A short BSG-related rant

Mar 02, 2009 22:11

Wow. It actually got worse. I didn't think that was possible! *blinks* Damn, I wish I'd bailed when you did, mskatej!

no real spoilers, just personal reaction to 4.17 )

bsg_episodes, bsg_meta

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Comments 29

mskatej March 2 2009, 11:44:57 UTC

I don't miss it at all and I'm not even curious about what's happening, although maybe some day I will watch these last eps just so I can say I saw the whole series. Or maybe not.
... )


bop_radar March 3 2009, 07:09:13 UTC
Yeah, you ain't missin' shit.


brokenmnemonic March 2 2009, 12:57:56 UTC
I found the podcast for the most recent episode to be abhorrent, in that it confirmed some of my worst suspicions about the writing on BSG. It confirmed that the writers are doing fucked-up things to characters not to serve the plot, not to advance the overarching theme, not to meet an ultimate end, but simply because they can. In fact, they're now actively doing things that are fucked-up because they can't imagine not taking an opportunity to screw a character up.

When did BSG go from being an intelligently written and evocative tv series to being this televised equivalent of pulling the wings off flies?


bop_radar March 3 2009, 07:12:02 UTC

Somewhere inside me there is an essay on the subject of BSG as failed storytelling. In an effort to be edgy or innovative or shocking, they've thrown out important storytelling fundamentals--forgetting that those are the building blocks with which you build ANY narrative--if you want to be creative or thrilling successfully, you need to find a way to do that while still respecting viewer expectations, need for catharsis and resolution. It's all about managing the emotional narrative--and that's not been done at all in Season 4.


sizequeen March 2 2009, 13:13:05 UTC
Around the middle of season 2...


elli March 2 2009, 13:45:25 UTC
I'm still watching... but I never was as emotionally invested and well..it went downhill from mid season 2 for me and at this point character motivation on this show is nothing I can follow.

And that review you posted voices everything I fell is wrong with the show.



bop_radar March 3 2009, 07:12:28 UTC
Yeah, nothing I can follow either.


chani86 March 2 2009, 16:13:13 UTC
I saw your post on queenofthorns I normally don’t like to spam other people’s LJs with negaivity, but since you seem to feel the same way I do, I hope this will be okay ( ... )


bop_radar March 5 2009, 05:05:42 UTC
It's totally ok!

And I went through months of rage, personally, until I finally clicked that it really wasn't worht my energy any more. I used to write meta for the show joyfully, then I used to write it out of a sense of obligation and finally I gave up. I don't even care about spoilers any moer!

I hope they don’t revive K/L for the finale, after showing K/S as the OTP of the show for four episdes
SAME. But they so will. They'll do the last tokenistic hoorah, in order to hedge their bets with their audience. COWARDS.

I think Jamie may have fallen out with them a bit toward the end, but even if they didn't, I think the complete underappreciation of Lee as a character would have overwhelmed other factors by now, alas.


chani86 March 5 2009, 18:04:30 UTC
Oh absolutely, not worth the bother, I read recaps before deciding wether I'll watch an episode or not, so spoilers are my least concern.

They'll totally give both K/L and K/S some special moment of everlasting love blah blah, to satisfy all the fans, but it won't mean anything. I've called it along time ago, with all this kissing and angsting over other people in the next scene.

Yeah I think you could be right, would explain why Jamie didn't seem very relaxed at ComicCon, if they really didn't get along towards the end. But what really still bugs me is that everyone goes on about how deep and artistic RDM's writing is, when his favourite characters are the most stereotyped and one-dimensional. (I don't hate Helo or Sam, but they're not very conflicted or deep characters even with Sam's Cylonity).


bop_radar March 5 2009, 22:26:10 UTC
They'll totally give both K/L and K/S some special moment of everlasting love blah blah
Yeah, how cheap is that? I kind of think of BSG as a street-corner whore these days...

what really still bugs me is that everyone goes on about how deep and artistic RDM's writing is
Oh I know. That really bugs me too. I think a lot of fans have rose-tinted glasses, and in part that may be to keep sane and to preserve some small fragment of enjoyment from the show--that much I can understand. But the people that actually laud him as being a creative genius are really deluded. He created an interesting universe and that seems to have worked steadily to make it less and less interesting, more and more cliched and stereotypical (and sexist!), and then also not provided a solid, consistent narrative.

I was happy to see Slate coming out with this: http://www.slate.com/id/2213006/ Sounds


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