The 31st of December 2019

Dec 31, 2019 23:59

I can't believe I'm only just posting again after having so many days off - and wondering if I'll manage at all to make my now-traditional (*g*) new year's eve post. Twelve whole days off I had, and I didn't even manage to reply to all the lovely people who talked to me last time I posted... I'm sorry! Again... Where does my time go? Come to ( Read more... )

new year again

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Comments 13

milomaus January 1 2020, 05:51:35 UTC
Happy New Year to you, too!
Love all the reading and writing you did! And the travelling. *g*


byslantedlight January 1 2020, 12:46:27 UTC
The travelling was definitely very cool... *vbg*

Hope you're having a brilliant new year so far - and that your Christmas was gorgeous! (Mine turned out to involve a tree cake... *vvbg*)


shooting2kill January 1 2020, 07:36:25 UTC
My first time writing entirely for a fandom that isn't Pros, too..

You're writing for another fandom? Please don't tease us, where is it?!!!!


byslantedlight January 1 2020, 12:18:22 UTC
I've only written the one story, as part of the Yuletide challenge! I hoped it might kick-start me into writing again, you know? Pros and other stuff. I've just posted about it here (which tells you a bit about the fandom too, cos I'm not sure whether you'll know it). They're written anonymously, and were only revealed at 9am today, which is why I didn't say anything before! *g*


shooting2kill January 1 2020, 12:23:44 UTC
Well done for getting into writing again and no, I don't know the fandom but thank you for all the details.


byslantedlight January 1 2020, 12:47:06 UTC
Well, cross fingers it'll carry on in 2020 - we'll see. It was fun to write, but reeeaaaallly haaaard... *g*


ariss_tenoh January 1 2020, 09:43:19 UTC
Happy New Year! *blows kisses*


byslantedlight January 1 2020, 12:18:38 UTC
Happy New Year to you too! *vbg*


heliophile_oxon January 1 2020, 11:45:50 UTC
Here's to 2020 and all the subsequent (roaring?) 20s being better, yes! HNY :-)


byslantedlight January 1 2020, 12:19:23 UTC
And to you too! Hope they roar more gently and kindly, anyway!


paris7am January 1 2020, 15:06:17 UTC
Happy new year, and happy new decade! Really enjoyed your end of year look back - well done! You accomplished so much! Here's to a bright and happy new year. 🌞🌛✨


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