I'm sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time darling. I wish I could say I had anything logical to say about any of these things--but I don't because it's 2am and my brain is on a repeat of "FOOD! SLEEP! OHFUCKNEEDTOGETTHISDONE!"
Give me a call tomorrow if you need. I love you tonnes and I firmly believe that this will never change and that we are soulmates. ^.^
Love you hon, I'm sending much love your way!! Mwuah! <3<3<3<3
and either apologizes and gives up the powers, or is a benign, totally gentle ruler who leaves pie outside of motel rooms until Sam and Dean are his friends again.
I have to admit- while dark!Cas would be insanely epic, I would totally read that. Pie- PIE!
If it helps? I really liked Safest Place to Hide - and I can't read wincest. No really, it squicks the hell out of me, but I wanted to read your fic so bad I read it anyway. And okay, ngl, it squicked the hell out of me - but that's my issue and had NOTHING to do with your writing, which was charming as always. I don't mean this to be a backwards compliment, just that you are good and if you weren't i'd never have read something wincesty. I adored the story, it was cute and adorable and I loved the angst, premise and execution
( ... )
I think it frustrates me too that they're clearly leaving some of this up in the air specifically to mess with us. Like, the fake press release and stuff? And it's just not fun for me and I don't like being toyed with. Someone has some answers, and I just wish they'd be straightforward. I think we've earned that.
Dude, you shouldn't have read it with an incest squick! Away, away! *pokes*
I completely agree. I do not like being toyed with for the sake of "ratings". It's amateur and totally disrespectful of fans who have stayed with you for SEVEN SEASONS.
I know, I shouldn't I shoudn't.. but it was YOU!! And like I loved the non-incest bits :) :) :)
I'm sorry for Never Actually Betaing with you, despite my promises. Um. Completely aside from my failures there, I know ( not *think* ...I *know* ) that you're a good writer. You have every reason to feel terrible and doubt yourself so this'll likely be cold comfort, but its true. Don't let yourself think of serious things after 11pm. You cant realistically do anything after then so mentally outlaw it as pointless torture. As to everythinv else, I wish there was either less pain or more of a social network to help you bear it.
No matter what, you will not Die Alone because you broke up with your college boyfriend. I don't know why that never ever happens, but it never ever happens. Actuallg, I think it almost never happens that a breakup of a less-than-healthy relationship causes lifelong lonliness. I think it primes you for a better life, and better relationships, honestly. You did good. Stand up for you - don't you deserve it?
Comments 13
Give me a call tomorrow if you need. I love you tonnes and I firmly believe that this will never change and that we are soulmates. ^.^
Love you hon, I'm sending much love your way!! Mwuah! <3<3<3<3
it's going to get better, or at least it's going to feel better.
i'm sorry that you're having a rough night.
I have to admit- while dark!Cas would be insanely epic, I would totally read that. Pie- PIE!
(always blame the pie)
Dude, you shouldn't have read it with an incest squick! Away, away! *pokes*
I know, I shouldn't I shoudn't.. but it was YOU!! And like I loved the non-incest bits :) :) :)
No matter what, you will not Die Alone because you broke up with your college boyfriend. I don't know why that never ever happens, but it never ever happens. Actuallg, I think it almost never happens that a breakup of a less-than-healthy relationship causes lifelong lonliness. I think it primes you for a better life, and better relationships, honestly. You did good. Stand up for you - don't you deserve it?
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