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May 30, 2011 20:39

[Looking out to the lake one might spy the Stable-Master and his elephant buddies, soaking up the daylight and messing around on the edge of the water. Soaked from head to toe and laughing his head off, Dos yells back at the offending elephants in his native tongue, words something along the line of "I'll get you back for that you bastard!".

He's ( Read more... )

!elephants, i'm busy really, playtime for dos, hahahaha!, hard at work

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sacredbrand May 31 2011, 09:03:40 UTC
Calling them bastards never calmed anyone, I think.

[Nel is ten yards away and gaining, bare foot and secretly enjoying the coolness of the grass between her toes. Her usual breeches are rolled up to her knees, but the black-and-gold-lined tunic she wears is belted by a white sash. The red of her hair probably makes an odd contrast.

She managed to sleep the night before, so her circles are not quite as dark, and she craves sunlight.]


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:17:51 UTC
[Dos turns and... stares. How the hell did she understand that? More so, how did she speak it back? His next words are in Korur, Dos' native language.]

They'd call me worse if they could talk... And I'd take it as a compliment.

[Dos arches an eyebrow.]

You've been to Helac?


sacredbrand May 31 2011, 09:22:34 UTC

Nel smiles apologetically, the 'no' clear in her face before her mouth ever opens.]

Afraid not, no more than you have been to Elicoor.

[She twists half-around to open a pouch laced onto the sash, extracting the translator. Cliff's memento.]

I. . . require assistance with communication.


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:31:53 UTC

[It's weird seeing a piece of tech that matches his own era in the Keep.]

You mind if I take a look?

[As if reminding him why he's there, the smaller elephant makes a loud sound and stomps a foot, splashing water where she stands. Dos glances back.]

Yeah, yeah. Gimme a sec, will ya?

[And then back to Nel.]


sacredbrand May 31 2011, 09:41:23 UTC
[She eyeballs Dos and the needy elephant, recalling something important relevant to 'electronics' and liquid exposure-- but passes the translator to the stablemaster. A show of faith, though she watches him keenly.]

I'd appreciate getting it back in one piece.

[Nel has to tilt her head at an extremely awkward angle to make proper eye contact. It aggravates her that the people she meets all tower over her in uncomfortable ways.]


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:45:29 UTC
[Dos nods, takes the device and flips it in his hands, black eyes eagerly searching the comm for some sign that it's from home, or a galaxy he's familiar with.]

Translator comm, huh? Pretty cool. I ain't seen one of that design before.

[And he passes it back, nodding and offering a small smile as he does.]

Don't think we've met before. I'm Dos. I run the stables and look after the shitheads.

[At the mention of 'shitheads', Dos grins and motions back to the elephants.]


sacredbrand May 31 2011, 09:50:47 UTC
[Nel's lips twitch as she tucks the translator back into its pouch of safety. The shitheads, as they are, receive a gracious courtier's bow. It is no less fluid for all that she's bare-footed and wearing far less layers than the norm for her.]

I'm Nel.

[Her fingers lace together, at her rear, as her expression shifts to neutrally companionable.] Hard work for a hard man. Am I wrong?


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 09:59:46 UTC
[Dos watches the bow with an amused look before turning back to walk to the elephants.]

Eh, it's all fun.

[He rolls his shoulders.]

Being cooped up inside was never really my thing, so this was the job that stuck. Besides, a little hard work is a welcome thing. Wouldn't want my amazing physique to falter now would we?

[Dos shoots her a mischievous grin and pets an elephant on the side of it's face. To the little one, he speaks his own language again.]

Go say hi. Go on.

[The smaller elephant takes a step forward before shying away, shaking it's head and lifting a leg as it goes.]


sacredbrand May 31 2011, 10:09:51 UTC
[He's so full of it, and so like another man she knew, she has to smile.

It fades when the younger creature doesn't seem to like the look of her. She can't blame it, staying mindful that she's as alien to it as it is to her. Just as well, too. Those feet look like they could snap her bones with the first accidental misstep.]

Maybe she thinks I smell.

[Nel gives it due consideration, but she distinctly remembers bathing this morning.]


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 10:36:22 UTC
[Dos snorts and laughs.]

If that's the case, then you're prob in the running for a--

[The biggest elephant of the lot sends a blast of water Nel's way. Dos cringes. Whoops.]



sacredbrand May 31 2011, 10:45:04 UTC
[Among the many indignities Nel has suffered in her short lifespan, she can now count this one -- that is, having a large furless alien spray water at her from its snout -- among them.

Her lips are clamped tightly together, eyes squeezed shut on reflex. The tiny woman appears even smaller, looking like a drowned red-haired rat. Her leggings and tunic stick too closely for comfort, and once she gets to cracking her eyes open to slits, Nel plucks at the front of her chest.]

Should I be flattered?

[Talking through her teeth.]


bloodtothebest May 31 2011, 11:00:37 UTC
[He tries to keep a straight face. He really does. And for a short moment, Dos succeeds.]


[The big guy smirks whether he wants to or not.]

Yeah I reckon you should. It means they like you.

[Dos gives in and cracks the hell up laughing. All the while, the little one creeps closer.]


sacredbrand June 1 2011, 04:16:19 UTC
[She throws Dos a look that would have had a recruit ruing the day he dared twitch his mouth, but with his natural disposition and the fact that she's soaked from head to toe, it isn't remotely effective.

Movement draws her awareness, and Nel glares suspiciously at the 'child'.]

I'm not going to smell any better with this. . . snout water.


bloodtothebest June 11 2011, 07:26:32 UTC
[And in response, he grins.]

It's a trunk, for one. Two, take it as a compliment. If you get on their good side, they might just let you ride.

[Yep. Because that makes it all better.]


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