Kink Meme *Closed*

Apr 18, 2010 22:16

Kink Meme
Brought to you by: jim-and-bones

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prompt thread, part1, kink meme

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[fill] The Properties of Flesh; NC-17 7/? anonymous March 27 2011, 15:59:25 UTC
"Thanks," Jim murmured, struck breathless by the story. "How..."

"I had to make him comfortable being around me again," Sulu said. "Do you remember the day you reprimanded him for leaping out of his seat when I reached over the console?" Jim nodded. The kid had spilled water all over sensitive equipment and Jim had sent him to his quarters to take the rest of the day off. "That was a few days after. I let him take the lead on everything, which you can understand was quite difficult for him. My advice is be patient. Don't force anything. Let McCoy come to you. If he doesn't want you to talk, don't talk. If he doesn't want you to stand behind him, stand where he can see you."

Jim nodded. A companionable silence fell over them both, one that was surprisingly comfortable. "So... how did you two... uh, meet, I suppose?" Jim asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Sulu smirked.

"Funny story, that one. It was quite accidental..."

A few easy hours later, Sulu's PADD pinged. He glanced at it. "McCoy's asking for you," he said succinctly. "You up for it?" Jim nodded.

"Thanks, Sulu," he said, standing. Sulu nodded, pushing a hand through his short, dark hair.

"I wouldn't wish what happened to us on anyone," Sulu said quietly. "But I know you two are strong. You'll be all right." Jim smiled weakly. "If you want Chekov to stay, just look him in the eye and say 'Ugokuna'. He'll know I want you to stay."

Jim paused. "Should I be concerned about conflict of interests regarding following orders?" he asked. Sulu shook his head.

"Our rules are pretty strict. If we're inside any of the crew's living quarters, I am in command. As soon as we cross that threshold to enter the ship proper, Starfleet hierarchy has precedence," Sulu said. "That includes the corridors in the living quarters." Jim nodded pensively.

"Very well thought out, Sulu," Jim commended. Sulu smiled wryly.

"Thank you, sir." Sulu was still smirking at him as Jim lurched out of his room, moving with restrained speed towards his CMO's quarters.

Sorry about the bastardised Japanese. If it's wrong let me know, haha! I can't change it but I will know for next time.


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