A short BSG-related rant

Mar 02, 2009 22:11

Wow. It actually got worse. I didn't think that was possible! *blinks* Damn, I wish I'd bailed when you did, mskatej!

I don't actually have anything to say about the episode because it would be a waste of time to think about it. Mostly I'm just boggling at the fact that we are so near the finale and there is still nothing interesting happening.

The episode before this one? 'Deadlock'? HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. But at least it had humour.

Increasingly I think of BSG as two shows. The one from 'before' which I fell in love with (and still adore) and the one from 'after' which is one of the most boring, nonsensical bits of television ever.

If I was a) more bitchy and b) had more time, I would write a post deconstructing the disturbing aspects of RDM's psyche and/or personal neuroses and delusions that are reflected in the show's dying episodes. But I actually feel like I've thrown WAY too much of life away already caring about this bullshit.

I'll hang on to the first couple of seasons, sure. But no matter how 'good' this finale is, it's too late for me.

Basically, right now, in order for me to feel at all like I got something out of the finale, it would have to burst out of my computer screen and hand me a winning tattslotto ticket. Then I might actually pay that it was awesome. Otherwise, waaaay too little too late dudes.

The only thing I'm even slightly emotional about any more is Lee, and I just really REALLY wish that he was not still in this damn mess. I have a horrible feeling they will whip him out for the finale to tug our heartstrings and then they will stamp up and down on our remaining organs as well.

Well, sorry, TPTB. Jamie has a new show. That's right! I am DITCHING YOU FOR A PROCEDURAL. *g*

If anyone is in any doubt about what, exactly, my issues with BSG are, they are what she said (and kudos to the wonderful queenofthorns for actually still having the energy to write about it!), except a whole lot more so.

I'm really glad I have this icon. :D

bsg_episodes, bsg_meta

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