The 31st of December 2019

Dec 31, 2019 23:59

I can't believe I'm only just posting again after having so many days off - and wondering if I'll manage at all to make my now-traditional (*g*) new year's eve post. Twelve whole days off I had, and I didn't even manage to reply to all the lovely people who talked to me last time I posted... I'm sorry! Again... Where does my time go? Come to ( Read more... )

new year again

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Comments 13

freetraveller15 January 2 2020, 01:03:35 UTC
Happy 2020 to you and well done on all your accomplishments last year!


miwahni January 2 2020, 11:29:41 UTC
Happy New Year to you! I hope all of your Oz family are safe from the terrible fires.


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