Title: Velveteen Presents Action Dude vs. Doing the Right Thing. Summary: And now for something completely different. Velveteen is gone, and Action Dude has found himself in situations his training never prepared him for.
Title: Velveteen vs. Trick or Treat. Summary: The trials of a formerly retired superheroine are destined never to be done, especially when the heroine in question was foolish enough to agree to serve the seasonal lands...
Title: Velveteen vs. A Disturbing Number of Crows. Summary: The trials of a formerly retired superheroine are destined never to be done, especially when the heroine in question was foolish enough to agree to serve the seasonal lands...
Today's story was brought to you by nolly. Happy birthday nolly!
Title: Velveteen vs. The Melancholy of Autumn. Summary: The trials of a formerly retired superheroine are destined never to be done, especially when the heroine in question was foolish enough to agree to serve the seasonal lands...
Today's story was sponsored by phantomdancer! Happy birthday!
Title: Velveteen Presents Polychrome vs. The Court of Public Opinion and Not Punching Anyone. Summary: And now for something completely different. Velveteen is gone, and Polychrome is still putting her life back together, one heroic escapade at a time.
Title: Velveteen vs. Spring Cleaning. Summary: The trials of a formerly retired superheroine are destined never to be done, especially when the heroine in question was foolish enough to agree to serve the seasonal lands
( Read more... )
Title: Velveteen vs. Balance. Summary: The trials of a formerly retired superheroine are destined never to be done, especially when the heroine in question was foolish enough to agree to serve the seasonal lands...
Today's story was sponsored by Rob and Larissa. Thanks, Rob and Larissa!
Title: Velveteen vs. The Thaw. Summary: The trials of a formerly retired superheroine are destined never to be done, especially when the heroine in question was foolish enough to agree to serve the seasonal lands...
Today's story was sponsored by Rob and Larissa. Thanks, Rob and Larissa!