366 Photos - 135/366 - To the supermarket (also - fandom hits Job 1!)

May 15, 2016 17:25

I remembered to take my camera with me on the way to the supermarket yesterday... *g*
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366 project2016, somerset, fandom, grrrr

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Comments 9

milomaus May 15 2016, 16:47:20 UTC
Such a nice picture, and I so love the region you live in, but so sad about all the noise.
And that at a place so far out.

It's quite cold here and we spent all day inside. I even did the tax stuff today, I'm so proud.
Tomorrow is a holiday here, but Inhave to get up at six and go to the stable, there is big horse riding tournament, and I have to help in the kitchen.

Looking forward to the slashy lads post!


fiorenza_a May 15 2016, 17:16:20 UTC

Busy Maus :0)


byslantedlight May 15 2016, 22:24:53 UTC
In a way perhaps it's a relief to know the noise was an illegal rave - at least it wasn't another officially organised event... But then there's enough the rest of the summer that it's not that much of a relief. It is a shame...

Yeay for inside-getting-things-done days, and well-done your tax stuff! I'm proud of you too... *g*

Happy horsey holiday for tomorrow - hope it's wonderful enough to be worth 6am!


fiorenza_a May 15 2016, 17:25:40 UTC

Fandom's like train spotting - it is evolving!

Any activity which engages thousand (millions) of people world wide deserves to be taken seriously. But it does have the major disadvantage of being predominantly a female activity - at least overtly - and therefore suffers from the womb discount.

Unlike angling, which gets its own shows. And I would argue has less followers.

Say 'I'm into such and such a show' in any room and someone will bite - and someone else will cough to having built their own tie fighter from lollypop sticks - office mugs abound with declarations of fealty and any 'dress down weekday' will garner a smattering of Red Dwarf t-shirts.

Now try saying 'I'm into angling' - I rest my case. QED. :0)


byslantedlight May 15 2016, 22:28:21 UTC
Actually fandom's mostly seen as a male activity - or at least that's the stereotype still, when you hear it described in the media, lads leering at Princess Leia and the like. I was glad to find there was a thriving female equivalent!

You're clearly socialising with the right people though - none of those things happen in any of the groups I've been in rooms with (unless they were fan-based groups to start with...)


siskiou May 15 2016, 20:12:37 UTC
*Six* whole weeks of loud music festivals?!
That would just absolutely drive me to distraction! I'd probably pack up and stay elsewhere for at least part of the time, if at all possible.
Lovely area, otherwise, though.

Enjoy the Sat-nav. I use my phone for that quite a lot (Copilot GPS, no data needed) and find the voice guidance very helpful.
Otherwise it's pulling off all the time, to peruse the map.

Sometimes I wonder how we used to find anything before! ;)


byslantedlight May 15 2016, 22:37:53 UTC
To be fair (ha - which they're not!) the Christians are only going to be holding two two week festivals this year, cos so many people complained last year that they thought they'd... try and fob us off by only being incredibly loud every night for four weeks instead? Honestly ( ... )


siskiou May 16 2016, 02:06:30 UTC
I think I remember you getting this phone. HTC desire, or something similar?

I just updated my phone earlier this year, mainly so I could sign up for a free plan with Ringplus, which gives me 2500 free texts, minutes, and 2.5GB of data.

It's a Sprint offshoot, and the voice quality lacks badly, but texts and data work great most of the time. And the phone I bchose can be used in Europe, or switch to any Provider in the US, if I want to. It was an Amazon Warehouse deal. Somebody had sent it back, but there was absolutely no sign of use, and it works perfectly fine.

I remember when Mr. Siskiou and I drove in Ireland with a rental car that had GPS. It sent us onto smaller and smaller lanes, until it looked more like a footpath than anything else. It never did get us to the Burren National Park, but we finally found it after getting back to civilization and asking someone.

And it's nice and big, and the GPS works great, too.
My old phone sometimes took 10 minutes to finally lock on the location.


miwahni May 17 2016, 11:47:58 UTC
That would do my head in - I don't mind music, but thumping bass vibrations would drive me spare. No wonder you want out, seriously ( ... )


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