Title: The Plains of Esdraelon (11/11)
Author: bugs
Summary: Bill and Laura straighten things out.
Rating: MA
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Angst, Drama
Word Count: 2,600
Series: The Stars in Their Courses
A/N: Not to bad; only one chapter over my goal. Thank you to all my birthday girls for the inspiration!
Chapter Eleven... )
Comments 23
She did walk through the corridors of Galactica in her robe. The crew made a point of not noticing. Bill had one arm looped through hers and carried her bag on the other, like a schoolboy carrying his girl’s books for the first time, his face showing his quiet pride and relief.
It was the leather jacket, the black sweater & charm.
2010 was the greatest year to have a birthday. Because friends wrote fics & made vids. Gifts tied with heartstrings...I thank you, my friend. For this story & for making my celebration special.
And I'm not even going to consider that this is the last we'll see of these beloved characters.
They looked out the window to the stars ahead, the pinpricks of light leading their way to Earth ( ... )
I did write a little fluffy/smutty story in the universe, Sixteen Candles but I do need put pick this 'verse up again. As soon as I finish some other big stories... *sigh*
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