Title: The Plains of Esdraelon (11/11)
Author: bugs
Summary: Bill and Laura straighten things out.
Rating: MA
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Angst, Drama
Word Count: 2,600
Series: The Stars in Their Courses
A/N: Not to bad; only one chapter over my goal. Thank you to all my birthday girls for the inspiration!
Chapter Eleven... )
Quad of political/military togetherness so beats out the Quad of Doom.
And your metaphors. Reminding us Laura had been planet-bound again, hearing sounds so natural on the ground (dogs whining) and not in space. Looks like she's picking up some of her husband's animalistic tendencies...
Frak! Bill's nothing but a pretty face to you!
Quad of political/military togetherness so beats out the Quad of Doom.
I'll use my AU God-complex for good, not evil.
Reminding us Laura had been planet-bound again, hearing sounds so natural on the ground (dogs whining) and not in space. Looks like she's picking up some of her husband's animalistic tendencies...
I've just given up and they're all hounds to me now. Laura's an Irish Setter, Bill's a mastiff, Elizabeth's one of those spastic hounds, a Vizsla, and Billy's a fluffy Golden Retriever. So there.
And I thought I was hiding it so well...
Laura's an Irish Setter, Bill's a mastiff, Elizabeth's one of those spastic hounds, a Vizsla, and Billy's a fluffy Golden Retriever.
I'm never going to get that picture out of my mind now. A Bullmastiff, right?
Naturally! I wanted one for years, because apparently they don't bite attackers, but just sort of push them over and sit them,which seems very Bill-like, but I can't abide drool.
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