Title: Velveteen vs. Temptation. Summary: What happens to a child superhero who finds that after everything she has done, everything she has endured...life goes on?
Title: Velveteen vs. Recovery. Summary: What happens to a child superhero who finds that after everything she has done, everything she has endured...life goes on?
Title: Velveteen Presents Jacqueline Claus vs. The Lost and the Found. Summary: And now for something completely different! Santa’s daughter must find her place in the world...whether she wants to or not. This is the end of volume three, and brings us to the next stage of Velveteen's adventures.
Title: Velveteen vs. The Retroactive Continuity. Summary: What happens when a former child superhero returns from her travels in the seasonal lands, only to discover that things have changed, possibly forever? Velveteen is home. Home is not the same.
Title: Velveteen vs. Everything You Ever Wanted. Summary: What happens when a former child superhero returns from her travels in the seasonal lands, only to discover that things have changed, possibly forever? Velveteen is home. Home is not the same.
It is done: I am in Seattle. I have a place to live. It is a nice place to live. I have housemates. They are nice housemates. I have my cats. They are no longer quite as angry at me
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Title: Velveteen vs. Going Home Again. Summary: What happens when a former child superhero returns from her travels in the seasonal lands, only to discover that things have changed, possibly forever? Velveteen is home. Home is not the same.
Title: Velveteen vs. The Consequences of Her Actions. Summary: What happens when a former child superhero returns from her travels in the seasonal lands, only to discover that things have changed, possibly forever? Velveteen is home. Home is not the same.