Kink Meme *Closed*

Apr 18, 2010 22:16

Kink Meme
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prompt thread, part1, kink meme

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hurt/comfort AOS prompt anonymous February 27 2011, 03:15:03 UTC
This h/c plot bunny was born out of my somewhat vile mood. Bear with me. *g ( ... )


Re: hurt/comfort AOS prompt thistlerose February 27 2011, 21:56:55 UTC
I got this one, folks.


Re: hurt/comfort AOS prompt anonymous March 26 2011, 02:36:47 UTC
Still got it? I'd like to take a quick stab at it, otherwise ;D


Re: hurt/comfort AOS prompt thistlerose March 26 2011, 02:58:02 UTC
I do. Multiple fills are fine, though, so go for it.


Re: hurt/comfort AOS prompt anonymous March 26 2011, 03:10:29 UTC
Yayz! I love your writing and I can't wait to see yours :DDDDD


Re: hurt/comfort AOS prompt thistlerose March 26 2011, 15:59:33 UTC
Aw, thanks! :)

I'm sure the OP wouldn't mind multiple fills.


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 1/? anonymous March 26 2011, 19:05:57 UTC
Sulu tore his hand free and grabbed Jim's arm as he passed, grip bruising. Jim froze. "Sir, he's not going to survive ten," Sulu burst out tersely. Beside him, Chekov was watching the discussion surreptitiously. "The Gaussian body is stronger, they can take more. You have to get the punishment lowered."

"I've tried," Jim murmured back. Sulu's face was unnaturally pale as he leaned close.

"Gag him so he doesn't bite through his tongue," Sulu breathed against Jim's ear. And then the guard dragged Sulu away, wrestling him to the ground in a flurry of elbows and restrained grunts. Sulu's face was shoved hard into the ground, red and defiant, as his arms were twisted painfully behind his back. Jim, not for the first time, felt like he was going to throw up. When the handle of the whip was placed in his hand, his skin crawled. He clenched his fingers hard around the leather-bound stick as he was ushered forward onto the platform. Every muscle in his legs strained as he climbed the two slight steps onto the platform with his escort ( ... )


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 2/? anonymous March 27 2011, 00:39:30 UTC
"You may begin," the Gaussian encouraged from the side of the platform. Jim felt the irrational sense that this should be done in private. Jim drew back the flogger, but the Gaussian's voice made him freeze once more. "If you do not draw blood, I will be forced to take over."

Jim grit his teeth, body trembling with effort of holding himself. His eyes were fixed on Bones' back. The smooth, unmarked skin shifting over fluid muscle, warmed by the sun. Bones shifted, trying to get comfortable.


Jim whirled at his given name issuing from the pilot's lips. Sulu arched against the strangehold the Gaussian wrapped around his throat. "Paced strokes! Along the shoulder blades!" His voice choked off, the Gaussian tightening his grip to silence him. Paced strokes.

Jim took a deep breath. He drew the flogger back once more. "Many are my names in many countries." At the last word he flung the lash forward, feeling the impact echo up his arm as the strands of leather slapped Bones' back. The doctor flinched, tensing in his bonds, and cast ( ... )


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 3/? anonymous March 27 2011, 01:30:40 UTC
"Jim, take a shower," Sulu's voice murmured in his ear. He found himself blinking in a clean bathroom, and he glanced at his hands, slick with red. His nausea returned with a vengeance, and he barely had time to wrap his hands around the toilet bowl before his alien lunch made a second appearance. Sulu was by his side instantly, warm hand running along Jim's spine as Jim retched violently, stomach clenching in agony. Jim sucked in a deep breath, only to choke on it as his stomach heaved again. This time, only bile and a bit of blood came up. Jim moaned ( ... )


Re: [fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 3/? weepingnaiad March 27 2011, 01:36:19 UTC
I believe you that it's Kirk/McCoy, but I have to say I'm loving Sulu's support!

The whole thing has my heart in my throat for Jim, because... yeah.


Re: [fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 3/? anonymous March 27 2011, 02:40:01 UTC
Oh, Bones. Oh, Jim. I love what you've done with Sulu, having him support Jim, taking charge when he has to. I'm looking forward to more.


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 4/? anonymous March 27 2011, 03:15:14 UTC
Jim shook his head even as Sulu pushed him back against the soft mattress and Chekov curled up against him. Chekov's warmth was soothing at his side, and Sulu didn't seem to mind when Jim put a hand around the kid's shoulders. Sulu lowered the lights and turned the heat up in the room to a comfortable temperature. "Sleep. Sleep now..." Sulu murmured over them. Chekov's breathing was even and deep, and Jim found himself lulled to sleep by the gentle sound and the sensation of Sulu's fingers carding through his hair ( ... )


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 5/? anonymous March 27 2011, 03:21:57 UTC
"Thank you, Doctor," Jim said, stepping around M'Benga towards the aforementioned bed. Jim slipped through the curtains and approached the bed cautiously. Bones had been laid on his stomach to take pressure off his newly-healed back. His gown didn't even have fabric touching his back. It curved down like a back-less dress, covering enough for the doctor to remain decent. Jim couldn't resist. He reached out and skirted his fingers over skin. There was no sign of scarring. Jim couldn't even see traces of where the wounds had been. M'Benga knew what he was doing ( ... )


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 6/? anonymous March 27 2011, 15:25:06 UTC
Jim remained at Bones' bedside until he woke once more, lucid and more like his usual self. M'Benga appeared instantly, letting Bones sit up and test out his healing back.

"How do you feel, sir?" M'Benga asked lightly, PADD in hand.

"Like a six ton semi just ran me over," Bones grumped. Jim smiled at M'Benga's face, who obviously missed the reference. "Can I go now?"

"After I run the standard tests, sir," M'Benga said, a little too cheerfully at having his CO under his thumb. Bones rolled his eyes as M'Benga poked and prodded at the skin at his back, and then finally announced he was fit for light duty. Emphasis on light. Pointed look at Jim ( ... )


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 7/? anonymous March 27 2011, 15:59:25 UTC
"Thanks," Jim murmured, struck breathless by the story. "How ( ... )


[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 8/? anonymous March 27 2011, 16:50:48 UTC
Chekov answered the door, a small, mischievous grin on his lips that had Jim cocking an eyebrow. Jim slipped into the room. "Hey Bones," he said. Bones waved slightly at him, sitting at the table in the room. "Do you want Chekov to stay?" Jim asked, stepping further into the room. "We can have a quiet dinner and play cards or something..."

"It's all right," Bones said gruffly, looking slightly tense but determined. Jim glanced at Chekov, who grinned and soundlessly departed. Jim would have to corner Sulu and get details from him once this whole mess was over. Jim sat down at the table across from Bones as the door slid shut with the soft hiss of hydraulics. Silence loomed.

"I'm sorry," Jim burst out, the words forced through in a breathless rush before he could change his mind. "I'm sorry. I didn't- I couldn't think of another way... I should have- I should have offered myself, done something different ( ... )


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