The 31st of December 2019

Dec 31, 2019 23:59

I can't believe I'm only just posting again after having so many days off - and wondering if I'll manage at all to make my now-traditional (*g*) new year's eve post. Twelve whole days off I had, and I didn't even manage to reply to all the lovely people who talked to me last time I posted... I'm sorry! Again... Where does my time go? Come to think of it, maybe it has been a bit of an odd'un this year. I suppose it went something like this:
- finished work, hurrah, 12 days off!
- desperate dash to write fic for my discoveredinalj day
- attempt to do chores, shop, re-decorate Christmas tree (don't ask...) and all that
- more food saving stuff/people to meet etc. (new application is in!)
- desperate dash to finish Yuletide story properly, after submitting only something that would do at the deadline. Thank goodness for edits! Interspersed with Skyping Australia (no, not all of it, just family... *g*) for their Christmas on my Christmas eve. I finished the story at 5.30am on Christmas morning, and it's been a long time since I pulled that kind of all-nighter! Even for work I'm usually done by 4am-ish. Queue eep-worry-etc., but it seems to have gone down pretty well, so phew. My first time writing entirely for a fandom that isn't Pros, too...
- Christmas day. The rest of it. Landlords had invited me for drinks, so I'd set my alarm, woken up before it went off, ate a banana and finished off my breakfast with a glass of red wine... Not sure I've ever done that before! Then just had a quiet one, including fab things like the new Gavin and Stacey. *g*
- Crashed day! I did nothing on Boxing day. Which is when I could have got my manners together and replied to people...
- I was a good girl the next day, and gathered together my accounts for January taxes day... I always swear I'll do it early...
- various other chores
- watching all the Star Wars films in order, ready to go and see The Rise of Skywalker last night - wheee! It took ages (obviously!) but I did it, for the first time ever, and it made a huge difference when I saw this one, so I was really glad I'd done it. Also, wow - spin-offs etc. to come notwithstanding, that's the end of the three trilogies, end of that era... it took almost my whole life so far!
- and then it was today, and I went to see a mate (and listen to her partner's practice forensics lecture, which was fun and took me back), then shopping and laundry. I have a feeling that I'm going to see the new year in surrounded by bathmats and knickers, cos my dryer just isn't that fast, and I have no radiators to hurry the process along...!

Books 2019
I ended up reading 16 books from my Mount To-Be-Read, so didn't make the 24 I'd hoped for ( Mt Blanc but on the bright side, I got up Pike's Peak (12 books) and kept going... And 16 books is really a decent number to mostly take off my shelves. *g*

I managed all by two of my Lj Bingo squares too - sooo close! If I could have used fanfic for tv tie-in, then that would've been another one. *g* I'm halfway through a biography book, but not going to finish it in the next half hour. Ah well - fun though. *g*

According to my list, I read 76 books/long fanfics, but it was really more than that, because I know I've forgotten definitely some fanfic and definitely some re-reads, and possibly a few books too. As usualy I seem to get to summer, stutter and carry on, then get to September and fade entirely. Right now I'm thinking that next year I will just read, and maybe post about books I've liked, but not do any challeges or anything that I can fail at...

Pros and Fanfic
It's been an interesting year for Pros in my house, due largely to the arrival of 80-odd folders full of Pros fanfiction from the UK Paper Circuit Archive. I never for one second expected that!

Counting my Yuletide fic, I've written/completed seven fanfics this year (surely it was more than that...? If not - oh dear..!):
Where all this Started (with hambelandjemima) - 5th January 2019
It was a Dark and Foggy Night - 31 January 2019
Never Valentine's Day - 14th February 2019
A Heatwave for Bodie - 27th July 2019
No Such Thing as Father Christmas - 10th December 2019
The Case of the Missing Gun - 21st December 2019
Yuletide Fic - 25th December 2019

The Yuletide fic was to try and get me writing again - anything! - and there's a chance it worked, because although my first thought was well-that-proves-the-only-thing-I-can-write-a-bit-is-Prosfic, the days passed and it seems to have had a decent reaction, so I guess it did work after all... *g* So maybe I can, and maybe I should keep trying... Maybe I should try harder! *g*

And otherwise... it's been a weird a year. I've lived in this village for a year. We had a Jack-in-the-Green celebration, which I wrote the call for. I wrote most of the pamphlet for it too, which was later pinched an incorporated into an actual published magazine article credited to someone else - she asked my permission, but after the fact. I started a food saving scheme in the village, which was really well-received - and the same person put a stop to it, so that she could organise herself to be paid for it, even though it was the volunteers I'd arranged doing the work. Interesting, living in a village is...

I proofread, and examined, and tutored a little bit. I had fun in Germany and Switzerland with lovely mates. I'm fairly sure I should have taken more days off at other times of the year too though! And gone more places - it's been a kind of stay-at-home year mostly, after all the travelling in 2018.

And now here we are, and I'm so late finishing this that it's nearly midnight and a new year and a new decade, and all that. I still remember working out, when I was a kid, how old I'd be in 2000 and being amazed. Now it's twenty years later!

Anyway - by the time you read at least this sentence - happy new year! Here's to 2020 being better in sooooo many ways.

new year again

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