Fic: Crossover: Supernatural: Silent Hill: Dean, Cas (8/?)

Oct 15, 2011 09:48

Title: Supernatural: Silent Hill
Author: nicole9514
Rating: R
Chapters: 8/? ( working on chapter 13 at the moment)
Warnings: gore, blood, disturbing imagery, violence, language
Genre: Crossover/AU on the silent hill front
Spoilers: season five Supernatural, Silent Hill film, and Silent Hill 1 and 2 video games.
Characters: Focus on Dean and Castiel friendship or pre-slash depending on your preference, but some Sam and Bobby as well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or Silent Hill, I'm only playing with them.
A/N: I blatantly steal elements/scenarios from the Silent Hill film, and Silent Hill 1 and 2 video games, but I've also created some of my own canon/expanded/changed characters and other elements to create an insane trip to Silent Hill tailor made for Dean and Cas, hence the AU part of this fic.
Special Thanks: to my beta skylar_matthews
Summary: Dean and Cas get trapped in Silent Hill. Sam and Bobby are on the outside trying to find them - will they find a way out...
Word Count:2287 (total 31,666 so far)

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7

Something slapped Castiel’s face - hard.

The smell, the sensation of drowning, the paralysis, they all drifted away.

Something slapped him again.

Cas opened his eyes, Dean was leaning over him, his expression frantic.

Cas was lying on his back near the doorway, sweat clung to his skin, his body wouldn’t stop trembling no matter how much he willed it to.

“Jesus,” Dean panted, his eyes seemed brighter than normal, his skin too pale. “Dammit, Cas. Are you trying to scare me to death!”

“No,” Cas rasped. He tried to sit up, but only made it a few inches before his watery muscles gave out and he fell back.

Dean grabbed his jacket, helping Cas up to a sitting position. Dean glared at him for a few seconds then muttered, “freaking angels,” as he wrapped his arms around him.

It took Cas a moment to understand that Dean was hugging him- it was unexpected and comforting.

Cas wanted to return the gesture, but his muscles felt like mush. He let his head rest against Dean’s tense shoulder as he took deep breaths, savoring the feel of the oxygen filling his lungs. Trying to forget the way the blood had felt, had tasted, while he‘d gagged on it.

“Cas.” Dean pulled back slightly, but kept a grip on his shoulders, helping him sit up.

The shakes dissipated with each breath, his muscles stopped rebelling against him, and Cas met Dean’s worried eyes.

“What happened to all the blood?” Cas asked, his voice still rough with confusion and fatigue.

“What blood?” Dean’s voice was strained, his forehead crinkled.

“You didn’t see it?”

Dean’s lost expression told Cas everything he needed to know. Cas felt sick; this place was making him lose his grip on reality. First the voice, now he was actually seeing things that weren’t there.

“Cas…talk to me man. Tell me what’s going on.” His grip on Cas’s shoulders tightened.

Cas felt like a fool. Dean must think he was insane. He sighed wearily and told Dean everything he thought he’d experienced.

“Damn,” the gentleness of his friends tone surprised Cas. He’d expected disbelief, anger, annoyance, anything but kindness. “That’s horrible.”

Cas shuddered. “Yeah.”

“All I saw was you collapse and start having some kind of a seizure.” Dean released his grip on Cas and rubbed the back of his own neck. “You were thrashing around and screaming…my name,” Dean’s voice grew so quiet on the last two words, Cas just barely made them out. “I didn’t know what - I couldn’t wake you,” he finished quickly.

Cas could feel Dean‘s panic; he’d never had someone worry so much about him before. It melted away some of the chill his hallucination had seared into his bones.

“But you did wake me.” Cas rubbed at his cheek and smiled weakly.

Dean smiled ruefully. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

Cas’s face grew serious. “Don’t be.”

Dean nodded, coughed, then slapped him on the shoulder and stood up.

Cas managed to stand without wobbling; he considered that a victory. Dean was watching him closely, his arms slightly outstretched, braced to catch him.

“I’m fine, Dean.”

Dean growled and his fists clenched. “Don’t try and bullshit me, Cas. You aren‘t the one who just watched you flail around, screaming on the ground.”

Cas swallowed as he realized what he’d done. “We should go. With me making all of that noise, something must have heard it,” he hated the slight tremor he heard in his voice. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me - I’m going to get you killed, Dean,” he added, his stomach twisting.

Dean’s eyes widened, then hardened. “Don’t you even fucking go there, Cas. None of this is your fault.” He stepped forward until he was only inches away from Cas. “We came here together, and we’re leaving together. End of discussion.”

Dean backed up a step, but his eyes stayed locked with Cas’s. “We clear?”

Cas felt a tightness in his throat. “We’re clear.”


Dean turned and started rifling through the nearest desk.

Cas did the same.

“Dean,” he whispered.

Dean paused and glanced his way.

“Thank you.”

Dean cleared his throat. “Don’t mention it.” Then quickly went back to rummaging.


Sam had already searched the first two levels of the school. Besides finding an army of dust bunnies and toxic air he’d had no luck.

His worry over Dean and Cas was making him irritable. The damn mask covering his face was itchy as hell, it took all of his self-control not to yank the thing off.

He stepped off the stairwell and started exploring the third floor.

Sam entered room 301; he’d barely taken two steps inside when his skin started tingling.


Dean’s panicked voice hit him like a tidal wave. It was coming from the next room.

Sam spun and darted back into the hallway, his eyes searching, his heart jumping.

“Dean,” Sam hollered as he flung open the door to room 302.

He looked inside expecting to find Dean and Cas inside.

It was empty.

His stomach dropped and his chest clenched.

It had come from this room; he was certain.

He walked inside, the dust on the floor was undisturbed except where he’d stepped.

Sam stopped in the middle of the classroom and just stood there listening.

The room seemed to buzz with energy. Sam’s skin prickled, the hairs on his body twitched, and the air felt heavier.

He closed his eyes.

Sam wanted Dean and Cas to be standing in front of him. He wanted Dean to flash him one of his silly grins and ask “What took you so long?” He wanted to find them alive and well.

The fear and almost desperate way he’d thought he’d heard Dean screaming for Cas ate at him, leaving Sam feeling nauseous.

He took a deep breath and for just a moment he thought he heard voices again. It was the annoyed tone Dean used when he was worried, but trying to act like a hard ass. Then Cas’s gruff, but familiar tenor floated around him. They sounded far away; Sam couldn’t understand what was being said - but he could feel them.

Sam’s eyes flew open.

The voices vanished, if they’d ever been there at all.

The room was still empty.

“Where are you guys?” He whispered to the walls feeling more lost than before.


They searched the entire classroom and found nothing helpful. Unless you counted old pencils, homework, or a few paper clips as useful items.

Dean was getting fed up with this shit.

After Cas’s little episode, he’d wanted to grab him and get the hell out of this building. If he’d thought there was even a small chance it would help, he would have drug Cas out by the ankles if necessary, but the school wasn’t the problem. It was this entire town. Leaving the building wouldn’t help Cas.

Finding out who was keeping them here and killing them was the only viable option.

Now if only he could figure out how to do that.

A siren started wailing.

Dean’s head shot in Cas’s direction.

“We need to get out of here,” Dean hissed, hoping Cas was up to a sprint.

Cas nodded once and they raced out of the room. Dean flipped his flashlight on as the darkness crept in and the walls, floors, and ceilings did their change-up. Colored pieces of debris rose up from the ground, as the building became a more twisted version of itself. Dean glanced back, Cas was right behind him.

They hit the first set of stairs and Dean took them three at a time, clinging to the railing as he practically flew down them.

Dean saw something move in his peripheral vision, he jerked his head back but saw nothing.

His phone warbled once, then fell silent.

Dean hit the second floor hallway and heard something rustle, he paused and shone the beam back and forth.

A soft cry from his cell; silence.

Dean turned, aiming the beam at Cas’s stomach, so not to blind to him. Cas was leaning heavily on the railing, putting on a brave face, but he was deathly pale. Dean saw a thin trickle of blood running down the corner of his friends mouth.

Shit. Not again.

None of this made sense. An hour ago Cas had been kicking ass and taking names, now he looked like he was having trouble standing.

Dean hated this goddamn place, he hated himself for bringing Cas here, and most of all he hated whoever sent him that letter. It wasn’t their dad. He never would have willingly written anything that would have led them into this nightmare.

That doesn’t mean someone’s not holding him hostage, Dean couldn’t stop the thought from surfacing. He ignored it. He couldn’t go there right now. He needed to stay focused on surviving the next five minutes first.

“Dean there’s something,” Cas panted, his breathing ragged, “here.”

“Let’s just try and avoid meeting them in person until you’ve had a chance to down a can of spinach.”

Even feeling like hell, Cas raised a curious eyebrow, the expression clawed at Dean’s heart. Bile burned his throat - he would not let Cas die here.

“Pop culture reference, Cas. Ask me later,” he managed to keep his tone light. “Hold this.” Dean handed Cas the pipe, wrapped his arm around the angel’s waist, and they started down the next set of stairs.

“Whatever it is, it’s bad, Dean.” Cas inhaled, his body shuddered.

Dean swallowed, ignored his racing pulse, and focused on taking one more step. Then another.

They hit the first floor.

Cas pulled away. “I can walk.”

Dean wanted to argue, but they didn’t have the seconds to spare. He took the pipe back and they padded forward, heading towards the area they’d first arrived in.

The main office sign came into view.

The sound of tiny feet scurrying towards them had every hair on Dean’s body tingling.

The phone woke up with a vengeance.

Heavy, metal scraping against concrete echoed in the hallway.

It was coming from the direction they needed to head.

Of course it is.

Dean had barely lifted his pipe when dozens of giant, black bugs, just like the one he’d stepped on earlier, emerged from the stairway across from the office. Blocking the only exit they’d come across.

Looked like they were finally meeting the rest of its family.

Dean glanced at his pipe, then at Cas with his gun that held only two shots. “Fuck this.”

Dean grabbed Cas’s arm and slung it across his shoulder. Cas didn’t protest as they managed a fast walk back towards the stairwell.

That horrible nails on chalkboard, dragging sound got louder.

Something else was coming besides those bugs.

Dean glanced back and saw a man that made Freddy Krueger look like a pansy enter the hallway.

He was at least seven feet tall, dark skin, muscled, with a head that resembled a pyramid; and he was surrounded by hundreds of those insects. He was dragging a massive sword that looked like it could slice a car in halve.

Shit, Shit, Shit. Dean’s eyes frantically searched for somewhere to hide or escape.

Dean might have been a bit crazy, but he was not suicidal. I’d kill for a rocket launcher right now.

Dean bypassed the stairs and rounded the corner right before it, heading down another hallway lined with classrooms.

The crab like insects were all around them, clinging to the ceilings, the walls. He kicked a mutant bug that got in his path, prayed none of them would drop onto his head, and kept moving forward. Dean tossed his screeching phone into a room with the door wide open, hoping it might distract their newest pursuer, then darted into a classroom further down the hall. Dean let go of Cas, closed the door, and raced to the nearest window.

He tried to open it. It didn’t budge.

He tried again, putting all his weight against it. Nothing.

What the hell?

That dragging sound got louder.

Dean tried the other window, same result.

He grabbed a chair and swung with all he had at the glass. There was a slight vibration that rippled across the window then nothing. Not even a dent.

Dean set the chair down, grabbed Cas’s arm and headed for the teachers desk. They both crouched behind it.

Dean was gripping the metal pipe so tightly his fingers started to cramp. He quietly took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. He glanced at Cas. The blood had dried at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were weary, but focused.

Dean managed to force his lips into a quick encouraging grin.

Cas didn’t return it, instead whispering. “Dean. I know you don’t want to hear this, but you need to leave me.”

Dean didn’t bother responding.

The sound was closer. It was in the hallway now.

Cas grabbed his arm. “Look at me. I can hardly stand,” he hissed.

“Then stop wasting your energy and shut the fuck up.”

Cas flinched slightly, but didn’t back off. “I can distract that creature, allow you time to-”

“Shut up,” Dean snapped, keeping his tone soft but menacing.

The sound of little feet clawing at the door drew Dean’s attention. The bugs were trying to crawl through the gap at the bottom.

So much for their hiding place.

Cas clenched his teeth, but his eyes were pleading.

Dean just shook his head and mouthed, “No.”

The sound of heavy foot steps and scraping metal stopped outside the door.

It was a moot point anyway, there was nowhere to run.

They were so dead.

Next Chapter

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Comments are loved. They feed my muse and let me know if anyone's actually reading/enjoying this :)

genre: friendship, genre: gen, fic: supernatural: silent hill, genre: horror, pairing: dean/castiel, supernatural, genre: crossover

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