A continuation of the
Magicakes Pixel Trade Round Robin captained by
engram_au, with the first round ably played by the inimitable
bondchick_nett! Previous installments as follows:
Gen 1 Part 1 |
Gen 1 Part 2 |
Gen 1 Part 3 |
Gen 1 Part 4 |
Gen 1 Part 5 |
Gen 1 Part 6 Gen 1 Part 7 |
Gen 1 Part 8 Gen 2 Part 1 |
Gen 2 Part 2 |
Gen 2 Part 3 |
Gen 2 Part 4 |
Gen 2 Part 5
Oh Murloc, you poor dear. All your friends are online only. It's a wonder you can keep any of them when all you do is bitch bitch bitch about anything, everything, and nothing.
And then your online time is interrupted by Nathrezim growing up. How rude of him! Not that anyone is paying attention to it because they're more concerned with Furbolg's encounters with Ball of Stink.
I must say though, you grew up into a pretty hot little dreadlord, Nathrezim.
Murloc guitar spam! He's always on this thing and he's really good as a result.
Rock on, Murloc!
What is this, I don't even...
Inexplicably, one of the beds in the house has gone invisible. Rather than burninating it, I choose to enjoy the funky sleep animations. Even if they do scare the beejesus out of me.
Lucky grew up into this beautiful beast! And Jensen, as usual, is ogling his wife's backside.
Look, Murloc has a non-internet friend! Lucky and Murloc are BFFs.
Naaru, my most adorable of the adorables, has made friends with Ellabella. So much cute it makes my eyes burn.
This week's challenge:
Moochers!!! Oh dear, word of your generosity has spread, and people are moving in left and right. The number of people in your household will expand to 8. You may move in friends, family members or fresh CAS sims. None of them are allowed to have a job. All moochers have to be adults or elders. And will never move out again, unless they're in an urn.
Of course I missed that part I so conveniently highlighted in bold. I moved in Worgen's teenage friend. I think her name is Angela. Not that it matters really, but she did clean up pretty nicely. In any case, teenagers are still mooching, y/y? In fact, teens embody the very spirit of mooching, as any parent with teenagers can tell you. Their friends come over, put their grubby hands all over your possessions, and eat all of your food. So I feel vindicated in having moved her in as a Moocher.
Bunyip and Lucky celebrate with a duet that everyone in the family immediately drops everything to listen to. Bunyip has skillz.
And then Murloc interrupts by aging into an adult.
And promptly loses it. I'm evil and so enjoy it when my Sims go into aspiration failure. Don't be making fun, Worgen. It's your turn next.
Angela is HORRIFIED by what is transpiring in this crazy house she's now stuck in.
And it's Worgen's turn! He's gorgeous and doesn't require a visit from ze Psychiatrist Dude. Don't gloat.
I am as disturbed by your see-through hair as you are honey.
And off I send him to the Family Bin to await the results of the heir poll.
Angela meets DROiD and doesn't seem impressed. She's lucky she just used the toilet or things would have gone much, much differently.
Bye-bye Worgen!
I wouldn't be comfortable shoving screwdrivers into a smoking machine, but Bunyip is awesome and fixes it without incident. I bet she stole one of the Doctors' sonic screwdrivers *nods*
Furbolg grows up. Like looking into a mirror, eh Jensen?
And of course that means it's Naaru's birthday too! She is so farking gorgeous and she can even rock the island costume.
After a makeover, I fall totally in love with her. As if I wasn't already.
Furbolg is pretty cute too, I gotta admit.
A ghost dog doesn't make you wet yourself but you can't hold it when you're DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE TOILET?!
So Mr. Burglar. You've got a werewolf behind you and an alarm going off. Yet you still seem confident this heist was a good idea. Poor demented dear.
Told ya so.
Angela is LIVID.
While Bunyip keeps her mind off things by cheering on Jensen's amazing guitar solo.
It's so adorable to see them so much in love after a bajillion kids.
I see London, I see France...
I had totally forgotten he was this close to aging. I am so tempted to keep that combover on him XD
But instead I turn him into an old man who wants to be young. The ponytail and Hawaiian shirt just fit him so well.
Naaru struggles with homework and is stunning whilst doing so.
Jensen brought Gill (
needlecream) home from work with him.
He responds by trying to rip out his heart, Temple of Doom style.
I felt this update required MOAR LUCKY.
Bunyip is appalled at Gill's attempt to yank out her husband's still-beating heart for his dark goddess Kali.
Jensen: "Damn kids and their video games. Rots their brains!"
And now I am tempted to turn Nathrezim into a zombie.
Naaru: "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard... but I'm not looking for a boy, I want a MAN."
Naaru: "We'd be the best of friends!"
Stop it. It's slightly creepy that you're hitting on your dad's friend. More than slightly.
Nathrezim grows up and goes bonkers. But Lucky is at his side to help him through this difficult time.
DROiD scares the piss out of Furbolg, who also has the uncanny sense someone is watching his embarassment.
Furbolg: "Look what you made me do!"
Lucky does not approve of snowmen.
And here is Angela, demonstrating the results of this week's challenge:
The 'nanny 911' challenge. All of the children (toddlers, kids and teens) in your household are out of control! You're not allowed to control them for 1 week. You're not even allowed to select them to check their wants and fears. If there are no children in your household, you have to forfeit this challenge, or put it off untill you've had a chance to grow some kids.
Bunyip is unequivocally the most awesome sim ever. She did NOT light herself on fire making Baked Alaska. Win.
Furbolg: "She's sitting right behind me. The interloper. The reason I will never ever be heir and will end up forgotten and lost like all legacy spares!"
I... would try to comfort you but you're probably right.
He was so upset he lost bladder control.
Bunyip is not sympathetic.
Furbolg and Naaru grow up and have simultaneous breakdowns. I find this hilarious.
Naaru: "I need contributions for my heir race. Simoleons for the poor? Anyone? PLEASE?"
Naaru: "I know I pretty much have it in the bag but my campaign could still use some sprucing up!"
I give her a makeover and clearly my efforts were in vain, as she goes right back out to beg for more donations.
Featuring Sims/Pets by:
sixamsimsneedlecreambondchick_nett -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Libra 1 - 8 - 4 - 2 - 10
Popularity/No Secondary
Cooking 1, Mechanical 2, Charisma 3, Body 1, Logic 0, Creativity 8, Cleaning 1
Turn-ons: Makeup, Full Face Makeup
Turn-off: Good at Cleaning
OTH: Arts and Crafts
Gemini 6 - 7- 9 - 4 - 6
Fortune/No Secondary
Cooking 1, Mechanical 0, Charisma 1, Body 3, Logic 2, Creativity 7, Cleaning 1
Turn-ons: Full Face Makeup, Jewelry
Turn-off: Glasses
OTH: Fitness
Sagittarius 5- 3- 9- 8- 6
Knowledge/No Secondary
Cooking 1, Mechanical 0, Charisma 1, Body 8, Logic 0, Creativity 5, Cleaning 1
Turn-ons: Makeup, Grey Hair
Turn-off: Swimwear
OTH: Sports
Aquarius 5 - 2 - 5 -8 - 6
Fortune/No Secondary
Cooking 0, Mechanical 0, Charisma 1, Body 3, Logic 1, Creativity 7, Cleaning 1
Turn-ons: Mechanical, Athletic
Turn-off: Good at Cleaning
OTH: Tinkering
Pisces 5 - 7- 9 - 4 - 9
Family/No Secondary
Cooking 1, Mechanical 1, Charisma 3, Body 5, Logic 0, Creativity 9, Cleaning 0
Turn-ons: Red Hair, Mechanical
Turn-off: Underwear
OTH: Fitness
Poll Heir Poll!