3x11: No Words Just Flaily Hand Gestures

Feb 14, 2008 22:53

You guys you guys you GUYS!  OMFG!  OMG.  O. M. G.

----------- *beeeep*

That's my freaking heart flat lining.  Jesus.  This episode killed me.  There are so many golden moments and lines soon-to-be indoctrinated into fandom's conglomerate of catch phrases, I don't know where to begin.

When Dean died on Wednesday and Sam closed his eyes and opened ( Read more... )

supernatural meta, 3x11

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bowtrunckle February 15 2008, 20:04:16 UTC
The way he stitched up his own arm...*sheepishly* I've never be so turned on by something

LOL! I'm not complaining because, hey, we got a some skin and a nipple shot out of the deal! :) Although it did break my heart a little when I realized that Dean should really be the one there stitching Sam up.

John's was symmetrical, too, just not center on a cross, which is off to the side

It was and there was a cross! Sam and John, cut from the same cloth. It makes me wonder what parts of Mary the boys got. I bet she had a wicked sense of humor and was a smarty-pants.

I love the idea that demons loyal to Sam, which is super weird and kind of cool to type out, are trying to get him prepared.

HOLY CRAP! I didn't even think about that point. Wow. So you think the trickster is "on Sam's side", preparing him. Hmmm. Interesting. *ponders*

I had a little trouble with the trickster's motivation in this episode. The depth to which the trickster thought out Sam's torture seemed a little too methodical for an opportunistic encounter. Sure, I bought it, it made sense at a surface level, but I sat there wondering how the trickster KNEW about Dean's deal. Your idea solves that issue nicely.

Your brain is awesome! *dances*


jazmin22 February 15 2008, 20:41:37 UTC
Dean stitching up a shirtless, nipple-baring Sam? I am not usually a Wincester, but OMG YES PLS.

HOLY CRAP! I didn't even think about that point. Wow. So you think the trickster is "on Sam's side", preparing him. Hmmm. Interesting. *ponders*...Your brain is awesome! *dances*

I actually thought many more people would have thought of the "on Sam's side" idea. Maybe it is a little eccentric or something. You do such fantastic thinky meta that hearing this from you is...Well, you're making blush! *make flappy hands*

Sure, I bought it, it made sense at a surface level, but I sat there wondering how the trickster KNEW about Dean's deal. Your idea solves that issue nicely.

Well, they did have Ruby's call for Dean's aide in training Sam to fight the upcoming war in the previouslies, and it just all kind of clicked together when the Trickster said that it wasn't about Dean dying. Which it isn't. It's about Sam living. It's about Sam living on and fighting a friggin' war [and not that mechanical get-Dean-back survival that we saw in the 3 months later time] after Dean's as-of-now inevitable death. So, I see it as Sam's followers are kind of conspiring? doing their parts to keep him alive long enough so that he can lead them. I wouldn't be surprised if they are communicating and work together to get Sam ready. Well, I might be surprised insofar as this is my unique/crazy speculation that only I seem to be thinking it... :/

It was and there was a cross! Sam and John, cut from the same cloth.

I have been staring at that cap of John's weapon's cache and I take part of what I said earlier back, specifically the part where John's cache wasn't centered on a cross. Not only is his symmetrical, but it is centered on a cross as well. The is the obvious one off to the bottom left side, but it looks like the is a gold/copper Jerusalem Cross at the center/top of the cap, above those two round things/medallions. The top third of the Jerusalem Cross is cut off in that cap. Of course, another name for the Jerusalem Cross is the Crusader's Cross...


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 01:02:18 UTC
Maybe it is a little eccentric or something.

No, it's an awesome thought! And one that makes a lot of sense. Hmm, why would the trickster want to show Sam what life would be like without Dean? To deter him from becoming "dark" (choose a different way to death with Dean's death), or to show him that it's his "destiny" (look you're going to be like this no matter what so just give in now)?

Because the trickster says, "the bad guys" it suggest that he's not a "bad guy". But who are the bad guys? The rising demon in the west and its followers certainly, but what about Ruby? If the trickster's goal was to show Sam what a scary, obsessive machine he'd become in order to deter him from that path, then Ruby could be considered a "bad guy", too being that he goal is the opposite of the tricksters. But if the trickster's aim was to bonk Sam over the head with the "destiny" card or to just screw with his head, then it would seem that he and Ruby might be on the same side.

Or maybe the trickster is removed from the warring demon fractions and is just a free agent who has a vested interest in a certain outcome involving Sam?

Gah. Look at all the thinkiness you've inspired. :)

You do such fantastic thinky meta that hearing this from you is...Well, you're making blush!

Aww, thanks so very much. Now I'm blushing. *hugs*

So, I see it as Sam's followers are kind of conspiring? doing their parts to keep him alive long enough so that he can lead them.

What a reluctant "hero" Sam is. ;) This just reinforces that niggling question of "Why Sam?". His half-demon/half-human status must grant him some critical advantage, something beyond what Azazel needed (someone to breech the iron lines and open the gate). Oh, Show, we need answers.

is centered on a cross as well

*stares* You are so right! Awesome eyes. And the parallels between Sam and John deepen. I like that Sam's cross is the crucifix (with Jesus on it); it seems fitting with all of the Sam/Christ imagery we've been getting in the previous two episodes. I'm rather surpised that the Jerusalem Cross didn't show up with Kubric, though.

Thanks for pointing all of this out! :)


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