
Apr 04, 2009 16:09

i think i must have told about 4 people today that "i think i'm going to sell him ( Read more... )

sadness, naughtiness, floating, arc, beejay

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Comments 28

dimturien April 4 2009, 08:57:40 UTC
Well, if you have the feeling that the two of you don't belong together, I think that it's probably the best for both of you if you found him a new home. If I was located near you I'd definately wanted to take a look at him, but unfortunately that's not an option since I'm living in Germany. I hope you'll find a good new home for him.


blitzen_ April 5 2009, 12:04:13 UTC
it would be awesome to see him go to a friend tho. i know we'll find a good home. thanks for your kind thoughts.


jaanka April 4 2009, 09:07:28 UTC
I totally understand where your coming from, and in the end it comes down to if your enjoying spending time with him or if its becoming a daily chore.

No matter what I will support you in anyway, and if you need someone to come out and get some special for sale photos more than happy to do that - free of course.

You coming tomorrow?


blitzen_ April 5 2009, 12:04:53 UTC
it's not a chore mate, but it's just not fun.

and i may just take you up on the photo offer...


madeyemads April 4 2009, 11:21:33 UTC
You have worked so hard with him, I admire it so much. I'm not sure if I would have had the fortitude. You really have given it 100% but you shouldn't have to be doing things you don't want to do. At the end of the day, jaanka is right. If he gives you pleasure or if he is making your life more difficult. And it's not whether you have a connection with him or whatever because I'm sure you love him to bits, but it is whether he's right for you and whether you want to do the same thing. It has to be right for you, doesn't it?
So *hugs* whatever you decided.


blitzen_ April 5 2009, 12:06:08 UTC
i appreciate your support, mate.
and beejay has taught me a lot about patience. not enough, apparently, but quite a lot, lol.

i think he's going to be very happy with someone who gives him a job to do.


penella22 April 4 2009, 13:20:25 UTC
You and Beej have had a lot of ups and downs and it definitely seems like there have been times when he makes you really happy. I think when you can remember your best days with him and still feel in your heart of hearts that he needs to find a new home, that's when you know it's really time ( ... )


penella22 April 4 2009, 15:04:44 UTC
No matter what happens, your time with Beejay has taught you a lot and I hope that's worth something even if he isn't your 'forever-horse.'


blitzen_ April 4 2009, 23:54:59 UTC

reading that made me so sad. i was so hopeful.

i'll comment properly later on. i've gotta get moving for a lesson now.


blitzen_ April 5 2009, 12:02:37 UTC
you're exactly right. this trip with beejay has been very exhausting and now i realise i don't really want to be exhausted emotionally by my horse. i've had to rewrite my goals with him, which is okay in the short term, but i don't want to be slogging through it daily with him for the rest of my life. and it's not like he's a bad or dirty or naughty horse, he just needs the right type of person to bring out the best in him ( ... )


kimothy April 4 2009, 13:33:35 UTC
Beej is a gorgeous horse, but he has so many issues that working with him isn't fun for you so much anymore. It may be time to find a home for him that is a better fit.

*hugs* Best of luck, honey.


blitzen_ April 5 2009, 11:53:05 UTC
thank you for your kind words.


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