Kink Meme *Closed*

Apr 18, 2010 22:16

Kink Meme
Brought to you by: jim-and-bones

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prompt thread, part1, kink meme

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[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 4/? anonymous March 27 2011, 03:15:14 UTC
Jim shook his head even as Sulu pushed him back against the soft mattress and Chekov curled up against him. Chekov's warmth was soothing at his side, and Sulu didn't seem to mind when Jim put a hand around the kid's shoulders. Sulu lowered the lights and turned the heat up in the room to a comfortable temperature. "Sleep. Sleep now..." Sulu murmured over them. Chekov's breathing was even and deep, and Jim found himself lulled to sleep by the gentle sound and the sensation of Sulu's fingers carding through his hair.

He awoke tangled in Chekov's limbs. Sulu sat up beside them, reading a PADD, his thighs pressed comfortably against them. He must have noticed Jim's change in breathing, and glanced up. "How do you feel?" he asked softly. Chekov was still sleeping.

"Hungry," Jim admitted quietly. Sulu nodded, sliding from the bed soundlessly to approach the replicator and requested fruit.

"Can you sit up?" Sulu asked, returning to the bed with a plateful of food. Jim frowned.

"You're treating me like... like I was the one tortured," Jim choked out. Sulu sighed as he manuevered Chekov's limbs out of Jim's way, letting him sit upright.

"Jim, you've received the emotional equivalent of a torture session," Sulu said. "You had no preparation, no planning, no safeguards in place, and you were forced to strip the flesh from your best friend's back. That's not something to be taken lightly. Eat. Fruit is light and has sugars and water in it. We'll make some heavier stuff once I know you can keep this down." Jim picked at the plate he was handed. Sulu scowled at him, rounding the bed to shake Chekov awake. Chekov came to with a disgruntled mew, and blinked up at Sulu. "Help him," Sulu instructed.

Chekov pushed himself up and pulled his legs under him. He picked up a bit of melon from the plate and held it out for Jim. Jim jerked his head back, feeling ridiculous that he had to be fed, but Chekov's eyes pleaded with him, and he didn't lower the bite until Jim reluctantly opened his mouth. He accepted the first bite, and shooed Chekov when the kid tried to feed him more. There had to be some sort of policy breach regarding these actions... Hand-feeding a superior officer...

Jim finished the plate himself, resting against the wall when he was done. Sulu sat on the bed beside him, for the first time appearing hesitant. "Sir," he started, "I realise... my relationship with Pavel isn't... exactly proper in accordance with Starfleet regulations... and what I've shown you here is extremely intimate..."

"Don't worry, Sulu," Jim murmured, cutting him off. "Whatever happens in this room will stay in this room. I swear it." The look of relief on Sulu's face was heart-breaking. Did Sulu really think his captain would betray him... after taking care of him in the aftermath of such a traumatising mission? "I need to go see Bones," Jim said, his voice cutting through the silence. Sulu nodded.

"Can you walk there?" he asked.

"Yes," Jim said, slightly surprised that he had answered honestly. Sulu nodded again, sliding back on the bed. Chekov curled up against him without a word, eyes closed.

"Good luck sir. I'm here for you," Sulu murmured, one hand falling on Chekov's hair. Jim nodded and slid out of the room, still dressed in Sulu's casual-wear. He had to stop himself from running through the halls towards MedBay, because he couldn't let everyone see just how much the mission had gotten to him. He strode as swiftly as possible through the doors to MedBay, and only realised his feet were bare when they slapped against sterile tile. He glanced down, but his attention was diverted when M'Benga approached him with a slight smile.

"Forget something, sir?" he asked good-naturedly. Jim went weak with relief. If M'Benga was cracking jokes, nobody had died recently. "Doctor McCoy is in bed six, and he was asleep last I checked. I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible."


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