Iron Poet poetry roundup #6.

Mar 07, 2016 19:05

It's the sixth roundup for the current round of Iron Poet! This round is now closed.

"My Sister" for druidspell. (Pantoum)
"Come Dancing" for wyld_dandelion. (Rhyming verse)
"Castleview" for angel_vixen. (Triolet)
"Your Voice" for muddlewait. (Triolet)
"A Human Heart" for myuki_chan. (Triolet)
"Plain Desires" for geojlc. (Rhyming verse)
"Wedding Plea" for azurelunatic. (Blank verse)
"Time" for tibicina. (Blank verse)
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poetry, iron poet

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Comments 2

notalwaysweak March 9 2016, 12:01:16 UTC
You are absolutely blitzing these! I'm so pleased you're getting to do poetry again.


archangelbeth March 9 2016, 15:54:49 UTC
Thank you so much for these roundup links so we can appreciate all the lovely words.


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