Title: The Plains of Esdraelon (11/11)
Author: bugs
Summary: Bill and Laura straighten things out.
Rating: MA
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Angst, Drama
Word Count: 2,600
Series: The Stars in Their Courses
A/N: Not to bad; only one chapter over my goal. Thank you to all my birthday girls for the inspiration!
Chapter Eleven... )
Comments 23
What an honor and pleasure to have this story written with my birthday in the back of your mind, Bugs. I'm pretty misty over here..
So clever, you are, with your junior/senior/military/polictical square of Laura & Billy, Elizabeth & Bill.
And I feel I can breath a lot easier with Laura back with Bill on Galactica -- and with the crew on their way to Earth.
I'm heading off now to read from beggining to end -- that's my plan for tonight.
Thanks so much, Bugs, so much.
Aw, I'm glad you've enjoyed the prezzie! I'm just glad I got the oomph to write more in this universe. Really enjoyed getting back on this horse!
So clever, you are, with your junior/senior/military/polictical square of Laura & Billy, Elizabeth & Bill.
Frankly, I don't blame the distrust, because the set-up does look pretty shady. LOL! But what can you do when the best person for the job happens to be your daughter's boyfriend?
And I feel I can breath a lot easier with Laura back with Bill on Galactica
I was watching the Crossroads phone convo scene for the 100X and looked at that horrible little cot of Laura's and just shook my head. Honey, I would have forced that man take me in way sooner just for a real bed!
I'm heading off now to read from beggining to end -- that's my plan for tonight.
I hope not the whole/whole thing!
Thanks so much, Bugs, so much.
You're very welcome!
So much I love in this chapter. There's the obvious. Plus I love the little bit with Billy and Elizabeth. I love how he says I love you like your mother, then admits he doesn't love her exactly like his mother. Oh, Billy the smooth talker.
I love the last line. Bill and Laura being together makes everything right in the world!
We'll race! :D
Plus I love the little bit with Billy and Elizabeth. I love how he says I love you like your mother, then admits he doesn't love her exactly like his mother. Oh, Billy the smooth talker.
I tried, I really tried to sexy times it up for Billy and El, just for you, and I couldn't do it! Sweet romance is all I could do! Like Billy, I couldn't think about Laura and El in the same framework!
And of course Bill and Laura are together at the end!
In that vein, I like babylon_whore's Domesticated Sexay universe series for some relaxing romance and tender angst. Also at the fandom_bitches LJ, there's great longer stuff by gidget as well.
bsg_aussiegirlwrites long WIPs...we just have to get her finish some of them!
I assume you've read all of katamarann's longer pieces on SI?
I don't think Captain's Quarters in on SI, so you may not have seen her stories. Also several writers on umademebelieve write long stories. Go poke around.
We'll have to probe lacklusterfic. She's read everything!
You can also ask at laura_ficfinder. Other readers will have better memories than mine!
Quad of political/military togetherness so beats out the Quad of Doom.
And your metaphors. Reminding us Laura had been planet-bound again, hearing sounds so natural on the ground (dogs whining) and not in space. Looks like she's picking up some of her husband's animalistic tendencies...
Frak! Bill's nothing but a pretty face to you!
Quad of political/military togetherness so beats out the Quad of Doom.
I'll use my AU God-complex for good, not evil.
Reminding us Laura had been planet-bound again, hearing sounds so natural on the ground (dogs whining) and not in space. Looks like she's picking up some of her husband's animalistic tendencies...
I've just given up and they're all hounds to me now. Laura's an Irish Setter, Bill's a mastiff, Elizabeth's one of those spastic hounds, a Vizsla, and Billy's a fluffy Golden Retriever. So there.
And I thought I was hiding it so well...
Laura's an Irish Setter, Bill's a mastiff, Elizabeth's one of those spastic hounds, a Vizsla, and Billy's a fluffy Golden Retriever.
I'm never going to get that picture out of my mind now. A Bullmastiff, right?
Naturally! I wanted one for years, because apparently they don't bite attackers, but just sort of push them over and sit them,which seems very Bill-like, but I can't abide drool.
I'm thinking that Dee would do well as a first lady, being pregnant, giving a good example to the fleet. People will sympathize with them and he'll get lots of votes and upset the rest of the family.
She weakly patted his cheek. “I’d say forget it, but you do have your bare ass on Baltar’s couch. A shower is in order, first thing.”
The crew made a point of not noticing.
This made me smile, and I'm smiling still.
I'm really enjoying this series and I hope you'll continue in the future. I love how you alternate action, romance and drama. Everytime you manage to surprise me with a different angle or take on something.
I love Billy as running mate, and am very curious to see what he's going to be up to. He had a lot of potential eventhough I didn't care much for the character in the show, you've made him climb on my list significantly.
I did want to make Lee's move into politics a bit more logical. With a family, war hero, he's definitely a more prototype politician, at least in the US.
love how you alternate action, romance and drama.
I try, but I find I get bogged down pretty easily. LOL! I love to write Domestic!Adamas, and it just gets away from me.
I love Billy as running mate, and am very curious to see what he's going to be up to. He had a lot of potential eventhough I didn't care much for the character in the show, you've made him climb on my list significantly.
I'm glad to hear that! He's definitely got a role in the epilogue ideas, with a new leadership dynasty taking form when they arrive at Earth.
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