3x11: No Words Just Flaily Hand Gestures

Feb 14, 2008 22:53

You guys you guys you GUYS!  OMFG!  OMG.  O. M. G.

----------- *beeeep*

That's my freaking heart flat lining.  Jesus.  This episode killed me.  There are so many golden moments and lines soon-to-be indoctrinated into fandom's conglomerate of catch phrases, I don't know where to begin.

When Dean died on Wednesday and Sam closed his eyes and opened ( Read more... )

supernatural meta, 3x11

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Comments 69

dianne_37 February 15 2008, 20:00:57 UTC
Okay, this might seem silly, but *cracks knucles* Here goes. I thought that when Sam was eating after Dean's death, that it was a coping mechanism, an 'I must eat orI will die and if I die, I can't help Sam. There was a story about a prisoner of war and I can't remember his name or specific circumstance, but he would take his meager meals and arrange his tray in as a way as he could, and eat slowly and really try to enjoy the slop he was given, just to get through the day, the dreary life of a prisoner and all the strife that goes with that. The way Sam used his knife and fork and sat still, hardly blinking etc, I was sort of reminded of that prisoner of war for some reason. "I must go on, to go on, I must eat." I saw a bit of mechanical sort of hope there ( ... )


kjpzak February 16 2008, 03:11:10 UTC
As someone who not only saw all three original Star Wars movies in the theater the FIRST time they were released, but also as someone who watched with great anticipation every episode of Knight Rider and have bought the husband Season One so he can show it to Nate along with Fall Guy, can I squee/spazz/groan with you too? I mean, who else can you revel in your '80sness with except people who were there too?

I love that you love the Trickster! I look forward to reading that story. Yay to the end of the strike, too! Good luck with those ZZZZs.


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 04:36:10 UTC
Another Knight Rider fan! I should've guessed. *grins*

Let me share this link that D sent me a couple of days ago, then:


Just spreading the 80's joy.


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 06:56:23 UTC
I was sort of reminded of that prisoner of war for some reason. "I must go on, to go on, I must eat." I saw a bit of mechanical sort of hope there

I like that perception. You always see the positive side of things. You were thinking "hope" when I was thinking "OMG, Sam is a zombie." lol

The Trickster rules!

I cheered when he appeared. I've always wondered why he got away at the end of "Tall Tales". Now if we could only get an answer to the demonic virus and the disappearing towns people in "Croatoan".

One day I will write a story with him.

Yay! More SPN fic! :)

I wonder what his role will be in the future because to me, he will have one.

I hope we see him again. He's very charismatic and a slippery character with curious motives. I'd love to know exactly why he wanted to teach Sam a lesson.

We're going to catch a nap to help Mackenzie get better.

Aww, hope you're all feeling better by now. I'll try to jump in my time machine and catch Night Rider. Heh. The 80's ... good times. :)


dianne_37 February 15 2008, 20:03:54 UTC
Doh, I meant Dean. Mis type. And OHHH!!! Grant and I had bets going as to how Dean would die!! I saw choking way before it happened! But I thought they'd order that Chinese food and it would be a chicken ball. So I got a half point. And that is Valentine's Day for couples married for fourteen years. Hee!


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 04:33:38 UTC
I thought they'd order that Chinese food and it would be a chicken ball.

*dies laughing* Sausage, chicken ball, they're practically the same thing: ground up animal bits mashed together and cooked. ;) Are you sure you're not brain linked to Kripke and Carver (who wrote the episode)?

Happy be-lated V-day! Glad you guys could bond over quality TV. If that's what successful couples married for 14 years do, then that makes me happy because A and I watched that night SPN, too! Great couples think alike or maybe we're all just a little crazy? :)


sleepyjeans February 15 2008, 22:25:07 UTC
Was it just me or was there a preoccupation with spitting and dential hygiene this epidsode? :)

In my LJ I said "Did the CW buy stock in the American Dental Association or what?!" lmao glad I wasn't the only one who noticed it. I have to wonder if Dean and Sam are man enough to take Listerine's 30 second challenge. For the record? I can only go 23 seconds swishing Listerine around lmao.

And hi! I don't think I've ever commented to your journal before, but I've made a new years resolution to stop lurking in people's meta, because it's creepy lol. And one of my favorite writers went friends only a couple months ago, and had I been commenting all along I might still be able to read her LJ lol.


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 16:37:23 UTC
Hi! *waves*

Welcome to the world of crazy squee (my LJ). :) That's a good resolution, one I should probably adopt when I read SPN fic. I think everyone is guilty of lurking at some point. But I'm glad you dropped a comment because it's always nice to meet new people.

I have to wonder if Dean and Sam are man enough to take Listerine's 30 second challenge.

*dies laughing* Could you just see them having swishing contests in front of the mirror every morning? Both with their cheeks full of Listerine, Dean with his eyebrows knit together and clutching the edge of the counter and Sam with his determined bitchface on. LOL. Pure crack! Someone needs to write a fic about this or draw a cartoon... :)


sleepyjeans February 17 2008, 18:39:48 UTC
Thanks for the welcome!

My mom is visiting from Washington, but when she leaves? I think I'll have to take that task up because it's making me giggle uncontrollably.


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 21:50:55 UTC
Hey, I live in Washington. Rain. Rain. Rain. Let me know if you persue the gargle crack, I'd love to see it. :)


hugemind February 15 2008, 22:56:38 UTC
Heh, that video clip is awesome! A montage is a little cliched but I'm so glad the show kept it short. We got the point and it's not like it was the only odd element. And now I remember that I forgot to squee over the sped up shot of 'Sam eating, Sam cleaning the gun' so I must squee about that here! SQUEE! ;D

I noticed the Sam/John parallels, too. And it's not a complete surprise that Sam's so much like John. It kind of breaks my heart a little to know that Dean was caught in the middle of those two when they were still hunting together. But everything in this ep breaks my heart, so... :)

Isn't a person in the sense that he has shut off the empathetic side of himself that's capable of seeing the grey between the black and white and cares about staying on one "good" side of the "good"/"evil" line.

Gordon, anyone? Sam's a man on a mission. I don't think that he has any plans beyond catching the Trickster, but there is a tiny piece of Sam left. He was afraid that he really had killed Bobby, he begged the Trickster to get Dean back. ( ... )


bowtrunckle February 17 2008, 17:17:05 UTC
I forgot to squee over the sped up shot of 'Sam eating, Sam cleaning the gun' so I must squee about that here!

That was a nice little camera move! Really noticeable because the rest of the transitions in that scene were fades. :)

It kind of breaks my heart a little to know that Dean was caught in the middle of those two when they were still hunting together.

Poor Dean-o. More than anything, this episode drove home the point that Sam is John's son. Up to this point I've always seen Sam as the odd man out in the Winchester dynamic, quite different in his goals and outlook on life than Dean and the parts of John (the hunter) we saw. But now ... *shivers* I'm convinced that Sam is every bit as much of John as Dean, only in a different way. Dean wears John on the outside (car, jacket, music, love for hunting, heck he even LOOKS like John); Sam wears John on the inside (propencity for stubborness, obsessiveness, determination, single-mindedness, and running along for months/years on slow-burning anger). And as much as I adore John ( ... )


bowtrunckle February 18 2008, 06:31:23 UTC
the flamingoes pretty much killed me DED when I noticed them!

I have a present for you!


Take a look at #15! *glee*

OK, technically I didn't make the present, but I found it. That should count for something, right? :)


meret February 15 2008, 23:05:41 UTC
this episode highlighted just how easy it would be for Sam to walk down that same road as John without Dean as his mediating force

Excellent point! :)

I think Sam might've been wearing a light green and yellow stripped shirt in his scene with BobbyI don't know about the shirt, but he is backlit during the sacrifice scene with Bobby by a red light on one side and a green light on the other which made me think of two things ( ... )


sleepyjeans February 17 2008, 18:44:00 UTC
I really liked your comment, but I am madly in love with your icon. *dead*


meret February 18 2008, 22:30:47 UTC
Thanks! From what I remember all I had to do was fade the edges and add the text. He really is glowing in that image. :)


sleepyjeans February 19 2008, 00:06:34 UTC
LOL it's adorable.


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