Happy 2020 and Yuletide story

Jan 01, 2020 12:02

I seem to remember that it's traditional to do a Yuletide reveal post - or at least I remember lots of people doing that in previous years *g* - and a couple of people have asked about my story, so, it's this one:

One Not Far Distant Day
by Slantedlight

It's from the Charm of Magpies series of books, which I've written about before because I love them. They're Victorian paranormal m/m books, and I very much recommend them if you've not read them yet! The books actually have new covers now, because KJ Charles has self-published after the whole Samhain Publishing faff, and I think they also include the short stories/snippets that she's posted online/to Fb too, or at least some of them.

Anyway - it was my first time writing for Yuletide, and my first time writing for another fandom without even a hint of Pros in it, and my hope in doing so was that it would kick-start me into writing more, because it was just barely happening last year, and I hated that. I was quite worried about the story, mind, because it sounded right in my head, but that doesn't always translate to other people's heads, so I kept an eye on it... but it seems to have been okay! In fact, I've actually had such nice feedback about it (and even a rec on the Yuletide rec site, from someone whose fics I really enjoyed in Torchwood fandom, which was just wow *g*), given when I was still anonymous, that it's encouraging me to make just one New Year's resolution for 2020. Usually I say I'm going to be better at posting and replying and so on, and will be healthier and exercise more and all the usual stuff (and I still am), but this year I'm going to make one: I am going to write. Write anything. I'll get on with my own stories, especially the one that's over 50,000 words long, and with Pros, and maybe some more Charm of Magpies if I get the urge, or perhaps Astreiant or Mathey and Lynes, which I also love, but just... write again.

So - we'll see how that works out... *g*

And now I'm off to go and see somewhere different for my last day before work starts again. Not sure where yet - maybe I'll head off Stonehenge direction. Mind you, I'd better get a move on - it's not the lightest of days out here...

yuletide, charm of magpies

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