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May 30, 2011 20:39

[Looking out to the lake one might spy the Stable-Master and his elephant buddies, soaking up the daylight and messing around on the edge of the water. Soaked from head to toe and laughing his head off, Dos yells back at the offending elephants in his native tongue, words something along the line of "I'll get you back for that you bastard!".

He's ( Read more... )

!elephants, i'm busy really, playtime for dos, hahahaha!, hard at work

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halfbrokenwings May 31 2011, 08:11:57 UTC
[She had wanted to meet with Dos but, after all the excitement of the last few weeks she was neglect to do so. Still, she did not expect to meet him this way: with so much laughter among the feet of giants. He was a big man, and even still he was dwarfed by the strange looking grey beasts. It was a sight to be had, watching them interact.

She covers her mouth with one hand and tries hard not to giggle when he gets hosed with one of the beasts limbs. He did not seem to be injured, and in truth it almost looked like fun. Still, those were rather large beasts to be in and under foot of...]

Sir Dos! Are you alright?


OMG ICON. <3 bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:19:11 UTC
[He turns to the voice and drops to a low, exaggerated bow. Dos is soaked from head to toe and grinning like a fiend.]

Lady Isabella.

[Standing up again, Dos manages to dodge the offending elephant trunk that had been aiming to knock him over. He chuckles and nudges it away.]

How you doin', girl?


needs moar! XD halfbrokenwings May 31 2011, 08:35:25 UTC
[She feels the corners of her mouth tweaking upwards in response to his grinning.

There couldn't have been a thing on him that was dry by this point. She approaches cautiously, not wishing to be in range of the beasts but not wanting to be rude of conversation either.]

I have been doing better, thank you.

[She looks apprehensive of the creatures.]

Are they... friendly?


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:01:08 UTC
Too friendly, I reckon.

[He gives the closest elephant an affectionate nudge. The creature gives a slightly more forceful nudge back. Dos laughs as he steps to keep his balance.]

They're a good lot, if you don't mind getting wet.

[He holds his arms out to the sides that Isabella might better witness his... total saturation.]

Apparently they like me.


halfbrokenwings May 31 2011, 09:19:57 UTC
[The grin only gets wider and she giggles at his display. He was completely soaked through.]

They apparently like you very much.

[With the apprehension eased, she steps closer. Her curiosity now over-riding caution.]

If I may ask? What manner of creature are they?

[She stares up and up at them. My, she feels tiny now.]


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:36:14 UTC
[And the elephant peers down at her, curious at the new person. It shakes it's head from side to side, ears flapping a little with the movement before bringing it's trunk to stop just before Isabella's face.

The elephant gives her an expectant look.

Dos folds his arms, standing in silence and watching the exchange with a grin. After a beat, he answers.]

They're elephants. And the big fella there wants to make your acquaintance.


halfbrokenwings May 31 2011, 09:50:53 UTC
[Isabella watched the elephant shake it's head at her. It reminded her of a dog when it did that. The grey beast raised it's odd limb and Isabella could not help the flinch as it came close to touching her face.

She held her breath, and nothing happened. She looked up at the beast, and the beast looked back at her.

Dos speaks and she turns to him with some small amount of confusion on her features and then back to the grey giant.]

My... acquaintance?

[Maybe they were like horses? Or dragons?

She reaches out with one hand for the creature to take perhaps in it's strange limb, as a hand shake? Or sniff, if she could find it's nose... ]

It is a honor to meet you, elephant.


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 10:25:01 UTC
[That's right Isabella. You shake that trunk like a hand. The elephant makes a pleased sound.]

He's the oldest. Biggest of the group. The little squirt over there...

[Dos motions to the baby.]

That's the one you've got to watch out fo--

[In a surprise attack, one of the other elephants knocks a spray of water his way.]


halfbrokenwings June 1 2011, 08:04:19 UTC
[That is the weirdest sensation ever! There does not seem to be a bone in this 'hand' she is shaking! She does not know quite to make of it and it shows on her face when she turns to Dos, still holding the fingerless grey limb. ]

How old is-

[She really should of saw it coming but squeaked as one of the elephants sprayed water at Dos. It was only a moment before a openly amused grin quirks at him with the irony of his statement.]

Apparently, not the only one?

[If she giggled now, it just would not be polite!]


bloodtothebest June 11 2011, 07:24:00 UTC
[Dos cracks up laughing and runs a hand down his face to wipe the water out of his eyes.]

You shithead.

[Pulling his shirt over his head, Dos throws the garment to the bank and trudges a little deeper into the water. His body is strong and lean, scarred and bearing large scaled plates down his back and sides. Just below his heart, one of the plates is damaged and horribly marked.

The offending elephant stomps where she stands and lowers like a kitten ready to pounce.]

C'mon then.

[Dos starts his slow approach to the elephant. It flicks water at him in return and the stablemaster dives off to the side. Screw trying to stay dry. He's soaked anyway.]


halfbrokenwings June 11 2011, 09:52:15 UTC
[Dos laughing forces her own laughter out, rude or not. She lets out an undignified snort-giggle at the name calling. It was rather cute.

Grass green eyes widen as Dos strips his shirt from his body and nonchalantly tosses it aside. Heat rushes to her face. She started blushing, rather badly. She could not stop looking though.

If it could be called looking. More likely it's staring.

She stares at the elephant that is playing like a kitten- they seem like such big beasts that they would be slow. That just wasn't the case.

So redfaced and standing on the shore next to the bull- she stares at Dos and the elephant battle. Not quite sure what to make of it. ]


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