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May 30, 2011 20:39

[Looking out to the lake one might spy the Stable-Master and his elephant buddies, soaking up the daylight and messing around on the edge of the water. Soaked from head to toe and laughing his head off, Dos yells back at the offending elephants in his native tongue, words something along the line of "I'll get you back for that you bastard!".

He's ( Read more... )

!elephants, i'm busy really, playtime for dos, hahahaha!, hard at work

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Comments 43

[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie May 30 2011, 21:56:48 UTC
[Well here comes somebody but he's certainly not here to be any help. With a fishing pole in one hand and a tackle box in the other, Kevas is here for something completely different. Of course he does stop at the sight of the elephants. They really do look like elekks. All they're missing are the extra tusk and the horns.

And the sight of Dos being blasted with water is just too funny to ignore.]

Be lookin' like dey be gettin' da bettah of jah.


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:05:12 UTC
[Well if it isn't his big green friend. Dos grins and dodges another water blast. He need not bother considering he's already soaked, but hey, trying to not get hit is oddly fun.]

Same game every time. Watch out for the little one. She's got the best range.


[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie May 31 2011, 08:14:26 UTC
[Kevas stays a fair distance away from all of them. His biggest concern at the moment is whether or not they're scaring all the fish off.]

Let me guess. Joo lose most dem games.


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:28:10 UTC
[Sorry Kev, with the amount of noise and splashing around that's been going on, all the fish will have moved to the other side of the lake. Regardless of the distance, the smaller elephant still tries to spray Kevas with a blast of water. It falls just short. The elephant sighs.]

I get the job done... eventually. We just mess around a lot.

[Right on cue, Dos kicks up a splash at the closest elephant. Target hit!]


pls ignore my previous fail >> thii2ii22tupiid May 30 2011, 23:35:38 UTC
*Sollux still sulks at the lake a lot, but he slows his approach upon seeing the tuskbeasts elephants. But they shouldn't really be a problem (and someone is there doing something with them), so he heads over anyway. He was gonna go sit on the boat house, but he pauses and snickers at Dos gets blasted with water.*

What are you even doing?


what fail? i see no fail! <3 bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:09:08 UTC
[Dos lifts the broom to nudge the nearest elephant with the bristly end, chuckling to himself when the creature swipes at him with it's trunk.]

You never seen an elephant get a bath?


that's right you don't! thii2ii22tupiid May 31 2011, 15:32:36 UTC
No. I've never even seen an elephant before I got here.

*That girl called them something else, but since Dos is the stablemaster he probably knows better.*

They don't seem to like it much.


bloodtothebest June 11 2011, 07:18:04 UTC
Me either. We had creatures close to them on Helac, but not quite like this. And sure as hell not gentle.

[He'll just poke that elephant again and grin.]

They're just playin'.


halfbrokenwings May 31 2011, 08:11:57 UTC
[She had wanted to meet with Dos but, after all the excitement of the last few weeks she was neglect to do so. Still, she did not expect to meet him this way: with so much laughter among the feet of giants. He was a big man, and even still he was dwarfed by the strange looking grey beasts. It was a sight to be had, watching them interact.

She covers her mouth with one hand and tries hard not to giggle when he gets hosed with one of the beasts limbs. He did not seem to be injured, and in truth it almost looked like fun. Still, those were rather large beasts to be in and under foot of...]

Sir Dos! Are you alright?


OMG ICON. <3 bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:19:11 UTC
[He turns to the voice and drops to a low, exaggerated bow. Dos is soaked from head to toe and grinning like a fiend.]

Lady Isabella.

[Standing up again, Dos manages to dodge the offending elephant trunk that had been aiming to knock him over. He chuckles and nudges it away.]

How you doin', girl?


needs moar! XD halfbrokenwings May 31 2011, 08:35:25 UTC
[She feels the corners of her mouth tweaking upwards in response to his grinning.

There couldn't have been a thing on him that was dry by this point. She approaches cautiously, not wishing to be in range of the beasts but not wanting to be rude of conversation either.]

I have been doing better, thank you.

[She looks apprehensive of the creatures.]

Are they... friendly?


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:01:08 UTC
Too friendly, I reckon.

[He gives the closest elephant an affectionate nudge. The creature gives a slightly more forceful nudge back. Dos laughs as he steps to keep his balance.]

They're a good lot, if you don't mind getting wet.

[He holds his arms out to the sides that Isabella might better witness his... total saturation.]

Apparently they like me.


sacredbrand May 31 2011, 09:03:40 UTC
Calling them bastards never calmed anyone, I think.

[Nel is ten yards away and gaining, bare foot and secretly enjoying the coolness of the grass between her toes. Her usual breeches are rolled up to her knees, but the black-and-gold-lined tunic she wears is belted by a white sash. The red of her hair probably makes an odd contrast.

She managed to sleep the night before, so her circles are not quite as dark, and she craves sunlight.]


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:17:51 UTC
[Dos turns and... stares. How the hell did she understand that? More so, how did she speak it back? His next words are in Korur, Dos' native language.]

They'd call me worse if they could talk... And I'd take it as a compliment.

[Dos arches an eyebrow.]

You've been to Helac?


sacredbrand May 31 2011, 09:22:34 UTC

Nel smiles apologetically, the 'no' clear in her face before her mouth ever opens.]

Afraid not, no more than you have been to Elicoor.

[She twists half-around to open a pouch laced onto the sash, extracting the translator. Cliff's memento.]

I. . . require assistance with communication.


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:31:53 UTC

[It's weird seeing a piece of tech that matches his own era in the Keep.]

You mind if I take a look?

[As if reminding him why he's there, the smaller elephant makes a loud sound and stomps a foot, splashing water where she stands. Dos glances back.]

Yeah, yeah. Gimme a sec, will ya?

[And then back to Nel.]


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