(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 14:54


- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me why I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. closed \o/

Character: Flynn Scifo
Series: Tales of Vesperia
Character Age: 21

Canon: Terca Lumireis is a land infested with monsters, making barriers a necessity in order to ensure the safety of the people. Unfortunately, while the Imperial Knights function as the second keepers of peace of the Empire, they are more focused on the nobles and their own agendas than caring about the less fortunate. That is where our hero Yuri Lowell comes in, to save the world, and while he's doing this, there is someone within the knights ready to make a difference.

That person is Flynn Scifo, a commoner who joined the knights, and gained the title of Commandant through his hard work. Brave, stubborn, and kind-hearted, Flynn is very polite, calm and respectful of others at all times. Despite this, he's ready to lecture people at the drop of a hat without even realizing it. While Flynn has a strong sense of justice, he chooses to stick to the law no matter what, since he prefers to work toward changing any unfair laws rather than breaking them. However, he always helps those in need to the point of becoming reckless in their behalf.

Sample Post:

Good morning, citizens of Camp Fuck You Die. My name is Flynn Scifo, Commandant of the Imperial Knights, and I'm here after being asked for assistance by your humble Director. Miss Sayre has filled me in about camp's rules and its purpose, but she was concerned about maintaining its order and ensure peace. In order to achieve that, she has requested me to train her knights and bust their morale. That is where you all come into play.

As a knight, it's imperative to be always on top of everything. It's not just about courage, following orders or looking after the fulfilment of the law, but to understand the people and to ensure their happiness. When they are aware of their concerns and problems, it is only then that a knight becomes one. That's why I've taken the liberty to gather all the information I could possibly need of its citizens, of everything you might need to fulfil your job properly. I will begin with one of my biggest concerns: I was informed that some of the campers, and even counselors, have showed an undeniable displeasure towards the barrier. Regardless of how surprising that is, it is necessary to make public its importance and why it is needed. Yes, attempting to damage it will only result on becoming an animal or something else, however that's only a precaution to preventeveryone from getting hurt. After all, not only is this barrier is powerful, there are strong monsters roaming outside as well. Those are completely different from those inside the barrier, I assure you. Because the monsters within the barrier are friendly by comparison,like every one of you, that aim to protect the people instead of hurting them. Besides, it's that barrier that's keeping evil dictators outside, and make it clear she is thinking of the citizens' security.

But people's displeasure doesn't end there. Which is worrying because Miss Sayre does nothing more than caring about her citizens, so it'd be beneficial for them to be aware of her noble work. I'm sure it's been just a matter of misinformation that can be easily fixed, so be sure to listen up. The gorillas have been especially trained to wake people up in the morning, allowing them to enjoy an early start every day. That could be see as something negative, however discipline is always important. She also provides food for the less able on Tuesday, offering an alternative for those people that need it. And if I might add, I assume your group gets a lot of benefits from this. Finally, the ban on sugar is a good prevention, since sugar can rot teeth. Now we only have the no-sex rule left. That one is self-explanatory, isn't it? Preventing people from having sex brings several advantages I don't feel necessary to mention, but it only reinforces my stance concerning Miss Sayre. And if they break that rule, those would get the option to . . . get in touch with nature. It'd even be educational, since that's a one life opportunity.

Fellow knights, now I urge you all to understand what it is you will be upholding and protecting. Because that's what being a knight is all about.

Poll Vote!

Character: Yuri Lowell
Series: Tales of Vesperia
Character Age: 21

Canon: Terca Lumereis; A land filled with treacherous monsters so powerful that all its inhabitants rely on two primary things. A) The blastia which surrounds their towns and cities with an impenetrable barrier and B) the Imperial Knights who strive to protect those who live there. Unfortunately, most of the Knights tend to see only the nobility and no one else, leaving most of the poorer townsfolk without a saviour. That's where former Imperial Knight Yuri Lowell comes in, though he'll ignore the "saviour" part if you don't mind.

Yuri is the quintessential vigilante of the lower town. Blunt, sarcastic and more than happy to poke fun at people, he would rather watch people run around in circles before he takes a definitive action. Yet despite that, in his own offhand way, Yuri is a helper of the weaker and the downtrodden, often to the extent of sacrificing himself in the process. While slowly broadening his world view, Yuri stands up for the rest. With added sarcasm.

Sample Post:

Oh brother. Look, I'm touched you ran all the way to fetch me. Really, I am. It's very impressive, but you can't really expect to come back with you like that. I mean, if you're going to clap me in chains and drag me off to the Director, the least I expect is that my captors look presentable. Really, you're dropping body parts all over the place, and you didn't even give me a speech, not even a "Halt Yuri Lowell, you villainous scum!". I'm telling you, I am disappointed. Saddened to see you fall so low. Oh, right, your knees dislocated. Take your time with that, I'm not going anywhere. Wow, that must really hurt.

At any rate, you need to pick yourselves up from the ground and act like real defenders of the peace, not defenders of pieces. I suppose I could give you a few pointers. It's not like I have anything better to do at the moment, more's the shame. So... what the heck. You get to be better and who knows, you might actually be a challenge for me. Not that I'm expecting miracles, but hey, if you're dead and walking about, what's another hurdle to you? So here's what I got; first things first, stand up straight. Nobody is going to respect a knight that slouches and can't keep his ribs from knocking together. That's it, you're getting the hang of it. And your ribs are making less noise, which is great, since it was giving me a minor headache. I dub thee half-made knights. Let's see if you have what it takes to be at the top. I know I'm excited.

Now, the next thing every knight seems to possess is the ability to talk like time's standing still for them and their glory. Sometimes, I think it really does. Everything goes slower when they start talking. Using big words has that effect. Now how did they go again... oh right. "Desist, you vile and treacherous knave! Come with us or face the wrath of..." You know, I never did get the name of your brigade. Do you have one? Think fast or I'll make one up for you... All right "...face the wrath of the Deathly Hollowed! You will besmirch this place no longer..." blah blah, you get the idea. Now! I think you're all finally up to standard. Go forth my students, there's nothing left I have to teach you! Unlive long and prosper! Don't forget your noble ways!

... Huh. I wonder when they'll realize they left without me.

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Character Name: Robin
Character Age: Appears to be about 14 or 15 (age never stated)
Series: Zone

Canon: Zone is a one-shot manga, and many elements from it were re-used in the author's later series, D.Gray-man. The setting is an 1897 Earth, which is under threat from a man called the Earl, who controls mechanical killing weapons called Akuma. Akuma are created by the Earl tricking bereaved people into lethal contacts where their loved one's soul is brought back, at the expense of the soul's free will and the life of the one who wanted them to return. The story follows an apprentice Exorcist called Robin as he searches for his Master. Along the way, he meets a girl whom he tries to talk out of a deal with the Earl. But Robin has a secret of 'his' own: the real Robin is long dead, and the one people see is actually his deceased older sister, brought back as an Akuma and thus wearing the real Robin's body.

A responsible, considerate person with a positive attitude, Robin works hard and is not the type to do anything half-heartedly When dealing with others she is polite, respectful, and sometimes a little ditzy. She may sometimes seem easy to push around, but when the situation demands it she is more than capable of being assertive. Having escaped from the Earl's control for now, she sees her most important duty as being to save all Akuma by destroying them, and she's willing to take huge personal risks in order to move towards that goal. Although less than thrilled about the bad luck which regularly comes her way, she is generally uncomplaining, and can snap quickly into a smile even when things look grim, believing firmly that people need to be strong and not give up.

Sample Post:

When I said I wanted to check out unnatural phenomena, investigating the boys' shower block wasn't what I had in mind. But I'm told that there have been some problems with female campers peeping through the windows, and sometimes coming in to tidy up when none of the boys are here? Well. That's very rude of them. The person who sent me here was very upset about the idea of, ah, girls intruding upon this 'sanctum of masculinity'.

It's quiet...Maybe the rumour about odd disappearances from this building discouraged everybody from coming here. At least it's more convenient to look around here when it's empty, and - oh! I'm really sorry! I didn't know you were there. But perhaps you can help me. When you've finished your shower, would you mind talking to me for a moment? I'll wait outside.

Thank you. I just need to ask a few questions about the shower block. Ah, you must be wondering why I want to ask about that. I'm sorry for failing to introduce myself - where are my manners? My name's Robin, and it's a pleasure to meet you. It may sound a little unusual, but my line of work involves...driving out evil, you could say. Mm, it's not bad work! So if there's been anything unusual going on in this place - or people acting strangely - I would like to hear about it so I can go and see if it's the type of thing I'm trained to deal with. I'm only an apprentice, but I'll do my best to help.

So, the disappearances took place at the farthest end of the showers? Then I'd like to investigate it, if you don't object. It sounds much more relevant than intruding female campers...although the flower vases they left on the windowsill do look very nice - er, I mean, awful. It's all right, you don't have to come with me. It could be dangerous there. But, if you must insist on going, I'll make sure to protect you if anything happens. Please stick close by me.

See, it's not so bad! Nothing's here. It's probably not a true story after all. Everything seems perfectly sa-

Oh. My god. What....what a lot of teeth you have.

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Character: Shigeka Narushige
Series: Silver Diamond
Age: 21

Canon: One day, Senroh Chigusa, a mysterious man bearing a wooden rifle, falls into the garden of Sawa Rakan, who's a seemingly normal high school student. After mistaking Rakan for an evil Prince with the same face, Chigusa tells Rakan he's a sanome, a living acolyte for all sorts of plants, and that he's from another dimension where plants are used to make everyday tools. With Rakan by his side, Chigusa can keep fighting since he can grow his weapons, and thus he tells him he'll protect him at all costs. After two more people fall into his garden, one of them Shigeka Narushige, Rakan ends up following them back to their world to help them save it from the Prince and his plans of destruction.

Shigeka Narushige is considered an ill omen because he's the only male to have ever been born into an all female clan. When he was a child, his mother offered him as a sacrifice to a divine giant snake, but was spared because the snake chose to let him live, if only for the time being. However, because of this, Narushige deeply dislikes his mother, and keeps an emotional distance from his family as much as he can. He's a gentle person at heart, but can be viciously protective of the people he cares about, and is almost like a smart and caring big sister brother. He doesn't really hold himself in high esteem, is modest and perhaps a bit of a prude, and as one of the Shigeka, Narushige possesses such otherworldly beauty that he's mistaken for a woman quite often. Don't confuse his tender nature and delicate appearance as something weak though. Narushige is an incredibly talented and pretty deadly swordsman, wielding his companion snake, Kou, who's able to transform into a sword.

Sample Post:

Ah, when I was asking for the exit, I didn't expect the wildlife and population here to be so determined to show me around and insist this is where I'm from. While I appreciated the concern, I didn't favour being told that I couldn't leave. I have a lot of things to do where I come from, and being pulled like this into another world is a bit confusing, even if it's nothing new to me. My guides were a bit wobbly, to be honest, and they didn't exactly prove helpful in finding the dimension portal back. It's bound to be somewhere here, and yes I did agree with them that the camp greenery is amazing, and that the lake looks very nice, --though that colour seems very unhealthy--, but I assure you they are not reason enough for me to stay and believe it's my own world.

I'm afraid I managed to hurt some of your friends by accident, and I certainly hope it's nothing you'll begrudge me for, since you were the only ones who stayed behind. I didn't quite expect that their arms would fall off, and I'm regretful for that. Hurting others isn't something I particularly enjoy, and if I were back home, I know someone who would scold me for it. But it's rather troublesome that I lost my partner somewhere, so might I ask you a question? You wouldn't happen to have seen a white snake nearby? He's about a meter long, rather noisy, and interested in all sorts of new things. So I figured he'd gone off by himself to explore, but now I can't find him again. It's rather crucial that I retrieve him, because I wouldn't want to leave without him. His name is Kou, by the way.

I beg your pardon? I should look for a plain with snakes? No, I haven't seen any plains with snakes around, much less many open areas not grown over by this forest. You think Kou would be on this plain and... what? Now you're just getting ridiculous. I know very well that plains do not fly. You can't be thinking straight. Is this why you keep moaning for brains? I'm sorry, you did say "plains", not "brains" just now, right? Hm, sadly your vocabulary seems only a tiny bit better than your companions. I don't trust you though.

No matter how helpful and harmless you may be, I can't stop being suspicious of a group of walking dead. I'm not going to believe you when you continue to stress that this is indeed my world, because it's definitely not. For one, we may have a lot of useful things growing from plants, but we certainly don't have trees that grow... uh, underwear. Aha, it's very nice, but I don't really want to examine it closer, as I have no need of those. No, please, I insist. It's not necessary. I didn't imply I was shy, I just meant I don't have time for this. You assert I'm essential here but you fail to clearly specify why, and now try to convince me to take off my clothes? You're rather rude. Excuse me? A what kind of sacrifice? "Like a virgin"? A female virgin? That's-- No, I don't see how I can help you with that, really. So please leave me alone and let me back to my own world before I have to resort to violence.

... "Yes ma'am"?

I'm sorry, but I'm not a woman. ... No, of course you can't check to be sure!

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Character Name: Rachel Berry
Series: Glee
Character Age: 16

Canon: At the William McKinley school in Lima, Ohio, your social status can be made obvious from the moment you walk through the door: some people throw slushies into people's faces, and some people are slushie'd. When Will Schuester, Spanish teacher and one-time performer, decides to restart the Glee club - a show choir - at the school, the majority of the students treat it with the same love and affection that one would treat a piece of dog muck in the street. But there are always a few - a ragtag group of students, from the intellectually-challenged jock to the wheelchair-bound musical dilettante to the pregnant cheerleader, every one surprisingly talented, who all gather under Schuester's tutelage on their quest to win the regional show choir competitions.

The girl who holds showbiz closest to her heart, and in her own words "the stunning young ingenue that everyone roots for", is Rachel Berry. Prideful and sometimes far too assertive for her own good, Rachel has her eye on the prize - eventual superstardom - and she's determined not to take her eye off the ball. She is hardly the favourite person of the other members of the Glee club, considering her well-exercised ability to be obnoxious, divaish, overly ambitious, and not to mention self-involved. However, when it comes to musical talent, she's out of the ballpark, with a beautiful singing voice. Yet, underneath the diva's attitude there is a vulnerable person, with some self-esteem issues, who would probably enjoy being liked by other people if it didn't mean she has to forsake her dreams or values. Furthermore, Rachel truly loves the Glee club, believing that it's something special and wanting it to succeed - and she's willing to work very hard to achieve that aim.

Sample Post:

Good afternoon, everyone! I hope I'm not too late for the orientation seminar. I was told there would be a special guest star - I didn't miss them, did I? Well? ... Oh. I have to say, I expected everyone here to look a little more excited. It's almost as if you don't want to be here! Come on, now, look sharp. You don't want to miss out on an opportunity - after all, this whole place is for people like us! C.F.U.D., the Camp For Upcoming Divas -- the stars of the future! It comes so highly recommended that it doesn't matter if it smells terrible, or if the road stopped halfway here and I had to wade through three miles of swamp. These were my best shoes, but I don't care. If there's an opportunity knocking, I'm always going to answer, even if the person at the door's skin seems to be falling off. Excellent stage make-up, by the way. I was almost convinced you were a real zombie, but that'd just be silly. Although I did see a few strange things on my way here - for one thing, what's with that sign? Everyone knows that the Happiest Place on Earth is Disneyland.

Well, inadequacies aside, I expect I should consider this as fuel for my autobiography. I've already written four chapters detailing my early years and my onward progress toward stardom. Though no, you can't see it yet. It won't be released to the public until I've finished at least four bestselling studio albums and have starred on Broadway several times. I haven't even had one album yet, so I'm afraid you'll just have to wait, Mr. Graargh, until I'm well into my career and I have to dye my hair a little. As you should know, it's just not classy to release an autobiography before you're thirty. Still, though I doubt I'll be here too long, my wholesome adventures at summer camp might amount to perhaps a few pages. Maybe half a chapter, if this place can further my career the way I've been told it can.

... huh? What's so funny? This is the Camp For Upcoming Divas, isn't it? It's not as if I appreciate the word 'diva' - just because I like things done a certain way and I prefer to be appreciated for the hard work I put in instead of having my obvious talent ignored doesn't make me a diva - but I have to say that I'd prefer to be a diva than to fail at my aims, and I can assure you I'll listen very carefully every lesson that's taught here. Even if the teachers seem to think we'll learn more productively if they wear purple gorilla suits. Oh, and I've forgotten to introduce myself -- my name is Rachel Berry, star in the making, and I'm extremely pleased to be here. I'll stop talking now, since I'm sure it's about time for the guest star to appear -- oh. I'm the guest star? And I'm not going to be a guest for much longer? That's so flattering, and I'm glad you've heard of me - I expect you've seen my MySpace profile - but I'm only here for a week. You'll have to find someone else. Hmm, how do we solve a problem like that . . . maybe I can even find someone for you! Although I wouldn't know where to find a charming young star in a place like this --

-- around the lake? Ask for Marcy? I'll do it! And, for what it's worth, you shouldn't be so rude. Just because a girl is straightforward and knows what she wants, it doesn't make her a monster. Consider this a storm-off.

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Character: Jubilation "Jubilee" Lee
Series: Generation X | Marvel Universe
Character Age: 16

Canon: Generation X is a group of teenage mutants that attend a Massachusetts Academy created for 'specially gifted' students who have the X-gene. This gene is in every mutant and it's what gives mutants their powers; it's also what sets mutants apart from humans. This series, however, touches upon the relationship between humans and mutants, both the prejudice as well as the acceptance of what they are and what they represent. It's also here, in this school, where mutants train to use their powers for the good of humanity.

Jubilation Lee is a mutant with the power of 'fireworks.' ( pyrotechnic energy plasmoids ). Her personality is exactly like her mutant powers; in your face and hard to ignore. She's also very self-sufficient, meaning that she has a talent for getting by on her own means, and is considered to be a mall rat that has an attitude with almost everyone and everything on earth. Not only that, but she's very rebellious, witty and tends to act before thinking most of the time, which gets her into trouble more often than not.

Sample Post:

Okay, I think I took a wrong turn somewhere because this sure isn't the mall. I mean, really, where's the food court? The sales? The arcade?! The only thing I've got on this place is that it's a summer camp. I know the guys back home said I needed to learn how to control and use my powers, but did they have to trick me into going to a summer camp? They could've just said, "Jubes, I'm sending you to a camp so you can learn how to sing kumbaya and roast marshmallows with the best of them," but noooo, they had to say it was a new mall filled with awesome stuff and a bitchin' arcade.

It's not like I would've bailed- okay, I might have bailed on this if I had known where I was going. Seriously, summer camp? Come on, do I really have to do this? I mean, I used to chill with the X-men; we fought evil and stuff! I even had a costume! Sure, it was a yellow jacket and some pink shades, but it was still a costume! It may not have been lycra or spandex, but it was pretty damn cool. At least it was cooler than this camp. Seriously, what's with the zombie outfits and the "Brains brains," schtick? Isn't it a bit late for Halloween? Like, seriously, it's December; trick or treat is over and done with. No joke.

And no one cares for witty repartee. Right. Maybe it's time to make nice with the natives. Alright, here we go: hey guys, stop whining about brains and listen to what I've got to say; the name's Jubilee, that's right Ju-bi-lee. Say it with me now. Yeah, that's rig- no, it's not jubjubs! Okay, fine, you don't know how to say my name, whatever. It's not like you're smart enough to realize who's who in a place like this. I mean, look at you, your brains are practically melting off your head. Major ewgh, no kidding. You should really do something about your skin, too; it looks like someone played tic-tac-toe with a cattle prod on it. Wow, that's kind of a disturbing thought . . .

Anyway, enough about you, let's focus on something else. Like me and how great I am. Don't give me that clueless look! I'm totally awesome- hey, HEY! Stop trying to chew on my sleeve, that's major yucko, dude. Yucko with a capital Y! No, that doesn't mean you should switch to trying to chew on my head! I don't do saliva, okay? Now do you really want me to go fourth of July on you? Because I'll do it if you don't stop trying to chew on me like I'm some kinda churro. Alright, fine, keep trying, but you asked for it! Eat fireworks, douchebag; everything cubed!

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