3x11: No Words Just Flaily Hand Gestures

Feb 14, 2008 22:53

You guys you guys you GUYS!  OMFG!  OMG.  O. M. G.

----------- *beeeep*

That's my freaking heart flat lining.  Jesus.  This episode killed me.  There are so many golden moments and lines soon-to-be indoctrinated into fandom's conglomerate of catch phrases, I don't know where to begin.

When Dean died on Wednesday and Sam closed his eyes and opened ( Read more... )

supernatural meta, 3x11

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Comments 69

jazmin22 February 15 2008, 16:38:50 UTC
Then I had a moment of blind panic, thinking that somehow Kripke had decided to condense the rest of S3 into two pre-strike episodes or something equally as nonsensical because how could they were going to lose episodes before the strike (I was overwhelmed by the drama/angst/death, OK?).

How horrible! I would have died in that moment!

Sam without Dean was chilling. The way he walked. The way he stood. The way he freaking ate his food (Oo, Sam actually ATE something).The way he stitched up his own arm...*sheepishly* I've never be so turned on by something like ( ... )


bowtrunckle February 15 2008, 20:04:16 UTC
The way he stitched up his own arm...*sheepishly* I've never be so turned on by something

LOL! I'm not complaining because, hey, we got a some skin and a nipple shot out of the deal! :) Although it did break my heart a little when I realized that Dean should really be the one there stitching Sam up.

John's was symmetrical, too, just not center on a cross, which is off to the side

It was and there was a cross! Sam and John, cut from the same cloth. It makes me wonder what parts of Mary the boys got. I bet she had a wicked sense of humor and was a smarty-pants.

I love the idea that demons loyal to Sam, which is super weird and kind of cool to type out, are trying to get him prepared. HOLY CRAP! I didn't even think about that point. Wow. So you think the trickster is "on Sam's side", preparing him. Hmmm. Interesting. *ponders ( ... )


jazmin22 February 15 2008, 20:41:37 UTC
Dean stitching up a shirtless, nipple-baring Sam? I am not usually a Wincester, but OMG YES PLS.

HOLY CRAP! I didn't even think about that point. Wow. So you think the trickster is "on Sam's side", preparing him. Hmmm. Interesting. *ponders*...Your brain is awesome! *dances*

I actually thought many more people would have thought of the "on Sam's side" idea. Maybe it is a little eccentric or something. You do such fantastic thinky meta that hearing this from you is...Well, you're making blush! *make flappy hands*

Sure, I bought it, it made sense at a surface level, but I sat there wondering how the trickster KNEW about Dean's deal. Your idea solves that issue nicely.

Well, they did have Ruby's call for Dean's aide in training Sam to fight the upcoming war in the previouslies, and it just all kind of clicked together when the Trickster said that it wasn't about Dean dying. Which it isn't. It's about Sam living. It's about Sam living on and fighting a friggin' war [and not that mechanical get-Dean-back survival that we saw in the 3 ( ... )


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 01:02:18 UTC
Maybe it is a little eccentric or something. No, it's an awesome thought! And one that makes a lot of sense. Hmm, why would the trickster want to show Sam what life would be like without Dean? To deter him from becoming "dark" (choose a different way to death with Dean's death), or to show him that it's his "destiny" (look you're going to be like this no matter what so just give in now ( ... )


julorean February 15 2008, 16:45:40 UTC
Yes! Yes to everything. Sam without Dean was fucking scary. O_O He didn't just take the same path as John, he ran with it into the next county! I'm reminded of Nietzsche: He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. Faced with the loss of Dean, Sam has become the abyss...there's nothing there, barely anything that we expect to see as human.

With this episode, yeah, it makes sense that the trickster and shapeshifters are more on the demonic creature side of things. Also, if I remember right, near the start of the scary!Sam montage there was a shot of these neon-ish green eyes. It could be a creature, but I like to think it was Dean, on his way to becoming demonic, yet still watching out for Sam.


bowtrunckle February 15 2008, 19:53:33 UTC
Thanks for stopping by. What a fitting quote. :)

Faced with the loss of Dean, Sam has become the abyss...there's nothing there, barely anything that we expect to see as human.

Chilling. I agree 100%. The one saving grace for me was Bobby. Toward the end his Sam and Bobby's conversation, you could see glimpses of normal!Sam. He was obviously conflicted and was still able to discern the difference between killing an unknown and killing a friend (a full-blooded, dark demon would've probably just killed Bobby). I'm convinced that Sam wasn't so far gone that he would've killed Bobby if he hadn't figured he might've been the trickester.

But this makes me wonder just how close Sam and Bobby are. We know Dean thinks of Bobby like a father. Does Sam?

there was a shot of these neon-ish green eyes. It could be a creature, but I like to think it was Dean, on his way to becoming demonic, yet still watching out for Sam. Oh, I like that! I was being literal with those clips lol. The green-eyed shot was from "Skin"; I'm pretty sure ( ... )


julorean February 15 2008, 20:21:45 UTC
Good point about Bobby and Sam. Their relationship is probably different...Sam looks up to him, but he's not quite as close as Dean is.

Eh, I suppose it could be a shapeshifter, demons have different eye colors, so I guess why not shifters too? The shifter in 'Skin' had silvery eyes tho.

The glowy green eyes and the 'humans can become demons' thing actually fit in perfectly with a plot bunny cavorting in my head. Way back in October I wondered how Dean could turn into a demon, either because of the deal or some other circumstance that not even the demons could've foreseen. I didn't want to give him yellow eyes (it's been done), or red (that's CRD territory), and black is too common, so intensifying his natural eye color seemed best.


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 02:25:48 UTC
You're right, the shapeshifters did have silver eyes. Huh. Nothing we've seen so far has green eyes like that.

I like the details of your plot bunny. Don't forget that the djinn had electric blue eyes. :) Intensifying Dean's nature eye color seems fitting somehow (you know the cliche saying about eyes being the window to the soul). An unnatural electric green would be very creepy.

A small part of me wants to see demon!Dean again. He'd have such a smart mouth. I'd love to see him dress someone like Bobby or Sam down.


kjpzak February 15 2008, 16:48:03 UTC
How do you keep all this in your mind and have room for anything else? :)

I, too, loved the episode and completely jumped when Dean hit the pavement the second time. I found the humor of the episode did a nice job of balancing the horrificness of it and how the music lulled me into a sense of creative excitement and had me asking, "Okay, he's going to bite it. Let's see how they do it this time!" And then Dean was shot in the parking lot and I don't believe there was any music and there was no humor on Dean's face.

I had issues with Sam's mechanical behavior after the mugging gone bad. I can understand the whole Sam is John business, but there was no desperateness about it or guilt or grief. It was just cold and that felt wrong for me. For a guy who's spent the entire season yelling at his brother to care about being alive, I wanted to see some of the emotion tied to Dean's death in Sam's hunt for the trickster. And for that, I will probably be disowned, I know!


jazmin22 February 15 2008, 21:20:41 UTC
I hope no one minds if I jump in here, but something you just said got me thinking.

For a guy who's spent the entire season yelling at his brother to care about being alive, I wanted to see some of the emotion tied to Dean's death in Sam's hunt for the trickster.It sad that we missed the grieving process that Sam went through due to the 3 month time jump, but even still Sam has been shown to have short grieving periods or long grieving periods, but still getting right back into things. Though emotionally he grieved for a lot of season 1, he didn't stick around (physically in town or in the normal, law-school life he had wanted for so long) for very long after Jessica died and got right back into hunting ( ... )


kjpzak February 15 2008, 23:27:41 UTC
You make lots of good sense - it's me who felt like a first time caller, long time reader. :)

Ah...you bring up a very good point. We know the montage is at least 3 months long, but that's true, we don't necessarily know when we jumped into it. And it being a montage, the grieving could have been left on the cutting room floor, so to speak or left for us to infer. I do agree, Sam wouldn't mope around in a hotel room. Action would be the choice path. I think I just wanted to see some emotion before the walls came up - maybe it was because the ultra-stone-cold Sam was unnerving.

I can totally see Sam falling back on his intellect and what he knows to be true whereas Dean might pay more attention to his gut.

Thanks for getting ramble-y!


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 03:45:43 UTC
...still getting right back into things

*nods* Sam jumped right back into the job after Madison's death. Sam said in "Hollywood Babylon" that he wanted to work or needed to work. Sam's a "do-er", he can't just sit around and wallow. Recall in "Faith" Sam immediately tackled Dean's heart problem like he would any case: calling contacts, researching (I think he was in that hotel room for three days straight researching), doing anything but just sitting there. And what did he do the first chance he got? He hauled Dean to Nebraska!

Obsessive withoutDean!Sam was so alarming because it was easy to see how normal Sam could turn into that by exploiting and twisting parts of his already-existing personality. *shivers*

How long after the fire and Mary's death did John become a hunter?I'm a dork and looked it up. :) John meet Missouri on Dec. 17, 1983. His last journal entry (I think) is Jan. 1, 1984 where he wrote, "I’m going to find out what happened to my wife." So John was on his way in about two months after Mary's death. ( ... )


kjpzak February 15 2008, 16:53:25 UTC
*points to time posted* Now I know why lunch isn't until 1:30. :)


bowtrunckle February 15 2008, 19:42:48 UTC
See you soon! :)


sockkpuppett February 15 2008, 18:22:03 UTC
I'm still caught in the idea that from the moment Sam and the Trickster meet up after the strawberry syrup, and he promises that they'll wake up on Wednesday? It's a dream from which Sam doesn't awaken till he wakes up again on Wednesday.


bowtrunckle February 15 2008, 19:41:32 UTC
The episode is like one giant brain freeze. *tries to think ( ... )


sockkpuppett February 15 2008, 19:55:51 UTC
I'm in total agreement with every point, and it still doesn't negate the *idea* (I love this show!) that Sam is dreaming from the moment the Trickster disappears. There's no other Tuesday after that moment, but Dean dies anyway. I don't think that Sam really wakes up till the end of the ep.

This has so many hallmarks of a dream! The inability to wake up ("I'm supposed to wake up!"). Never actually connecting with the voice on the phone. The fantastic dream "shortcut" visual segues (I'm such a sucker for those), like the fast camera movement from the table to Sam cleaning weapons. And then the end, when Sam wakes up..."It's Wednesday!" and Dean asking about the Tuesday, but not the Wednesday that preceded. And then "I just had a really weird dream."

I'm still thinking and thinking. Our show is so awesome!

ETA: There really must be a Demon Quarterly out there. :)


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 04:23:21 UTC
and it still doesn't negate the *idea* (I love this show!) that Sam is dreaming from the moment the Trickster disappearsYes, our Show is awesome! :) And this fandom is also made of win because it's perfectly FINE to have different views and both be valid ( ... )


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