was nearby.

Gray let out a sigh, he didn’t seem to be up for fighting Bill on this.

“Fine, Sam and Dean can stay since they came first,” Gray said and Bill nodded curtly and straightened.

“Thank you,” He said stiffly but Gray waved him off.

“I’d rather have them stay that you leave with them…and you’re right they have been helpful…” Gray muttered, and that was that.

About an hour later they’d come up with something for the Refugees…they were going to have to throw them out but they’d send blankets and food with them, there was no other option…
Bill, Jimmy and a few of the newer deputies went with Gray down to the Church, they left Sam behind to guard the food and because Gray feared that Sam would side with the refugees if he knew what they were going to do and brought him along.

They went into the room and Bill stood next to Gray as he made his announcement, despite how much his stomach was twisted into a tight knot over this. He felt he could do something or that, in the past he could have done something to help them, but what exactly he wasn’t too sure on…

“Folks? Folks listen up, I am sorry to say that the town no longer has the resources to take care of you,” Gray announced and the Refugees all looked up.

“What?” Was the collective saying of surprise.

“So if you could please gather up your belongings you will be escorted to a FEMA camp out near I-70,” Gray said as Bill silently watched and looked at them, his heart ached for them as he could see their anger and disappointment, their sadness and desperation…

“Yeah, we’ve been to those FEMA caps, we barely made it out alive the first time!” One male refugee said and the others nodded and made sounds of agreement.

“FEMA has medical supplies, food and we don’t,” Gray said before Bill stepped in, moving forward to approach the guy who had spoken.

“You heard the mayor, you need to start packing up,” He said and it was at a great effort that he said this, the knot in his stomach twisting harder and the pounding pain in his head getting more intense…

“Ah, well what are you going to do? Put us in jail? Go ahead!” Said the refugee that Bill had approached, “Great!” He said and Bill looked at him, wishing he could show just how sorry he was for this situation before he looked away…

“If I didn’t have to do this, I wouldn’t,” Gray said firmly.

“We’ve been working, okay? We’ve been chopping wood,
Jessica’s been helping you in your Med center-“ And Bill looked to Jessica and duck she looked so heartbroken…all of them did…

“I am sorry,” Gray said, really looking it before turning to walk out the door.

“But if you put us out on the street-“ He said and he started to come forward but Bill blocked him, putting up a hand.

“This isn’t a debate!” He said calmly and firmly before he backed up to the door and started looking to the shelves to see what was there. He missed the looks that the man exchanged with the other refugees.

“You’re right, because we’re staying,” The man said and Bill looked up, confused for a moment before he was attacked, punched in the face down onto the cot and everyone erupted into fighting with the other deputies and Bill was attacked by several of them, being clubbed repeatedly, he couldn’t help the cry of pain that escaped him.

He barely got out of there alive and he fled it onto Main Street with Gray after he talked with him all the way up to the station.

“You need to find the tear gas,” Gary said as they went into the station, Bill still bleeding from the wound to his eye and he was pretty sure he had nasty bruises as Bill nodded to Gray and he started looking for the tear gas in one half of the station even as Bill ended up passing by Sam who caught him by the arm.

“Fuck, what happened to you?” Sam asked in shock and Bill just shook his head.

“The refugees down at the church…they got pissed that Gray is kicking them out…so they took it out on me and the other deputies…we’re only doing what we’re ordered Sam…” He said in a pleading tone, seeing the look of outrage on Sam’s face even as the man made Bill sit down.

“They shouldn’t have attacked you,” Sam said at long last as he pulled out a medical kit and went about to disinfecting the wound by Bill’s eye that would likely become a black eye…

“They’re angry Sam…I would be too,” Bill said quietly and Sam paused, “They aren’t going to try and kick me and Dean out are they?” He asked with a sharp voice and Bill looked up to him and smiled gently.

“I told Gray if he tried that I was taking all my food, and everything with me and would walk out with you. Or well, I implied it anyway. I’d barricade us into my home if I had to…you guys are my friends and are like family, they aren’t kicking you out. Gray doesn’t plan on it either if he doesn’t want to lose three deputies,” Bill said softly and Sam smiled back at him and finished up with disinfecting that wound and Bill ran a hand through Sam’s hair.

“Now please…stay here so they can’t say you were helping them, it hurts enough that we have to kick these guys out…I don’t need you being blamed for something you didn’t do,” And Bill got up and started looking for the tear gas again and left Sam there, not realizing the twenty four year old was teary eyed and smiling as he shifted his gun and kept guarding the door.

“He isn’t going to cause a problem, is he Bill?” Gray asked as they ended up in the same room looking for the gas at one point.

“No, Gray, I told him to stay here…It’s a good thing it was him here today instead of Dean. Dean’s hotheaded and I’m sure he would have done something stupid. Sam though…he’s mellow and he thinks before he acts, he’s a good man,” He said and Gray looked to him.

“You really are fond of them…” He said quietly as Bill opened up a dusty footlocker.

“Yeah, they helped defend my house against the con artists and they have been helping to make decent meals for me and Jessica…They helped me bury Alyssa…” Gray patted his shoulder.

“Sounds like they’re definitely worth having around, Bill. Don’t worry about them,” Gray said and Bill nodded as Gray left the room and the station. Minutes later he found the teargas box in the old office of the sheriff and he grabbed it and ran out of the station.

“Gray!” He yelled as he saw him halfway down the street, Gray paused and looked behind him and saw Bill holding the box.

“Tear Gas?” Jake said in shock and he started to scold Bill for it and Bill shook him off.

“Look, Jake, I’m doing what I’m told to do, okay? Don’t go yelling at me, yell at Gray!” He growled even as they started to hear a pounding sound .

“What’s that sound?” Gray asked and Bill went and checked it then came back.

“They’re boarding up the windows,” Bill said and Gray shifted the tear gas and got it ready and Johnston and Jake started harassing Gray but it wasn’t Bill’s problem even as Gray threw the tear gas in and Bill started ushering people away, yelling at them to get out of the way even as the doors opened.

He saw the woman trip, saw her get trampled and he saw her aura get snuffed out and her body glowed for a moment at least, to him and he watched in shock as the bright white that was apparently the woman’s soul formed to look like her and she looked to him. He blinked in shock as he saw her approach him.

“Well…who would have known…” She said softly and Bill blinked at her and he went around a corner and she followed him effortlessly.

“What the hell? You’re…you’re dead,” He said in shock, whispering actually and she just smiled sadly.

“I know…but I need a way to move on and you….you glow…Huh it’s a warm comforting glow too I-I don’t understand it…are you an angel?” She asked and Bill looked at her curiously.

“I-I’m not an angel…but I’ve seen a few, I think…I know one’s name…Maybe he can help you…” Bill said slowly and he didn’t know why but he found himself taking off his gloves and his hands itched as if they were going numb.

He saw the woman watching him curiously and her eyes went to his and Bill’s back itched like fucking crazy and she laughed softly and seemed to understand something.

“You don’t need to call him,” She said softly even as Bill ended up touching her and he felt a surge of heat and of happiness, love and joy, every positive emotion possible as he threw his head back and there was something up in the sky that he could suddenly see, a tear in the sky…the sound of singing and…and he looked to the woman and he saw his hands glowing and she smiled at him.

“Take care, Bill, right?” She said softly and Bill found his mouth moving…

“Bill, yeah…but Gabriel too…” And then she was gone and he looked up and saw the rip closing and then he found himself panting against the wall of the building; eyes squeezed shut as he pulled his gloves back on. Okay…okay that was…was weird, really friggen weird… And then the random itching and headache that refused to go away? What was going on with him?

“Bill!” It was Jimmy and he started telling Bill that there were refuges that were running towards farms to hit on them. Bill nodded and went to the town hall where he saw Gray going in and soon he was in his office.

“One of the Refugees is still out there,” He said to Gray after he caught his breath and he started taking off his gloves again, they were a bit too hot in his gloves for his taste…

“Have the rangers search for him,” Gray said and Bill nodded.

“And the rest of them? He asked after a moment.

“Let’s take them to the Med Center and get them fixed up, Harry,” Gray said to the man Bill had forgotten the name of before.

“We should send them away,” He said and Bill looked up at that as Gary turned around and stared at him and then Bill looked to Harry and then went back to fidgeting with his gloves.

“What about that food you promised them?” Harry asked.

“We give it to them,” He said calmly and now Bill was looking to Gray.

“After what they did to us?” He asked indignantly. He hurt like hell all over thanks to those refugees.

“Will you just give it to them?!” Gray yelled at him and Bill’s eyes widened a bit at that, “Before somebody else gets hurt?”

Bill sobered up at that as he started to back up and then he left without another word. The events of the day were getting to him. Of course they were going to send them off with food.

He went to where Sam was stationed and sat down heavily in the chair next to him.

“How are you holding up?” Sam asked quietly and Bill just let out a sigh.

“Not sure really…a lot has happened-“ And then there was the gunshot and Bill stood up, “Later,” He said as he started yelling for everyone to get out and then he ran back for the sniper rifle in the back and he grabbed it and slung it over his shoulder as he started to walk out of the hall.

“Bill!” Jake yelled and Bill looked back and then hurried out the door and he went over to Jimmy.

“Get me a ladder I have to get up on the roof,” He said breathlessly, he knew by instinct that Gray had been shot and he started climbing the ladder…

“Bill! Bill don’t! BILL!” Jake yelled as he came out of the building and then to the ladder.

“You think I want to?!” Bill yelled at him as Jimmy pushed Jake away,

“Roger’s a friend of mine but I can’t let the mayor bleed to death!” He yelled as he started to go up the ladder still, the thought of killing Roger…he felt himself go bloodless for a moment. He didn’t want to have to do what happened earlier…

“What if you miss? What if you hit Emily, huh? What will you do then?!” Jake yelled up to him and he paused again, closing his eyes for a moment.

“Then I get the shot, Jake,” He said as he kept climbing, ‘And I’ll pray I get forgiven for it too…’ He thought quietly as he got onto the roof and into a good spot and he adjusted the scope and put it up to his eyes and he got it on Roger and got ready to shoot when Jake came banging into the room and he forced everyone to start and he heard Jake shouting and Emily get out of the way.

Then he saw Jake in a window and then the clear shot for Roger and he started to pull the trigger, heart hammering hard in his chest as he did, the bullet shattering the glass and Roger had ducked just seconds before. And then all the blinds were pulled and he just had to wait.
His own mind was yelling at him and Bill closed his eyes for a long moment and felt his heart beating ever more rapidly. He felt so…well nervous. He didn’t want to kill his friend…

He then heard Roger yelling and he went over by where he had the ladder and he got ready, pulling his eye to the scope and getting ready to shoot Roger, but Jake looked back at him and shook his head as he heard people organizing to keep the refugees in the empty homes and to share their rations.

Bill bit his lip and his hands shook on the rifle. Roger came to a stop and Mrs. Green spoke to them and Roger let Jake got and was seized by Jimmy and another. Bill let out a shuddering breath and put down the weapon…

He got down after a few minutes and went into the station and put the sniper rifle away and went over to Sam and sat down in the chair, weak all of a sudden and he still had that pounding headache and the itching feeling on his back…He let out an annoyed sound and tried to get to his back.

“What’s wrong?” Sam asked gently and Bill just sighed.

“I almost killed one of my friends…And Jake managed to get him to put the gun down and the town agreed to house the refugees in the houses of the people that are gone…I can’t believe it…” He said shakily and he watched as they marched Roger in and then he left Sam to think about that as he watched as Emily brought Roger his things for the trip and then he went outside and was one of several officers to watch Roger go and the Refugees that he’d brought in also watched him go…

Sam joined him and put large hands on his shoulders and Bill looked up to him and Sam patted his shoulder and said they were going home and the others nodded and Sam led Bill to the Impala out back and Bill sat down tiredly in the passenger seat… Sam started the drive to Bill’s place in silence.

“That woman that died earlier…I saw her…ghost or something…” He said after a moment as Sam blinked and looked to Bill.

“She…said I glowed and that it was nice…and I think I sent her somewhere…I just know there was a kind of rip in the sky…some singing…then she was gone and it was gone…I don’t know maybe I’m just in shock…” He muttered as he let out a growl of annoyance and rubbed his back against the seat.

“Maybe…and what are you doing?” He asked Bill who let out a growl.

“Trying to scratch my damn back, it’s been itching like crazy all day long,” He muttered, “Then I’ve had one horrible headache that apparently is resistant to painkillers…” He said, annoyed and Sam sped up and got to the house and the garage, getting the impala in there and he seemed to be…on edge, maybe? Bill wasn’t sure even as he got up and Sam took him inside.

“Come on, lets change and then we can eat and see if food helps that headache of yours,” Sam said and Bill nodded and went upstairs and changed and took a shower while he was at it, the water soothing his back for a bit as he washed his hair and then his body, which since he’d been up and doing more stuff his muscles had gotten retoned to how they were before.

Helps that he’d been working out more when he’d gotten home and it really helped his stamina out there nowadays.

When he got out of the shower and dried off his hair he saw it was a blonde-gold color now instead of dirty blonde. How had that happened?
Sam hurried into the kitchen where dean was with Jessica eating but when he saw Sam looking breathless and fidgety, he told her to go play in the front room.

“What’s up?” Dean asked as he got up and Sam went over to him, glancing over his shoulder.

“I think that whole soul-grace merge shit is close to finishing. Bill just told me he saw a dead woman’s soul and that he sent her somewhere, not to mention that he’s had a headache that painkillers won’t stop and that get this, his back is bugging the hell out of him.” Dean blinked at him and then he let out a breath.

“I guess it’s time then, to see how he ends up when it’s done…” Dean says as he gets up and Sam nods and starts working on the food, he’d changed out of the Deputy’s uniform fast and was in jeans and a white t-shirt as he started making mac and cheese.
Dean went out into the front room even as Bill came down the stairs and sat down next to Dean in a tired heap.

“Stressful day?” He asked and Bill nodded.

“Yeah,” He mumbled even as suddenly the lights went out and Bill blinked and got up…

“That’s weird, the generator isn’t even close to empty…” He said with a frown and he started to go towards the door when he suddenly froze and he let out a hiss of pain, hand going to his chest as the lights came back on and suddenly the radio came on and with a song too, of all things… The beginning of the song starting…
The start of it was actually pretty soothing even as Sam came out and looked at Bill curiously.

‘Remember those walls I built? Well baby they’re tumbling down and they didn’t even put up a fight, didn’t even make a sound….’

Bill felt the itching fire up again and his vision seemed to slide over to where he could see the pulsing glow of what he figured out were people’s souls in their bodies…

He looked to Sam and saw his…then to Jessica…then to Dean and he was just frozen there as the song went on, triggering things some how, just the words of it… Though it did feel like somehow the protection around his own head slipped and crumbled to nothing…what was going on?!

'Standing in the light of your halo I got my angel now~'. Bill stiffened at that and that's when his back really started to itch and fucking burn, but for some reason he couldn't move, he could only look at Dean as the song kept going.

'It's like I've been awakened~ Every rule I had you breakin' it's the risk that I'm taking, I aint ever gonna shut you out,' Bill fell to the floor now, not quite sure when he'd started holding his head like it might explode, the pain at his back getting more intense... He heard words resonating through his head and they were comforting and they eased the pain for a bit until the next line...
  'Everywhere I'm looking now I’m surrounded by your grace. Maybe I can see your halo, you know you're my saving grace~.'

Bill let out another cry of pain as his insides felt like they were on fire along with his back....and then everything went white...

jake green, jimmy, bill, dean winchester, fic: crossover, johnston green, gabriel, raphael, pairing: dean/gabriel, sam, fic: supernatural, uriel, jericho, dean, michael, supernatural

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