(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 19:51

One more batch after this!

- Applicants, respond anonymously.
- If you're going to do the whole "ask me why I voted you out!" thing, please state who you voted out.
- No speculating about the identity of the applicants!

Now VOTE. Closed!

Character: Prince Sieg
Series: Kamen Rider Den-O
Character Age: Unknown (but possesses the body of a 19-year-old)

Canon: In the year 2007, monsters from time called Imagin have come to this world in order to destroy the past. It is then that the terribly unlucky Nogami Ryoutarou finds out that he is the only one who can save the timestream from the wrath of their tentacles - by transforming into Kamen Rider Den-O. However, it's only half a series with the protagonist stuck up a tree on his bicycle while the present faces its doom; but lo, not all of the sand monsters have evil intentions, and so a handful of them come to his aid, lured by great coffee, a body to possess and fight over, and eventually, the ultimate hero's purpose: to do what is right, and save the world.

Sieg, perpetually accompanied by shoujo feathers, is a swan Imagin who takes great pride in his noble status as a prince. He conducts himself with sublime demeanor and a haughty attitude, which directly affects his speech, mannerisms and his relationship with others. As per his catchphrase "Advent! To the top!", the position of the master is the one he will claim. Sieg considers his presence a gift to others and feels entitled to their service and obedience. He does not tolerate rebellious behavior and whoever treats him with disrespect he will not hesitate to cut down to size, quite literally with the use of his ability to shrink Imagin to mere inches by saying the phrase "Your head is high!" In truth, although he may come across as self-absorbed, he is a faithful and committed person and often the one to gracefully offer his help to those in need. While Sieg initially only considered his two former contractors a "Mother" and "Brother" and proclaimed everyone else a lowly peasant, Ryoutarou and his friends have gained his favor and a lift in status, showing that despite standing on top of his hierarchy, he cares for those below him. His life revolves around those he considers his Family just the way he is sure everyone's world revolves around him. The only thing better than family is his princess, Hana.

Sample Post:
When I arrived at this establishment, the farthest thing from my mind was to find a lone child so far from its own kind. At first I wondered, why must I be the one to take care of a lowly toucan? It should be the residents' purpose to guide me through this establishment. However, the lost look of this innocent being all by itself, guarded only by the thin layer of a shell, it reminded me of my brother. The young need a family, a fact that is as crystal clear as what I was supposed to do with this chick. I pledged myself to his safety, for I understand the importance of a mother in one's life. Now that I have graciously reunited them, this family shall reside with their hearts at ease while I continue to wait for my thoughtless retainers. Of course, I would be delighted to join you for breakfast until then; I find these 'Fruit Loops' a worthy addition to my royal diet. My family would be enjoying these as well, if they weren't quite so late in meeting me.

Isn't this an encampment for progenies, though? It is curious to want to meet me in a place such as this, but what other choice does a prince have but to haste when his princess is subjected to chaos and discomfort? Fair tidings, residents of this camp, for you have been gifted with my presence. My name is Sieg, and you may address me as the magnificent Prince this unsightly place has been in desperate need of.

This has hopefully answered your questions, peasant. There should remain nothing to keep you from removing yourself and fetching our tea. You are not deserving of the cereal that is a sign of this family's gratitude, for you are not the one who earned it. Furthermore, you are welcome to admire my physique when you have fulfilled your task, but now is not the time. ... What nerve you have to ignore my warning, not only to touch my beautiful wing, but to almost step on young Sam in your shameless advances. You will face your punishment properly - Your head is high!

... I have to admit, this is a drastic effect that I had not opted for; my methods do not usually involve resting the heads of my servants at their own feet. I find the look you are giving me quite accusatory, a thing that I see no need for. Surely you know better than to suspect I would treat my retainers with such tasteless violence. You over there! Was it you who decapitated my servant and assumed the entitlement to punish in my place? You are quite lucky, as he seems to be alive still. Out of my sight, make yourself useful and call for a medical practitioner. If audacities of this kind are common in this camp, my presence is more needed than I had thought.

Friend undead, your willpower to stay alive and not leave my side is truly commendable. A servant has no other purpose and delight than that of serving their master, after all, and your world revolves around me as much as everyone else's - you will be allowed to be at my service once again, if you refrain from unpermitted touch. Your wound requires treating, so begone now. The pains you are going through for your master will not go unacknowledged.

Poll Vote!

Character: Arthur Pendragon
Series: Merlin
Character Age: 21

Canon: In a land of myth and a time of magic, there was a young boy who traveled, bright-eyed and eager, from his hometown to become an apprentice to the court physician of the kingdom of Camelot. The fact that's he's more than a little bit magical, and that magic is outlawed in Camelot proves to be a little difficult, but he doesn't let that stand in his way. Within his first week in the kingdom, however, he not only manages to pick a fight with an ass, but a royal ass, better known as the crown prince, and winds up in the stocks for it. Shortly after he also learns of his destiny from a dragon locked up in the basement, saves the prince's life, and earns himself a place as servant in the royal household. That bright-eyed young man's name is Merlin, and as you may have already guessed, the prince is Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King of Albion.

Arthur is a master swordsman and a great leader for the Knights of Camelot, but his personality sometimes leaves a bit to be desired. From the start, he seems to be very much a stereotypical prince - arrogant, inconsiderate, and stubborn - but in reality, he's courageous, caring, and goes to great lengths to do what he thinks is right and just. Of course, he is those less than flattering things as well, but not even a prince can be perfect. Especially not when raised under his father's harsh rules and overwhelming hatred of any form of sorcery. But Arthur is well on his way to becoming the great king the dragon in the basement has foretold him to be, and his somewhat surprising friendship with Merlin is helping him get there. Even if he does spend a good deal of time telling Merlin what an idiot he is.

Sample Post:
Elizabeth Sayre! You're under arrest for crimes and contraventions of the laws of Camelot. You've quite obviously enchanted this entire village, even the lake. That creature in the lake was considerably more, ah, friendly than most magical creatures I've encountered, but despite that, it's clear that it couldn't have been anything but a creature of magic. I'm not sure quite what it was trying to accomplish, but at least those enchanted birds of yours proved helpful enough in their attempt at translating. I don't know what exactly they meant by the lake creature wanting to play a game of "Sword in the Stone" with me, and I'm not sure I want to. But I'll tell you now, the only thing I intend to do with my sword is plunge it deep into the centre of any and all of your enchanted creatures.

Speaking of, it seems there are warriors here after all! I was starting to wonder. Though can even call yourself warriors, falling apart like you are? And you know, typically, you're only meant to throw down your gauntlet, not an entire hand. But vile as that is, I suppose it's the intent behind it that matters. So I accept your challenge. One round, single combat, to the death. I don't intend to wait around in this place any longer than absolutely necessary, so as soon as you're ready - No one here does anything by the rules, do they? I suppose something like you wouldn't know, but in formal combat it's polite to at least allow your opponent a moment to ready himself. But I'm more than ready for you now. Let me show you what it's like to go up against a real swordsman.

Had enough? I have to say, you've shown remarkable courage. Not many would go up against me in combat armed only with a rotting arm, which, I've got to say, is completely disgusting. And I suppose it's no fault of yours that you've been enchanted. I'm sure once the witch has been put to death, you'll be released from her spell, so I've decided. As a reward for your bravery, not only will I spare your life, but you'll also be allowed to serve as my new manservant. You're bound to be more useful than Merlin, wherever he's gotten off to. At least with all your prattling on about brains I can almost be sure you've actually got one.

Poll Vote!

Character: Grimm Steward
Series: Apple
Character Age: 12

Canon: Two years ago, a ten year old boy wrote a thesis called “The Ultimate Theory of Evolution." This thesis stated that the Earth was a living thing and, when threatened, would force itself to create a certain life form called “Apple.” After that, the various governments of the world started to pursue the Apple, looking to use its powers for their own gain. The boy, named Grimm, decided to go look for the Apple himself, in order to study it. But it turns out that this life form was none other than Aramiya Satoshi, and Grimm soon found his life turned upside-down.

Grimm Steward is a rich, smart, and occasionally manipulative child prodigy. He also has a sense of maturity that many children his age probably would not have. He's gained a more well-developed view of the world, and because of that he has a better sense of right and wrong. Not only does he have a strong sense of morality (that follows HIS goals, of course), but he also has a strong sense of mortality. In fact, he is stunned at first by Satoshi’s lack of concern for his own limits, and deems him a ‘pure person’ for being willing to make such a sacrifice for the good of the world. But Despite his ability to be mature and serious, Grimm can also be very childlike. In several panels, he’s shown responding enthusiastically to a tv program, and we are told that he will randomly ask Satoshi to transform into different animals. Finally, if you catch him at the right time, he can be a bit of a spazz. Okay, maybe more than a bit. But what’s a nerdy child prodigy without some fanboying?

Sample Post:
Ahem. Ahem. ……Ahem! ….Will you pay attention already!

Yes, thank you. Now we can begin the seminar. I’m sending handouts around now. Please take one, and only one! They’re an essential addition to the power point presentation, and I only made enough for everyone to have one. Please don’t eat them this time, at least not until the presentation is over.

I’ve brought you here today in order to instruct you in the correct way to manage your finances, as well as those of the camp. The United States is in economical crisis, and being located in Louisiana this is something that should be considered when calculating what funds camp has to spend. If you would turn to the first page of your handout, we’ll come to my first point: Tuesdays.

Every Tuesday there is a drastic decrease in the supply of Pepto Bismol located in the camp’s sick ward. I feel this could be mitigated by replacing the Tuesday cook with someone who’s considerably better-versed in the culinary arts. Now, I know you like him and he’s a nice guy, but consider the sheer amount of money that is spent on restocking the sick ward alone! Not to mention dry cleaning bills and hospital bills. However, I do understand how difficult it is to let go of someone you’ve worked with for a long time, so that brings me to my second point, on the second page of your handout.

It has occurred to me that you have failed to make use of the abundant source of income within the natural resources of this camp. No, I am not speaking of zombie-powered labor though that might be an option, I’m speaking of the tree upon which undergarments seem to magically grow. Yes, these garments could in fact be harvested and sold for a decent profit. In fact, if we got every camper to spend an hour every week harvesting these garments in cycled rotations, then-I’m sorry, pardon? They’re yours?! Oh, I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t realize that those u-u-u-undergarments actually belonged to someone-W-well, moving onto my next point then! Page three of your handout, if you would.

A third source of income that could be very important to the camp’s financial stability, if handled properly, would be stocks. Though the stock market is quite weak right now. I feel that if we find the proper niche, a considerable profit would be able to be made. There are many options which could be chosen here. However, the most stable market at this time is in the manufacture of giant robots, that is, mecha. It is some of the most highly developed weaponry, a fairly stable market, and they are always in demand. They are crafted of the most strong and impenetrable metal known, and furnished with the most advanced weaponry created. They are usually very large, and piloted by a single pilot who has been trained in fighting with a mecha. Many of them have cool features, like jetpacks, so that they can go into space, and missiles, and sometimes even laser beams! And they defend the Earth and help keep all mankind safe and--!

Ahem. I would appreciate it if that, uh, outburst did not go outside this room. Thank you. Are there any final questions?

…Yes, you may now eat your handout.

Poll Vote!

Character: Kusunoki Nami
Series: Alive: The Final Evolution
Character Age: 17

Canon: Alive: The Final Evolution begins its story when the remnants of an alien race arrive on Earth in search of humans to possess and drive to suicide. Cheery! Those that survive the initial possession find themselves with a power unique to themselves: anything ranging from flames to wind to killing someone who breaks a promise with them! These power users, also known as Comrades, find themselves caught up in various quests and battles to obtain "Akuro's Heart", something that may change or destroy the world. One such person is Kusunoki Nami, an ice-wielding Comrade who finds herself teamed up with the main character, Taisuke. She maaaay have wanted to kill him (and all Comrades) at first, but she's managed to move past that stage of her life and is really quite stable these days.

Now, Nami could pass for an average high school girl. She has a strong sense of devotion to family and friends, is the idol of her school, strives to be a good daughter, and is polite and appropriately modest. She's often the stoic and level-headed member of the group, occasionally taking on the role of a straight man. However, she also provides comic relief in the form of her atrocious cooking skills and occasional moments of completely not understanding a common task. For example, attempting to practice ping-pong with a training sword and softball or "slicing" a fish by grating it. But, all that aside, she is still a fighter at heart. It's not something she can escape. So, it's no wonder that she's rejoined with Taisuke and a handful of other Comrades to seek out the Heart once more. After all, she's nothing if not someone who'll support the people important to her regardless of the odds against them.

Sample Post:
Somehow...this wasn't what I was expecting from the signs advertising this place. With a name like this, I thought it would be more rugged. But karaoke? An onsen? A lot of the attractions look creepy, but this is practically a resort! I don't know why the people I met at the entrance were so eager to get away from here. Maybe they just don't like the gimmicks.

I don't mean to say it's perfect though. I went to the cafeteria for lunch, but the menu board was blank except for the word "beware". There wasn't a single real item listed! I tried to ask someone about it, but they only insisted that it was because it was Tuesday. In the end I couldn't get anymore information from him, so I decided to ask one of the cooks about it. That was a mistake.

When I opened the door to the kitchen, the head chef pulled me right in. I didn't even have time to get my question out! He was convinced I was a replacement for one of his assistants and wouldn't listen at all when I tried to explain. I really wanted to hit him, but he looked so stressed running all over the kitchen like that... I decided to help him with some of the busywork so he could at least get a minute to sit down, but when I started chopping the fish he yelled! I don't understand what he was so angry about. The blender was a much more efficient method than using the knives. It takes care of the bones very well. You could barely even tell it was gritty. I wonder if he thought the food processor would have been a better choice?

He insisted on adding microwave dinners to the menu after that. You know, there wouldn't have been any problem if he'd stuck with his original plans. The food he was making was fine. But the kind of dinners he had...I thought they were strange. I just assumed it was part of the theme. Kiddie fingers and whatever T-Day sauce is sounds like the kind of thing that would be served here. The way it looked like a ring was under the breading made it even creepier.

It didn't make a very good impression when the microwave exploded though. Who puts a real ring into a microwave dinner?! He should have noticed when he bought those! It's a good thing I was there to stop the fire from spreading. I'm sure it won't look so bad when it all defrosts.

Poll Vote!

Character: Yukio "Koyuki" Tanaka
Series: BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad
Character Age: 16

Canon: When Koyuki saves a strange dog from a group of elementary students, he has a chance encounter with its owner, an aspiring musician named Ryuusuke Minami. Inspired by Ryuusuke, Koyuki begins to discover rock until he decides to pick up the guitar himself. Eventually, Koyuki ends up joining the band Ryuusuke puts together, jokingly named after the very dog who set events in motion itself, Beck. The series follows the band's trials and tribulations as they try to bring their music to the masses. While they don't make it to fame, they do know how to party like rock stars.

Tired with his average life, Koyuki was a restless middle-schooler until his fateful meeting with Ryuusuke. Even when he gains some confidence from his playing and above-average singing skills, he continues to allow himself to be pushed and bullied. He isn't spineless, however, as he will defend others to his last. It takes some courage to get in front of a huge crowd and do a Beatle's cover all by himself, after all. The last to get angry and the first to apologize, Koyuki is a pacifist-And a clueless one at that. Still, he manages to befriend, and even inspire, many people while bumbling through friendships and even a relationship with Maho, Ryuusuke's younger sister. Through everything, Koyuki keeps his head up and stays positive, serving as the heart of the band.

Sample Entry:
I don't know if I can keep up anymore... Haah, I'm already at my limit after wrestling with those gorillas. I thought they were going to break my arm with that Full Nelson. Then, I really wouldn't be able to play at the live, even if I did find my guitar. Mm, it's already been four hours, and I've been on a wild goose chase ever since that sick man ran-Ah, shambled off with my guitar. T-There's no way to make that sound less uncool. But he was really fast! He was there when my foot got stuck in the mud. Then, by the time I was free, he was gone! And I still don't even know where I am, either. I shouldn't have taken that shortcut through the park, but I really don't remember it being this large or muddy or... Strange. Ahh, anyway, I should find my way back and tell everyone what happened, even if there's no way anyone would believe that story. They're going to be mad, and... My guitar...

After I worked so hard to save up the money for it, I really hate to lose it like this... But it can't be helped. I can't find it anywhere, and this scavenger hunt isn't getting me any closer to getting it back. Mm, even after eating that legendary soup that's still hurting my stomach... And wrestling with those men in gorilla costumes... Haha, I can't believe I actually stole someone's underwear, too. I hope that director can understood the note I left her. -Ahh! I can't just give up and let the band down! After all this running around, I can't desert my guitar, even if it makes me want to cry! ... I-I really did sing that song too many times. It's no wonder it's stuck in my head. I thought that was the easiest challenge until everyone started throwing things, haah. Okay, I need to focus! I have an hour before the show starts, and one last clue to get back my guitar!

Alright, the last challenge is to go on a swim with this girl, Marcy. But I still don't know where to find her. I checked the pool, and no one was there. It makes sense in this weather, too. I wonder if I should even ask... I don't want to cause her trouble, or have someone else getting sick so I can get my guitar. Mm, I just have to try and see what happens, but finding her comes first. Maybe, if I... Marcy, Maaarcy, answer me~ I need you, please~ Marcy, Maaarcy! -Ahh, ahhhh! There it is! My Telecaster in the laaaagghhhh! M-Monster! Ehh, it's waving at me?! H-Haha, don't tell me... This is Marcy! Mm, nice to meet you, Marcy? N-No, you don't need to be so, um-N-Never mind, that's fine. T-Thank you for the, ah, kiss. Haah, they really didn't want to make this easy at all. She really is forceful... Ehh, no, no! I didn't say anything! Well, that is... Let's have a nice swim, Marcy?

A-Ahh, I'm definitely not telling anyone this story. I-It's so cold-Ah!! No, not there, Marcy! Not my hands; I need those to play! Anywhere else, but-H-Haha, ah, ahh, achoo!

Poll Vote!

Character: Okita Sougo
Series: Gintama
Character Age: 18

Canon: Gintama revolves around a freelancing trio who makes ends meet by carrying out various odd jobs. After all, it's been years since the samurai age, and jobs are hard to come across for the retired samurai who were forced to give up their swords. The ones who banned the swords in the first place? The aliens who conquered Japan. Not foreigners; aliens from outer space. It's thanks to their influence that Edo is up to par with the modern amenities we have today. With all the technology and copious amounts of fourth-wall breaching, it's hard to tell this even takes place in the 1860's anymore. Sure, the series has the Shinsengumi, but they also come equipped with bazookas.

Okita Sougo, captain of the Shinsengumi's first division, honestly cares about his job... it just doesn't show in the way he acts. Probably because he never listens to Hijikata, one of his superiors, and continuously tries to off him at any chance he gets. We're talking voodoo, intentionally aiming weapons at him, counting his corpses in his sleep--yeah. His job includes keeping the peace, which is great and all, but it's easier to get the job done by recklessly blowing shit up. What's a little property damage if it (occasionally) catches the criminal? While Okita's a poor sport with an immature streak, he keeps his emotions in check and comes off like he doesn't care what people think of him. He has a blase attitude and normally speaks (of completely inappropriate things) with a deadpan voice, accompanied with the usual straight face. This guy also has a sadistic side to him, which goes great with the fact that he's a police officer. Really.

Sample Post:
Testing. One, two three...

Director, you're under arrest! There are too many charges here for me to bother listing. The shorter we keep this, the sooner I can watch my dramas. You've been hiding yourself and keeping random strangers captive for too long. Think about it, you're treating them like caged animals and keeping them in a camp that reeks. I'm not about to let you keep pets if you can't take care of them properly. Ah, speaking of pets... I shot a talking bird earlier, one that was making all sorts of ruckus while I was going about my police business. It looked endangered, so I'm adding it to your growing list of offenses. You'll have some crazy people on you after that move. Now, step forward like the bothersome criminal you are and accept your punishment!

Huh, it's not working. Come to think of it, nobody around here's been able to provide an accurate eye-witness report on her. Then again, everyone could have already gone blind. Living in a poorly maintained dump like this could do that to you. Let's see... The director's a woman, and women are usually concerned with their appearence. They'll spend hours in front of the mirror before setting foot outside their house. I'll just have to approach this from a different angle.

Director, it's okay you're ugly! You've surrounded yourself with gorillas and zombies, not to mention you're staying in a nasty swamp. You should fit in easy. Any blemishes on your face can't be that much worse than the bubbles in the lake water. If they are, consult a plastic surgeon or something. They can improve your face from something only a mother could love to a face your fiance wouldn't have minded looking at with the lights on. It's not my fault if your mother didn't love you. So your fiance would only do you in the dark; you have just yourself to blame!

... oi, are you upset? Is that why you're ignoring me? Is it because you're pre-menstrual? Can't you act like this on your own time? This is my time you're wasting. So far ten minutes have gone down the drain. I could be watching late television dramas, but instead I'm trying to understand a moody, possibly deaf, woman with an ugly face and a hobby for imprisoning people. There's no need to make this any more difficult, so come out already!

You're really stubborn about this. I'll just have to break that part of you, won't I, Director. Strong women are easier to bend and break, especially sadistic types like you, so it should be a cinch. I'll make sure to leash you once I have you.

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