You'll always be the one, the one that stands dead center in my most perfect day

Oct 24, 2011 09:58

GOOD MORNING. I should not be posting, because I am behind on comments, which I will rectify TODAY. Forrealz. However, I did want to share some things:

- zabira posted Panic! GSF, My Charade is the Event of the Season, and it is super-hot and I recommend it! ♥

- Look at these incredibly adorable fall sweaters for some of the ladies of DC comics ( ( Read more... )

sharing is caring, recs, hell or highwater, dcu, literary geekery, twitter shenanigans, cook-adjacent, and the anthemic, david cook was created in a lab, now is the time on shakespeare when we, mwk ftw, music, neal fucking tiemann

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Comments 31

sdwolfpup October 24 2011, 17:31:32 UTC
Those sweaters are great. Also, I would own basically all of them.

Did you read the press release at the Much Ado site? It says: "But all [the actors are] dedicated to the idea that this story bears retelling, that this dialogue is as fresh and
intoxicating as any being written, and that the joy of working on a passion project surrounded by dear friends, admired colleagues and an atmosphere of unabashed rapture far outweighs their hilariously miniature paychecks."

That sounds really promising!


brynnmck October 24 2011, 17:34:45 UTC
There was no press release when I looked at it before! (At least not that I saw.) Cool! I just want ACTUAL SHAKESPEARE. THAT IS ALL I ASK. Hee.


belmanoir October 24 2011, 17:50:35 UTC
Ooh, that DOES sound like they're doing real Shakespeare! I too was concerned that there would be sudden character death...


brynnmck October 24 2011, 18:02:57 UTC
Character death THAT ALSO BREAKS UP A HAPPY RELATIONSHIP! It's the Whedon double-whammy!


malnpudl October 24 2011, 21:36:03 UTC
Oh, David Cook. ♥_______________♥

I love the slash, no doubt about it, but I want to read ALL of the Cook het fic in the world. I want more Cook het to come into being. I want him paired with every hot woman in every fandom I can think of, having adventures and staking vampires and fighting crime and having lots of hot and sweaty sex. (I can't count how many times I've reread Astolat's Cook/Faith story omg.)


brynnmck October 24 2011, 21:52:41 UTC
I TOTALLY SHARE YOUR DESIRE FOR COOK HET. I wish there was more of it! I wish there was more Cook fic in general that wasn't Cookleta, actually, since that is not my bag. I mean, there is some GREAT stuff that is not Cookleta, but a pretty small percentage, overall, and the Cook portion of AI fandom is a really small percentage of that fandom overall, so. MOAR FIC. Is what I would like. Hee.

Also, there are times that I forget that Dave and Carrie Underwood have never actually dated. HEE. (Though he pretty clearly WOULD HAVE, if he'd had the opportunity, or at least that's the vibe I always get. Aww.)

This also brings me to my fervent hope that David Cook is getting some in the real world. I mean, I feel like he MUST be, because OH MY GOD, but if he is, he and his partners are discreet about it. Which is cool! I just hope that it's happening, for great justice, because man. SOMEONE needs to be hitting that, is all I'm saying.


pathstotread October 25 2011, 00:25:08 UTC
Okay, I have had "Rearview" in my head for a few days ANYWAY, and YOUR SUBJECT LINE IS NOT HELPING. My new favorite is "Call to Arms," though. (Yes, I am just assuming you're interested in my MWK feelings.)

WAS IT SO BAD, NEAL? *CRIES* Also, you might like to know that I am officially a Neal fangirl, if my reaction to this dumbass Tumblr "confession" is any indication. I blame you for all of this. ALL OF IT.

Those final show videos, though! Andy and Neal guitar sexing on "Til I'm Blue," YES I WILL TAKE EIGHT THANKS VERY MUCH.


brynnmck October 25 2011, 00:51:35 UTC

And ugh, that confession. Like, okay, that person is entitled to think that Neal is unattractive and unwashed and whatever, but the idea that he's not a good guitarist? I am sorry, Confessional Person, but you are OBJECTIVELY WRONG ON THE INTERNET and I dismiss you entirely as a result. WHATEVS. (And if you have been converted to the joy of the Tiemann, maybe you might find some things to enjoy hereHOWEVER I AM VERY HAPPY AND CAPSLOCKY RIGHT NOW BECAUSE DAVE AND THE BOYS ARE IN SAN DIEGO AND NEAL IS IN SAN DIEGO AND THIS CANNOT BE COINCIDENCE AND ALL THE SADFACES IN MY HEART HAVE BEEN TURNED TO GLEEFACES BECAUSE AWWWWWWWWWWW. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (I'd LOVE if he sat in with them for a song or two, ( ... )


pathstotread October 25 2011, 02:13:09 UTC
I HAVE ALREADY CREEPED YOUR NEAL POST LIKE A CREEPER. <3333 And I have absconded with one of your icons. Because...creeper.

Everything happening on "Call to Arms" appeals to me on this base "ngh" level, but that growl? HNNNNGH. Andy Skib, I just don't even know what to do with you.

That confession, I know, right? Like, I guess it's cool if you don't like the tattoed/"just rolled out of bed after a bender and maybe an orgy" vibe of Neal's (personally I'M GOOD WITH IT, although I also recognize that he's this huge doofus nerdface), but to go after the guitar skills? And to say it in such a know-it-all way like "sorry, you don't know good guitarists." NOPE. SORRY FOR YOU, YOU'RE CLEARLY DEAF.

AAAAAH, BOYS REUNION!!! This is the time when I wish Dave were touring on his own, so there would be time for Devin to do his thing AND for Neal to step in on some songs. MAYBE EVEN MWK SONGS.


brynnmck October 25 2011, 03:45:57 UTC

Yeah, as it happened, JaB was actually the last album of theirs that I heard, and when it got to Call To Arms, I was like, "I DID NOT EVEN KNOW ANDY COULD DO THAT." YUMMMMMM. I love the way Andy and Neal meet in the middle on those albums--the fusion of their styles and skills is SO GREAT. (You saw the JaB liner notes, right? THEY ARE SO DELIGHTFUL. ♥ I have a hard time picking a favorite MWK album, but that one and Incoherent seem to have the largest percentage of songs I go back to the most. Though Luna Despierta is also awesome! And of course the Sanctuary Sessions are a whole other precious gem of amazingness. UGH. CANNOT CHOOSE. Hee.)

"just rolled out of bed after a bender and maybe an orgy"

LOL. YES. Though honestly, considering who he's dating, I wonder how Neal ever leaves the bedroom, EVER. Because DAMN. Kira is a one-woman orgy. HEE.



This is the time when I wish Dave were touring on his own, so there would be time for Devin to do his thing AND for Neal to ( ... )


zabira October 25 2011, 03:08:00 UTC
OMG. ask me how many times i have watched that 'hot for teacher' video--UNPROMPTED BY YOU--in the last week? or, no, don't do that. (MANYMANYMANYMANY TIMES. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, IT IS BURNING HOT.)

also, OH, NEAL. i do get how marrying david cook's band is also marrying an entire machinery of pop-stardom that must be REALLY annoying, so i feel them both on this one, but SERIOUSLY. you couldn't stick around? my tinhat is very sad right now, cuz that's the only explanation that WANTS to make sense in my head. (*facepalm* i'm sorry, everyone! i can't help it...)

also, thank you for the REC and the AWESOME beta. *TACKLESMISH*


brynnmck October 25 2011, 03:30:09 UTC
I seriously cannot believe I have never linked to that video before in my LJ. That seems UN-POSSIBLE. (Though for real, I cannot decide whether I prefer that one or the Borgata one. FORTUNATELY I NEVER HAVE TO CHOOSE.) I am glad that you too are enjoying a David Cook renaissance! *clings to you ( ... )


sparkysgirl October 25 2011, 15:49:46 UTC
I dare not hope that Neal will actually PLAY with them--and I'm not sure that would be entirely cool to Devin, actually, the situation being so new and all

I saw Neal tweeted either last night or today (I was getting caught up on my feed this morning) about meeting Devin and liking him so at least that's promising. The thing that bugged me the most is people freaking out over this whole Devin sitch. I mean, it's not like the band knocked Neal in the head, dragged him offstage and replaced him w/Devin. And they'll all see each other I'm sure. I mean there will (eventually hopefully) be weddings to plan and that kind of thing. They HAVE to all be involved <3

That TIB video...I HAVE ACTUALLY NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE. I have it queued up on Google to watch in a minute.

I feel sorry for people who haven't been converted into loving Cookwood D:

And that Neal confession. I actually was hoping someone would say 'it's just my opinion' so I could tell them it's ok to have an opinion EVEN IF IT'S F*CKING WRONG


brynnmck October 25 2011, 16:55:45 UTC
I saw that he tweeted that! Awwww. Very classy of him. Are people freaking out about Devin? I don't get that at all. It seems to me like the most likely scenario is that Neal had a lot of fun touring with HoH in the early part of the year and when he got the opportunity to do it some more, he took it (which I don't begrudge him, if he's happier or more artistically fulfilled or whatever). So I doubt it was the band's (or the label's) decision. And either way, it's not Devin's fault--he's just doing his job, and I hope they all have a lot of fun together, because I love them and want them to be happy ( ... )


asta77 October 25 2011, 11:53:40 UTC
watch him change it so HERO ACTUALLY DIES.

And Claudio is found floating face down in the pool, having killed himself out of guilt and grief. Yeah, he can totally throw a little Romeo & Juliet in.


brynnmck October 25 2011, 17:14:57 UTC
HEE. God, seriously.


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