366 Photos - 135/366 - To the supermarket (also - fandom hits Job 1!)

May 15, 2016 17:25

I remembered to take my camera with me on the way to the supermarket yesterday... *g*
(That is the pretty way, up through the Mendip hills. I'm actually in the middle bit between the Mendip Hills AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - equal to, but not quite the same as, a National Park) and the Cranborne Chase AONB, and believe it or not, this picture was taken in neither. *g*

That said, I was all ready for a nice quiet night last night, actually settling down to write, when d'you know what happened? Some bugger of a music party/festival/rave whatever came smashing through the peaceful warm evening, and from 8.30 to sometime after quarter to 1am, when I turned my light out with my ears bunged up, I could hear the bass beat through my walls and over my telly (and over my cooker fan, when I had that on). Not a happy bunny as it pounded away on my tinnitus, and no writing done... Okay, just googled to see if I could find out if anyone else was complaining, and it looks like it was an illegal rave near Frome. That's about 12 miles away! Gordon Bennett it must have been awful for anyone living closer! Whoever it is in that article saying aw-let-them-party-if-they're-not-hurting-anyone was presumably not living in the direction the sound was carrying (if I heard it 12 miles away!), and presumably doesn't realise that people living so much closer in that direction would have been hurt by not being able to sleep (ill people! old people! children! their parents who have to deal with it all night!) She presumably also doesn't have to live with not just the 4 days of Glastonbury, but the 6 weeks of the Christian festivals (New Wine/Soul Survivor, all with the same mega-loud bass-beat music almost every night, believe it or not) just up the road from me, and then the NASS festival ("three days of music and high octane action sports"). All of which is why this isn't where I'm going to be settling down - last summer drove me mad. There I was thinking there were a few more weeks of peace, at least, before it all kicked off again. Gaargh!

Really what I was going to say though, was:
a) I did watch WtHCO, it's just taking me forever to do the pictures again!
b) I'm working today, so I can hopefully finish early on Wednesday, but on the bright side I just came across a reference to fandom in one of the docs I'm working on - a completely mainstream academic subject, treating fandom as a perfectly mainstream thing that happens! *g*
c) I also gave in yesterday, sort of on impulse, and bought a sat-nav... *sighs* I don't want to, cos I do think I'll end up with less of an idea myself of where I am, but I realised why I was finding it harder to navigate via maps these days. It's got nothing to do with the maps or my brain - it's my eyes! Trying to map-read means I'm going from long-distance-glasses viewing to no-glasses-close-reading - and of course you really can't glance at a map while driving when you need to adjust glasses to do it... So I had to give in - dammit! If nothing else it's more stuff to lug around that's got to be protected from being pinched... It's all charged and updated and stuff and ready to go, and I shall try and get out tonight to test it... if I get on and finish the next document. But I'll take my camera with me. And then I'll come home and finish off my WtHCO post, cos lovely slashy lads... *g*

How're you doing, this sunny Sunday?

366 project2016, somerset, fandom, grrrr

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