Fic: Crossover: Supernatural: Silent Hill: Dean, Cas (15/15) COMPLETE

Dec 11, 2011 11:32

Title: Supernatural: Silent Hill
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Chapters: 15/15
Warnings: gore, blood, disturbing imagery, violence, language, torture
Genre: Crossover/AU on the silent hill front
Spoilers: season five Supernatural, Silent Hill film, and Silent Hill 1 and 2 video games.
Characters: Focus on Dean and Castiel friendship or pre-slash depending on your preference, but some Sam and Bobby as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or Silent Hill, I'm only playing with them.
A/N: I blatantly steal elements/scenarios from the Silent Hill film, and Silent Hill 1 and 2 video games, but I've also created some of my own canon/expanded/changed characters and other elements to create an insane trip to Silent Hill tailor made for Dean and Cas, hence the AU part of this fic.
Special Thanks: to my beta skylar_matthews
Summary: Dean and Cas get trapped in Silent Hill. Sam and Bobby are on the outside trying to find them - will they find a way out...
Word Count: 2.622 (total 42,406 total)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14

Castiel stood on the porch of Bobby’s home exactly one week after they‘d escaped from Silent Hill smiling gently at the sky. Savoring the feel of the wind blowing through his hair while he listened to Dean inside rummaging around the kitchen, mumbling something to himself.

It was peaceful - something he didn’t get much of in his life anymore. He soaked it up as his thoughts drifted over the past week.


After their reunion they’d wanted to get out of Silent Hill immediately. One the air was toxic; and Dean had hated the mask Sam had shoved at him. Two, who knew when or if Valtiel might find some way to drag them back inside her town of horrors.

So after a brief explanation of what happened to Sam and Bobby and the promise of more later, they’d all gotten into the van and driven out of town.

As they passed the sign announcing they had now left Silent Hill, Dean and Cas exchanged glances; Cas saw the relief he was feeling reflected in Dean’s green orbs.

Much to Cas’s delight, the road didn’t dead end into a crater of nothingness as they continued forward.

They reached the bridge where all of this had begun and there sat Dean’s car.

Cas watched as Dean flung himself from the van, and jogged towards the Impala.

“Thank God. I thought I’d lost you forever.”

Sam was shaking his head, his face lit up with joy and confusion while he watched Dean examine the car.

The front of the Impala was smashed, forming a slight accordion shape at the hood, paint was scratched and chipped, but overall the rest of the car appeared undamaged.

Sam ran a hand through his hair. “That’s just weird, we were here earlier today, the car wasn’t there.”

Bobby was punching numbers into his cell. “Name one thing about this entire day that isn’t weird and I’ll give you a gold star.”

Sam bit his bottom lip, shook his long hair, and said. “I’ve got nothing.”

“Exactly.” Bobby lifted the phone to his ear. “Yeah, we’re gonna need a tow.”

Bobby fired off their location, then ended the call. “They’ll be here within the hour.”

Dean walked back over and gave them all a grim smile. “Well, it looks like I’ll be using my free time getting her back in top form.”

Cas couldn’t stop an eyebrow from raising. “Sam said the car was not here earlier, I don’t kno-”

Dean held up his wounded arm, flinching slightly. “Cas, my brain can’t process one more fucked up thing today. Let’s not look this gift horse in the mouth okay.”

Cas nodded. “I understand. This day has been bad…even for us.”

Dean chuckled quietly. “Well said.”


The four of them sat down at a table in the small, but clean motel room they’d rented just outside of Braham’s. Dean had showered, Sam had dressed his arm with clean bandages, and Bobby had set out beers for everyone.

Even Cas was nursing one as he listened to Dean lay it all out for Sam and Bobby. From their arrival, to the girl, to the strange creatures, and finally about Valtiel.

Dean’s voice turned dangerous when he spoke about what she’d wanted an angel for, his eyes turned to steel.

Cas swallowed, and went very still as Dean recounted what he’d gone through to reach him in the hospital. It made his stomach churn to realize how close his friend had come to dying right along with him that day.

It must have shown on his face because Dean stared at him and said. “It was my turn to pull you out of hell, Cas.”

Cas froze, he wanted to say thank you, anything, but words jammed in his throat.

Bobby grunted. “Damn. You two got caught up in one major mess.”

Dean looked away. “Yep.”

Sam spoke up. “You didn‘t mention anything about dad,” he hedged, his tone and stiff shoulders made it clear he feared the answer. “Did she-it, have him?”

Cas remained still, in quiet support when Dean told Sam that their father had never been involved, it had only been a ruse to lure them there.

Sam’s face was both relieved and disappointed.

Cas could relate.

Castiel reached out, hesitated, but then he remembered the way Sam had hugged him right along with Dean. He took a chance and reached across the table they were all sitting around, touching Sam’s arm.

Sam seemed surprised, but he gave Cas tired smile.

“I understand what it’s like to long for a father who is not there. I’m sorry she played with you both like that,” he met Sam’s eyes, then Dean’s.

Dean opened his mouth, closed it, then cleared his throat before taking a long drink of beer.

“Thanks man.” Sam replied softly, sipping at his own. “And I’m sorry she used us to get to you.”

Cas removed his hand, before leaning back against the seat. “None of you are to blame. If this hadn’t worked, she would have found something else.” Cas looked up briefly and interlaced his fingers. “She was quite…determined.”

Dean almost choked on his drink. “Understatement of the year, Cas.”

They all laughed. Cas felt the tension leave the room; a comfortable silence settled over the table.

Bobby who’d been quiet for awhile broke it. “Personally, I’m just glad both of you are too damn stubborn to let each other die.”

Dean nodded.

Sam raised his glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

Cas raised his half empty bottle and clinked it with the others.

As he swallowed, he felt Dean’s hand on his shoulder, Cas met his eyes. “That reminds me,” Dean said, his tone conversational, but with an edge of playful challenge.

He could feel Sam and Bobby watching them.

Dean leaned a bit closer. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten that stunt you pulled, knocking me out.” Dean leaned back against the chair, pointed the tip of his bottle at Cas, and smirked, “I so owe you an ass kicking for that one.”

Cas managed to keep a moderately regretful look in place despite the laughter that erupted out of Sam and Bobby.


They were getting ready to pack everything up and make the drive back to Bobby’s; Sam was checking out of the hotel, and Cas figured this was where they would say their goodbyes.

“Cas, you thinking about starting back up your search?” Dean asked while he laced his boots. He was perched on the edge of the bed, craning his neck to look at Cas who had just gotten up from the table where he’d kept watch all night.

Cas nodded once. “Yes, I’m hoping to trip over him.”

Dean chuckled a few times. “Yeah, I hear you.” He finished with his boot and set his foot on the ground..

Cas stepped closer, a small wave of wooziness had him pausing momentarily.

If it had been Sam or Bobby they probably wouldn’t have noticed, but Dean did.

He stood and was there in moments, hovering, his expression tense. “You still having aftereffects from our trip to Neverland?”

“A few,” Cas admitted.

Dean’s brow furrowed and his jaw tensed.

“Nothing major, there are a few remnants of that energy still tainting my grace, but it’s fading fast.”

Dean didn’t relax, his back went ramrod straight, his eyes burned. “Then you need to stick around until it’s all gone.” His tone wasn’t open for debate- his posture was ready for a fight.

At times that commanding tone got under Castiel’s skin, but not today. He saw it for what it was, Dean was worried about him and this was how he showed it - by channeling a caveman.

And to be honest he wanted to keep an eye on Dean as well. He knew there were invisible wounds this trip had reopened for his friend. He’d heard Dean thrashing, and making tortured noises last night while he’d slept. He knew it had something to do with whatever Valtiel had tormented him with - he hoped she would suffer forever in her prison for what she’d done.

“I think that would be wise.”

Dean blinked, his expression taken aback. He hadn’t expected it to be that easy. “Good.”


Cas sat down in the chair in front of Bobby’s desk. They’d arrived last night and Bobby wanted to review everything they knew about Valtiel so he could ‘get his ducks in a row.’ Dean took the seat next to him.

“Now tell me again, what do we know about this thing?”

Cas leaned forward, elbows resting on Bobby’s desk. “It said it had many names, but I am only aware of the one.”

“It can shape-shift.” Dean chimed in. “Fucker was walking around looking like a little girl that was murdered in its name.”

“It’s very old and enjoys playing games.” Cas added, trying not to remember the joy he’d heard in her voice as she’d taunted him.

Dean growled. “Yeah - it had a great time screwing with our heads.”

“It was worshipped as a god,” Cas added his thoughts turning to the mindless devotion that thing had inspired in Claudia and the others.

Bobby rubbed at his beard and started jotting things down. “Sounds like it could be some sort of pagan god. There‘s quite a few that can shape-shift, a lot of them have multiple names, and more than a few loved to screw with mortals heads.”

Bobby wheeled backwards, grabbed a book, opened it, and laid it out in front of them. “Like this one,” he pointed at the page. “Eshu also known as Yoruba. It’s an African god that can change its form at will, it also loves to confuse men and drive them into madness.”

Dean shrugged and drummed his fingers on his jeans. “I don’t know man, I wondered that myself, but I can’t shake this feeling that it’s something different.”

“Like what?” Bobby‘s fingers played with the corner of the book, ruffling the pages.

Dean sighed. “Maybe something we don’t have a name for.” Dean stretched his arms over his head. “I think this whole fuck fest taught me that as much as I’ve seen in this line of work, I didn’t know nearly as much about the supernatural world as I thought I did.”

Cas couldn’t agree more.

Bobby laid his pen down. “You think we’ve seen the last of this thing?”

Cas looked at Dean, blue locked with green. “I hope so.”

Bobby nodded, his expression grim. “I’ll keep looking, see if I can make sense of any of this. If this thing ever does make another appearance, it sure as hell would be nice to know how to deal with it.”


They’d been at Bobby‘s house for four days now.

The old hunter was still trying to put a name to the thing that had almost cost Dean and Cas their lives.

So far nothing concrete - Castiel didn’t think he ever would.

This thing was lost to history, buried. It was better that way.

Evil was drawn to evil.

Power was drawn to power.

If word got out of Valtiel and what she could do, other supernatural beings would try to harness it for themselves.

Try to control it.

Cas shuddered, and shook off the thought, instead focusing on the feel of the sun on his skin, the sound of Dean humming to himself inside, the joy of his grace bright and unrestrained in his chest.

Cas was glad Dean had wanted him to stay, it had taken quite a few days before the last traces of lingering fatigue, and bouts of lightheadedness had faded entirely.

But now he was fine and he had responsibilities.

Cas swallowed, his chest a bit tight; he’d enjoyed being here, but he knew he would have to leave soon. Get back to his thus far fruitless search for God.

He didn’t want to go - constantly moving around, searching for someone who it seemed didn’t want to be found got lonely.

“You going to sit out there thinking all day Cas?”

Cas turned, Dean was standing in the threshold of the doorway, and he was grinning.

“I was enjoying the quiet.”

Dean snorted. “Get in here; I want to show you something.”

Cas smiled, stood, and followed Dean inside.

Castiel watched as Dean cleared off the couch, removing Sam’s duffel and a few weapons he’d been cleaning before he’d left with Bobby on a 'food and beer raid' about thirty minutes ago. He draped a green blanket over it and plopped down on the couch.

Cas stared at him, head tilted slightly, uncertain what he was supposed to be doing.

Dean laughed and patted the sofa. “Stop staring and sit your angelic ass down.”

Cas was still confused, but he sat.

Dean grabbed the black item he’d referred to as the remote, pressed a button, and the television turned on.

“This is what you wanted to show me?” Cas hedged, feeling he was once again, missing something.

Dean raised his eyebrows, and sucked on his top lip a moment, while reaching for something behind him. He was holding a plastic box, with pictures of people on it. He waved it under Cas’s nose. “I believe I promised you a movie marathon.”

Cas sat there stunned, heart clenching in an odd, but not entirely unpleasant way.

“We’re starting with a classic. Star Wars.” Dean was bobbing his head side to side, eyes sparkling.

“Dean, I’m sure you have better things to do than th-”

Dean cut him off with a firm, “No. I don’t.”

Cas watched while Dean shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. The angel could sense that Dean was suddenly uncomfortable, but he wasn’t sure why.

Dean sighed, glanced around the room, almost as if he wanted to make sure they were alone and blurted, his words rushed, his palm rubbing on his jeans. “I won’t tolerate any member of my screwed up family not having watched Star Wars at least once.” Dean coughed, looked at the floor. “It’s blasphemy.”

Cas felt a warmth creeping outward from his heart; he stared at Dean who was looking anywhere but at him.


Dean saw him as family.

Dean turned, cleared his throat, and met Cas’s intense gaze with one of his own, and he didn’t blink. Cas could still feel the discomfort swirling around him, but it was dwindling. “We clear?” Dean added.

Cas nodded once, unsure what to say that wouldn’t come off as what Dean called a ‘chick flick moment.’ He knew Dean hated those, but he wanted to return the sentiment. This might be the only opportunity he got; Dean didn’t open up often or easily.

“I wouldn’t want to break any family traditions,” he tried, eyes gentle, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

The warmth in Dean’s eyes told him he’d said the right thing.

Dean slapped him on the back, replied, “damn right,” and got comfortable on the couch, kicking his shoes off. “Sam and Bobby will be back soon,” he paused, “and they’re bringing fries.”

Cas heard Dean’s stomach growl.

Cas felt his lips twitch as he leaned back.

Dean turned the movie on and Cas relaxed, sinking deeper into the cushions soft embrace.

He glanced at Dean, who was explaining something about the force, his voice was animated, the horrors they’d experienced forgotten for the moment.

Cas knew more monsters would come, there would be more battles to fight, and the apocalypse was still looming. He also knew he wouldn’t be facing any of it alone.

He was a part of this screwed up family, and that was all that mattered.

A/N: I want to thank every person who took the time to comment even once during the course of this fic; your kind words meant a lot to me. I was very worried how this fic would be recieved; I had never written anything in the horror genre before and it was a challenge for me. Thanks for keeping me motivated guys and I hope you enjoyed this last chapter.

Feel free to friend this journal for the insanity :)

As always, comments are appreciated and loved :)

genre: friendship, fic: supernatural: silent hill, pairing: dean/castiel, genre: au, genre: crossover, fic, genre: gen, genre: horror, supernatural

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