The Magicakes Round Robin Legacy: Round One, Generation Two, Part Three

May 09, 2010 16:14

60 Images, Adult Themes, Mild Language, Sexual References... And Acts.
Cavalier Attitude To Uniform Image Dimensions
Missed an update? Here's Part One, and Two!

The Magicakes Round Robin Legacy: Round One, Generation One, Part Three

As we left off with the last update, there was ~POSSIBLE LUUUUURVE~ in the air, in the form of a swoon so hard on the part of Ferne ( cosmetical ) that it broke her neck with the sheer force of Peluda-lust.

WITNESS! The courtship continues! :D

Though unfortunately, Peluda appears to be the ULTIMATE in mary-sues, and everyone wants a piece of her. I'm sorry Roseanne Pickles (stakeit_uk ), but we can't have you indulging in THOSE kinds of shenanigans...

...Not with THOSE stats, at any rate..! You can't fight the bo-olts! Nobody can fight the bo-olts! Take the spark from love, make the rain fall up, 'cause that's easier to do!

And just as we remove the possible romantical threat of Roseanne, this townie wanders in and doubly farts the hearts for Peluda. I'm begginning to think that this is actually the set of the L-Word. Is EVERY woman gay, ridiculously good looking, and in love with our fair heroine??!

LAWDIE! These two certainly don't waste time.

You go you good thing! three bolt autonomy!

Oh, sorry, where are my priorities at? ^_^;; Got to get in a LITTLE customary girl talk first. Got to make sure everyone involved is feeling appreciated.

And THEN you get to the goods.


Afternoooon deliiiiight..!


AAAAAAAaaAAAAfternoon delight!♫

* I actually question the validity of that first line considering there's not any 'rockets' as such involved, but you get the idea... ^_^;;

Salvadore Kronenberg ( stakeit_uk ): Wait.. So its egg on egg action... Isn't this a legacy? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?!
Akira Eri ( engram_au ): *rolls up sleeves* Let me tell you something about egg on egg action, mate.

When I remodelled the house I kind of... Forgot to remodel with having children in mind. ^_^;; So this study? CLEARLY not a study anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my life for the duration of my round. And I actually kind of LOVE it! :D

(Also, OMG CEILINGS *cries forever with joy*)

Speaking of welcomes, witness the SWARMING of pixel_trade sims to Peluda's house O_O I swear they're having some kind of convention or something. Everyone here you've met, bar Eric Angstrom (olivethegreat). He's very VERY serious about vampiric salmon consumption.

And since these two have clearly hit it off so quickly...

...And I need to get this breedination on the road,

I figured why not get some 'MAJOR EVENTS' out of the way? :D

Ferne seemed to be totally into it, so I was clearly right! :D ~VINDICATION~!

What's more romantical than being proposed to in post-coital afterglow, surrounded by people you largely just met and the overpowering aroma of rotten fish?!

NOTHING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! The inexplicable blue glow of totes expensive tanzanite cannot be denied!

(Um. moonlapse ? Honey? Please don't take that to heart. O_O;; *covers self*)

And cause I was DESPERATE to get some money into the house, not to mention some science defying PRUDUCTIVE egg on egg action... Not sure this one would hold up in court since they had no witnesses or a celebrant or anything (all the pixel_trade sims cleared the room just before the marriage ceremony O_O;; ), its clearly good enough for ME and its good enough for the game mechanics.


Uh.. Wow, so um.. You guys been watching too many vintage bond movies or something? That's an... ~INTERESTING~ kissing technique you've adopted...

Very interesting indeed O_O;;;

EEE!! AAND! SHe's a highly skilled theologist or something like that. IDK, it brings in a lot of money, and she's got the career reward to make diseases. Uh. *cough* I mean cures. ^_^;;

And upon learning all these new monetary things about her wife, Peluda promptly falls in love while she hides behind the fridge door and thinks no one can see her... Classy.

Oh right, so getting back to the week's challenge at hand: Yes, THAT special day.

EEHEHEHEHEEEE!! OH MAAAAAAAAN! LOOK AT THAT LITTLE CUUUTE FAAAAACE AUUUUGH! *melted* MANG! I loved this sim from his adult shots - its telectroscope's Tarsus Phantom - but I was sure he'd be a rather unnatractive toddler. HOW GOOD IS IT TO BE WRONG IN THIS CASE?! His little sad face just MELTS me.!

Yeah, sure, Social Worker Lady Person. Leaving a toddler right there, no where near the entrance of the house or anything? Yeah that's just fine. Totes.

What the heck kind of establishment you're running, anyway, woman!? O_o;;




I was going to berate her for wearing that outfit whilst brooming, but then I realised that she's clearly way ahead of me: Wetsuit? TOTES aerodynamic!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Fail!Nanny continues to be colour-co-ordinated awesome. *adoration*

Oh maaang, as if I wasn't already a completely useless puddle of cute-induced melted goo, look at the two of them!

AAAAAND then Tarsus brings me back to reality... ^_^;;

Not really, no, adoption dialog. But sure.

WHATEVER REPORT IT! I've read the Fred the Mermaid books and the unfortunate last 100 pages of the second one..! I know how this works!

MUHAHAA! That's what you get for crossing a witch, Peluda!Boss! Suck sturgeon eggs!

Now you may think that that abuse isn't an abuse cause caviar is quite delicious, but can you imagine just sitting there, attempting to only suck on each one individually? AND NEVER BEING ABLE TO EAT THEM!?

WOOO! Lawds, its like pop up palooza right now.

Also, I looked up real life Underwater Demolitionists, and it turns out this means she's A NAVY SEAL. HARD. CORE!

So, this new butler thinks he's all that and a slice of steamed pudding, but guess what?! AWESOME NANNY IS TOO AWESOME TO BE FIRED!

And DEFINITELY too pervy. *cheers her*


Cause they're back in black the sack again.

You're a liar, Ferne. But that's okay. Maybe aliens have two cherries. YOU DON'T KNOW!

And I don't want to know why Ferne had to massage her wrists excessively straight after that secondary cherry pop... P:

But apparently it didn't do any lasting damage.

Blatant screenshot taken because of the cuteness of the subjets and nothing else is blatant.

I think we know now why every girl in this town has turned for Peluda.

*wolf whistles my lips off*


And who might this little tealescent bundle of connie-wearing joy be?

Uh, no, though he is wantable, and you did need money to get him...


Don't be thinking that's a bottle 'in his pocket,' he is genuinely glad to see everyone :D

*gasp* I BELIEVE THAT THOSE ARE JINGLE SMILES, YEAH! Except for where that means four children in the house already. But, anyway, JINGLE SOUNDS, YEAH!!

Whoa, and then they jumped straight back into the sack and autonomously attempted to knock the other one up. GO GO THREE BOLT GIRLS!

MmMmMmmm! That's not a fart coming out of baby Kor'a (boolpropbea) you see there, THAT is the sweet smell of success!

Right, so, from a long sex scene, to lots of snippets of proceeding sex scenes and now to PUBLIC SEX. This update has certainly developed somewhat... Kinda. Not. So ANYWAY..!

The reason for super happy public woohoo faces?

They apparently got a kick out of doing it in front of thier baby...

Peluda: AUUGH! I am so not paying for that kid's therapy.
Tarsus: Cam thomeone come wath my bwainth out now, pweathe?

GODDAMN! O_O;; Kor'a shows us all her extreme awesome by maxing out her creativity before getting close to even being a child. Its clearly all that exemplory parenting by Peluda and Ferne. And not at all their constant neglect to press their eggs together in their every waking moment.

SHE is excited, but I've come to witness these end of the week messages with an impending dread... WHAT NEW CHALLENGE SHALL I ROLL UP FOR THIS WEEK?!

Find out what it is and why it makes Peluda do THIS in the next update. *flops about*

challenges: round robin, challenges: tiny challenges, nett: magicakes, challenges: legacy

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