It's the fifth roundup for
the current round of Iron Poet! This round is now closed.
"For You" for
betedanslecoeur. (Rhyming verse)
"Phantom Rose" for
kidogirl. (Song form)
"Dreaming Australia" for
rose_clover. (Free verse)
"Offerings" for
beable. (Free verse)
"If You Let Me" for
hsifyppah. (Song form)
"Bleeding" for
deire. (Free verse)
"The Restless Dead" for
patoadam. (Rondeau)
"Fairy Tale" for
archangelbeth. (Rhyming verse)
"All Else Fades" for
jadis17. (Blank sonnet)
"Every Cat" for
redbird. (Free verse)
"What She Asked For" for
shiyiya. (Rhyming verse)
"This Is How" for
allisona. (Free verse)
More to come.