Fic: Crossover: Supernatural: Silent Hill: Dean, Cas (14/15)

Dec 04, 2011 11:39

I wanted to link you guys to this post by gikun who has drawn an amazing piece of fanart to this fic, she also has more planned.

Title: Supernatural: Silent Hill
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Chapters: 14/15
Warnings: gore, blood, disturbing imagery, violence, language, torture
Genre: Crossover/AU on the silent hill front
Spoilers: season five Supernatural, Silent Hill film, and Silent Hill 1 and 2 video games.
Characters: Focus on Dean and Castiel friendship or pre-slash depending on your preference, but some Sam and Bobby as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or Silent Hill, I'm only playing with them.
A/N: I blatantly steal elements/scenarios from the Silent Hill film, and Silent Hill 1 and 2 video games, but I've also created some of my own canon/expanded/changed characters and other elements to create an insane trip to Silent Hill tailor made for Dean and Cas, hence the AU part of this fic.
Special Thanks: to my beta skylar_matthews
Summary: Dean and Cas get trapped in Silent Hill. Sam and Bobby are on the outside trying to find them - will they find a way out...
Word Count: 2.627 (total 41,061 total)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13

Castiel weakly gripped Dean’s wrist; he could feel her strange power invading his friend. Dean yanked away from him and fell to the ground. He kicked and writhed, then started making a retching sound. Cas could hear Dean whimpering and thrashing.

Castiel was furious. He was not helpless. He was an angel of the lord and he would not lay here and bleed to death while his brother was tormented.

He used his anger and drew on the strength it gave him. A warmth was growing in his chest, spreading out, pushing the darkness back. He felt strength returning to his limbs. His grace was expanding - exploiting all the weak spots where that cold, taint was losing its grip on him.

Whatever Dean had done, had weakened her. She was losing.

He heard Dean say his name, his voice strained and panicked.

Cas dug deep within himself, he fought, pushing it back more and more. He could feel the chains on his grace breaking - when the last one shattered it was like taking a long drink of water after being stranded in the desert for days.

Castiel felt like himself for the first time since arriving here.

His wounds started to mend and his heart rate returned to normal. Cas yanked at the remaining ropes and they broke easily.

He sat up and scanned the room.

His heart rocketed in his chest.

Valtiel was straddling Dean, murmuring something, a dagger was raised over her head.

Cas practically leapt off the altar and grabbed her wrists. He wrenched the weapon from her grasp while he flung her off Dean and sent her flying into the wall on the opposite side of the room. Her head cracked against it, bits of concrete crumbled to the ground where she’d connected.

She stood. There was a hole in the center of her skull that was slowly closing, but her eyes were leaking blood, her throat had a thin red line across it, dried blood crusted around its edges, and her chest seemed to be oozing fluids.

Cas took a step towards her, enjoying the fear and shock in her eyes as she realized he’d broken her hold over him.

Cas bent slowly, never breaking eye contact, and picked up the dagger; the same one she‘d used to slit his wrists earlier. “Still having fun?” he snarled and twirled the weapon in his hand.


Dean had vomited from the pain; he could still taste the sour remnants in his parched mouth. The flesh from his right leg was gone. Alastair was digging a hook into his thigh, probing deep into the exposed muscle. His eyes practically cackled with glee, his lips twisted into a hateful smile.

Dean tried to fight against it, tried to retreat into his mind and block out the pain. It didn’t work; he felt every tear, every rip, heard ever word that son of a bitch hissed into his ear.

He’d been right, he was dead, and he was back in hell.

A small voice in the back of his mind taunted him, told him he deserved to be here.

Another voice pushed through the desperate haze of agony - a rough, familiar one that pulled at him - Cas - one of the few people in the world that insisted he was worth being saved. It was screaming that now from somewhere in the deep recesses of his mind that Alastair hadn’t reached yet.

That horrible feeling that he was forgetting something returned and pounded against his skull until he couldn’t hear Alastair anymore. He could barely feel the heat that burned all around him, the smells of charred flesh muted, and his breathing got easier.

Dean searched his memory, vaguely registering the blade boring into him over and over again. He dug through his foggy brain and finally found what he’d been looking for - he grabbed onto it. Clinging with all the strength he had left and found the words he’d almost lost in this endless nightmare.

Fight her.

Those two words became his life preserver. In a world of death and eternal suffering they were a blazing beacon of hope giving him strength. It enveloped him, shielded him, and reminded him that he wasn’t alone here.

Cas,” he whispered the name like a prayer.

His vision blurred, and he heard something crashing.

Dean blinked, Alastair’s smug face vanished.

He was laying on his back staring up at a dark ceiling, with flecks of dried blood splattered all over it. The surge of relief he felt at seeing this cesspool of a room had his throat aching.

It hadn’t been real - that fucking bitch had gotten in his head just like she had Cas’s.

Cas. Dean’s own fears and horror at what he’d just experienced faded into the background as he remembered his friend was bleeding to death.

Dean heard Cas snarling something that sounded a lot like, “are you still bored bitch?” while he rolled onto his side. Dean was gifted with the very satisfying image of Cas holding Valtiel by the throat, her feet dangling off the ground, as he slammed her repeatedly into the crumbling wall, his free hand was plunging a blade into her stomach.

No wonder I was able to break out of her mind fuck. It was probably kind of hard to maintain your concentration when you had a seriously pissed off angel beating the shit out of you.

Dean grabbed the edge of the table and hauled himself to his feet.

Cas was looking much better; Dean felt relief flow over him. If the hunter believed in miracles, he’d say this qualified as one.

Cas got tired of pounding her against the wall and slammed her onto the ground for a change of pace. She lashed out with her leg, catching the side of his knee.

All it did was piss Cas off more.

His foot came down and rammed into her stomach; she grunted, spittle and blood went flying from her mouth, and she tried to crawl away. Cas dragged her back and drove the dagger into her chest; dragging it down the length of her body, splitting her open.

She made a strangled sound, her body going still.

Cas moved towards her head, grabbed it, and jerked quickly, snapping her neck. Then he slammed the blade into her skull with as much effort as it would take Dean to cut through water. Cas knelt down, head tilted, and ran his hand slowly over her body, almost touching - as if he were scanning her.

Blood was spreading out from underneath her, inching towards Dean’s feet. His gaze went to Valtiel’s split open middle and Dean had to look away as memories of his own hallucinatory disembowelment decided to punch him in the face. He took ten deep breaths and was in the middle of turning back around when he heard Cas inhale sharply.

“Dean, you‘re okay.” His face lit up in an expression of almost child-like joy as he rose from the floor.

That smile helped quiet down the lingering whispers of Alastair‘s taunting words. Dean suppressed a grin and quipped. “Thanks for noticing,” he smirked. “You done having fun yet?

Cas blinked, looked down at his blood covered hands, shrugged and said, “Perhaps.”

“You know what,” Dean gestured at the mangled body, “this thing is?”

Cas shook his head. “No. It is unfamiliar to me.”

Dean saw her body twitch, and one arm flailed around; he could see her middle very slowly start knitting back together.

Fuck. This thing isn’t going to stay dead.

Cas actually growled. “Dean. I don’t think I can kill her. Not permanently anyway.” Cas looked very disappointed by this.

“Well, you get an A for effort feathers.” Dean started forward, kicked her once in the face for good measure. “While she’s down for the count you think you can get us the hell out of here.”

“I think so - with her weakened like this - unable to restrain my grace - I should be able to get us back.”

“Should?” Dean repeated, his nerves were already too shot for him to work up much more of a reaction.

Cas nodded. “I’ve never exactly had occasion to try anything like this before today - you’re just going to have to trust me.”

Dean felt an immediate calm sweep over him. “Of course I trust you, Cas.“

Cas gave him one of those intense stares again. This time Dean welcomed it; for awhile there he’d worried he’d never see it again. “I’m pleased to hear that.” He started to reach forward to touch Dean’s forehead.

“Whoa, hold up.” Dean raised his hands.

Cas froze. “What’s wrong?” His nose crinkled and his eyes darkened with worry.

“There’s something I need to do first.”


Dean stepped out into the hallway and stopped in front of Dhalia. Her head was slumped against the wall, eyes wide open, hands clutching that locket, and her chest wasn’t moving. Dean knelt in front of her, he felt Cas step closer to him, not quite touching, but close enough that Dean knew he had his back.

“I’ve seen her,” Cas whispered, “she was watching…hiding when they took me.”

“She’s the reason I found you,” Dean replied, his fingers gingerly closing her eyelids.

“Even if she’d been alive when we got here, it’s no longer in my power to heal her - I’m sorry Dean.” Cas squeezed his arm, then let go, stepping back, giving him a moment they both knew they didn’t have.

“I know. It‘s okay,“ Dean replied softly, he just hadn’t been able to leave without checking to make sure there was nothing he could do.

He hoped she’d found some form of peace.

“Dean your father…he was never here. It was all a ruse.”

The image of John on his knees, asking why he hadn‘t been strong enough clawed forward. Dean shoved it back down, he‘d deal with it later. “Yeah- I figured that.”

Dean turned his gaze on Claudia, who was still unconscious on the floor. A small part of him wanted to kill her - but that wasn’t who he was. He wouldn’t let this place turn him into a monster.

Besides, killing her would be an act of mercy.

Leaving her here to suffer for eternity with her very pissed off god - that was exactly what she deserved.

A foot step several feet away caught his attention, Dean turned and saw a single nurse had found her way here. He jumped to his feet, realized he had no weapons and then made a small sound of appreciation as Cas leapt forward and punched her in the face with a right hook, following it swiftly with a blow to the chin with the heel of his palm.

Her head snapped back, making a sharp, cracking sound.

If she had been human that would have been a fatal blow. This bitch only stumbled, then let lose a snarl that would have put a werewolf to shame.

Cas smirked - he was enjoying having his mojo back up and running a little too much, but Dean felt his own smile emerge.

He and Cas both enjoyed the satisfaction of beating the shit out of the bad guys.

Cas wrenched her wrist, Dean heard bones snapping, then he kicked her in the chest and she flew down the hallway.

“Nasty bitches aren’t they,” he grinned, admiring Cas’s handiwork.

Cas started to reply, then sucked in a breath while his eyes widened with fear and pain. “She’s already gaining strength - Dean, we have to go now.”

Dean nodded jerkily, as he raced to his side He felt Cas’s trembling fingers press to his forehead and then that familiar sinking sensation as the angel did his thing.

This time it wasn’t that instantaneous freefall that he was used to - this time it was like being caught between a hurricane and a tornado. He was being pulled in two different directions - ripped in half on a cellular level. He could still feel a warm pressure on his forehead, telling him that Cas was still there. It kept him from having a full blown panic attack.

Just when Dean was sure he was going to end up lost in space - the pain vanished - and he could hear the sound of his own breathing.

Dean opened his eyes, and looked around. They hadn’t moved, they were still in the hospital basement, but it was different.

It was normal.

The room was still dirty and rusty, but the stink of death was gone, the steam pipes were silent, and the walls weren’t painted crimson.

He almost bent down and kissed the ground he was standing on.

He felt a hand on his shoulder; Cas was staring at their surroundings as well, his expression surprised and relieved.

“I did it,” he whispered before starting to collapse.

Dean caught him. “Woah, there. I got you.”

Cas wobbled a bit against him, then seemed to steady himself, pushing away. His skin was pale, but his blue eyes were alive and warm.

“You alright?” Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I will be, just a little tired.” Cas gave him a small smile.

Dean relaxed a bit. “What the hell happened?”

“Valtiel tried to stop us from leaving.” Cas’s eyes hardened, his expression turned vengeful. “She failed.”

Dean couldn’t help it, he laughed, long and hard. “She sure did Cas.” Dean slapped him on the back. “Let’s get out of here and find Sam and Bobby.”


Sam was about to get back in the van; the hospital was the last major building they hadn’t searched. Bobby had been on the phone with every hunter he’d ever had contact with trying to find out if any of them had ever heard of a spell or monster with the power to trap someone in another layer of reality.

None of them fit the bill for what Sam had experienced in that school.

Sam had kept searching because he hadn’t known what else to do.

He couldn’t stop looking, the moment he did he felt like he’d be giving up on Dean and Cas.

He couldn’t lose anyone else - he needed his screwed up family back intact.

Sam slammed his palm against the side of the van, ignoring the pain that shot up his arm.

“Is that anyway to treat your ride?” A tired, but very welcome voice enveloped Sam.

He spun. Sam felt his jaw and his heart hit the floor as he watched Dean and Cas limp down the steps of the hospital, leaning heavily on each other.

They were both covered in a gray substance, that fell off them in dust clouds with each step. Cas’s coat and white shirt were covered in blood, especially near his wrists. His face was also splattered with it.

Dean was shirtless, his forehead had a cut across it, his chest and neck smattered with dried blood and grime, bruises painted his chest, and his arm was hastily bandaged with a dirty cloth.

They looked like shit, but they looked happy.

Sam couldn’t shake the image of two worn out soldiers coming home from war.

Maybe they were.

Sam heard the window being rolled down. “Holy shit,” Bobby blurted, his tone half awe, half pure joy.

Sam was running before he realized it, the second he was within reach he embraced them both, his eyes burning with unshed tears, as he clung to them hard enough to bruise.

Cas made a surprised noise; Dean chuckled and mumbled something about Sam being such a chick sometimes, but within seconds Sam felt two sets of warm arms wrap around him.

Orginally, I was going to end it there, but I decided to add one more chapter, so that'll be up next week :)

Next Chapter

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

Comments/feedback are always appreciated, how else will I know if anyone enjoyed this :)

genre: friendship, fic: supernatural: silent hill, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: au, genre: crossover, genre: gen, genre: horror, supernatural

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