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May 30, 2011 20:39

[Looking out to the lake one might spy the Stable-Master and his elephant buddies, soaking up the daylight and messing around on the edge of the water. Soaked from head to toe and laughing his head off, Dos yells back at the offending elephants in his native tongue, words something along the line of "I'll get you back for that you bastard!".

He's ( Read more... )

!elephants, i'm busy really, playtime for dos, hahahaha!, hard at work

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[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie May 30 2011, 21:56:48 UTC
[Well here comes somebody but he's certainly not here to be any help. With a fishing pole in one hand and a tackle box in the other, Kevas is here for something completely different. Of course he does stop at the sight of the elephants. They really do look like elekks. All they're missing are the extra tusk and the horns.

And the sight of Dos being blasted with water is just too funny to ignore.]

Be lookin' like dey be gettin' da bettah of jah.


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:05:12 UTC
[Well if it isn't his big green friend. Dos grins and dodges another water blast. He need not bother considering he's already soaked, but hey, trying to not get hit is oddly fun.]

Same game every time. Watch out for the little one. She's got the best range.


[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie May 31 2011, 08:14:26 UTC
[Kevas stays a fair distance away from all of them. His biggest concern at the moment is whether or not they're scaring all the fish off.]

Let me guess. Joo lose most dem games.


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:28:10 UTC
[Sorry Kev, with the amount of noise and splashing around that's been going on, all the fish will have moved to the other side of the lake. Regardless of the distance, the smaller elephant still tries to spray Kevas with a blast of water. It falls just short. The elephant sighs.]

I get the job done... eventually. We just mess around a lot.

[Right on cue, Dos kicks up a splash at the closest elephant. Target hit!]


[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie May 31 2011, 08:37:44 UTC
[Kevas cocks an eyebrow at the smaller elephant.]

Hey now ladymon, I be t'inkin' of myself as a gentlemon but if joo go startin' sometin' den I'll finish it.

[He turns his gaze back towards Dos and shakes his head.]

So much fuh my peaceful fishin' trip.


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 08:55:38 UTC
[Oh come on Kevas. Who doesn't want to have a water fight with an elephant?]

Heheh. You ain't gonna be gettin' much peace out here while this lot are around. Try over by the boat house if you're keen.

[And he gives that elephant a scrub with the broom. In response, the elephant tries to beat Dos with it's trunk. The Helcian does, thankfully, avoid.]

She just wants to play. C'mon Kev. Man up and face the mini elephant.


[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie May 31 2011, 23:01:29 UTC
But joo be such a fine playmate. She ain't be needin' me.

Besides Kevas finds it much more fun to watch these elephants knock Dos around.]


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest June 11 2011, 07:13:19 UTC
Sounds like you're scared.

[One of the elephants shoots a blast of water in Kevas' direction.]


[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie June 11 2011, 07:32:23 UTC
[Kevas ducks out of the way and lets the water sail past him.]

Nah, it just be more fun to watch dem blast joo.


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest June 11 2011, 08:19:53 UTC
[To the largest and oldest of the elephants, Dos speaks in his native tongue. The elephant pauses, watching him and seeming to listen before shaking it's head.]

Oh c'mon.

[It pauses a moment and then, the elephant starts towards Kevas, stomping it's way and splashing up water as it goes. Incoming elephant, Kevas!]


[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie June 11 2011, 08:24:56 UTC
Joo be an ass.

[His tone is calm despite having a two ton leather bag charging him.

The troll takes off, running past the elephant and right towards Dos.]


[Not!Audio] bloodtothebest June 11 2011, 08:38:39 UTC
Yeah, but ain't I lovable?

[The elephant makes a slow turn and moves to follow Kevas. Dos dodges to move behind one of the other elephants, grinning like a fiend as he goes.]

He just wants to say hi. Don't be a dick. Say hi.


[Not!Audio] drinkuntilidie June 11 2011, 08:42:03 UTC
Why don'tcha introduce me!

[Kevas gives chase after him. You can't hide forever Dos!]


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