The grand and shiny fic masterlist, with thematic ordering

Dec 12, 2002 17:40

By date written

This is a complete list, which means that some of this is my early, early stuff. Which is, to put it nicely, not always great. But this is the complete version of the list, so they are included, and in italics.

03/01/03: The Company he Keeps - TWW
28/08/03: Priorities - TWW
18/10/03: Sensory Experience - TWW
18/10/03: Strange Empathy - HP
22/11/03: FT1: Rolling with the Punches - TWW
06/01/04: FT2: Three Wishes - TWW
17/2/04: FT3: Green Eyed Monsters - TWW
22/02/04: With Brave Hearts
10/04/04: Worth a Thousand Words
27/04/04: Holding their Leashes - TWW
30/05/04: FT4: Of Fathers and Sons
20/06/05: Sort of Antipathy - HP (sequel to Strange Empathy)
02/06/05: Far Away - Dr Who
22/06/05: Alone Now - Dr Who
01/07/05: SN100: Dr Who titles x 2 - SN
15/07/05: SN100: Virtues x 3 - SN
15/08/05: While they Sleep - TWW
15/08/05: 1984 - TWW
20/08/05: FT5: Superheroes - TWW
21/09/05: TWW100: Latin phrases x 5 - TWW
21/09/05: SN100: Sex and the City titles x 3 - SN
26/09/05: None so Blind - Firefly
4/10/05: Readiness - Firefly/Serenity
5/11/05: Two Kisses - TWW
9/11/05: Broken - House
15/11/05: SN100: Shapes x 2 - SN
15/11/05: TWW100: Jude song titles x 2 - TWW
22/11/05: Transference - House
12/12/05: End of a Missing Year - TWW
12/12/05: TWW100: Colours x 2 - TWW
15/12/05: While Mortals Sleep - Firefly
15/12/05: Words in Air and Silence - TWW
01/01/06: Ulterior Motives - House
01/01/06: Against Expectation, the sun rises - SG1
29/03/06: Memories at Eight - TWW
19/05/06: Beginnings Again - TWW
10/07/06: I remember singing - Dr Who
10/07/06: Twice into the River - TWW
29/07/06: Secret Messages in the Carved Out Spaces - TWW
08/08/06: "Process Stories" ficlets x 2 - TWW
09/08/06: "Arctic Radar" and Inauguration ficlets x 4 - TWW
09/08/06: TWW100: Entourage titles x 10 - TWW
15/08/06: Writ large and more clear - TWW
25/08/06: Pluto ficlets x 4 - TWW
29/08/06: Within history's repeating - TWW
11/09/06: Five things ficlets x 6 - TWW and Buffy
19/09/06: By the morning won't exist - TWW
22/09/06: But I'll be close behind - SGA
24/09/06: Chinese Food in the Roosevelt Room - TWW
15/10/06: California Sunset, close as a kiss - TWW
18/10/06: In the changing seasons - TWW
27/10/06: Five things that never happened in the back of a movie theatre - TWW
12/12/06: Songs of Sea and Sky - TWW
20/12/06: Speech after long silence - TWW
06/01/07: Act as if you have faith - Torchwood
13/01/07: Will rise in majesty - TWW
18/01/07: Sex and violence in the mid-afternoon - TWW
29/01/07: and there are many victories worse than a defeat - TWW
01/03/07: Painted tall and strong and bright - TWW
18/03/07: Scrutiny and no surprises - Torchwood
11/04/07: This Wartime Morality - TWW
28/04/07: I blame myself, I continue as before - TWW
04/05/07: Five ways the problem was resolved without guns - Torchwood
04/05/07: Four ways things unexpectedly didn’t lead to an orgy (and one way they unexpectedly did) - Torchwood
14/05/07: Experience was not my only teacher - TWW
29/06/07: Two minutes, thirty-six seconds - Torchwood/Doctor Who
06/07/07: The difference between wanting and having - Torchwood (sequel to Act as if you have faith)
06/07/07: The ones that stay - Torchwood (sequel to The difference between wanting and having)
11/07/07: Pit Stop - FNL/SPN
12/07/07: Weirdest Day Ever - Grey's Anatomy
19/07/07: Friday Night Lights PornBattle4 ficlets
20/07/07: Torchwood PornBattle4 ficlets
20/07/07: West Wing ficlets
25/08/07: Stars that clear (have been dead for years) - TWW
09/09/07: The perils of joint tenancy - Eureka
28/09/07: What was once straight rope - TWW
13/10/07: Misconceptions - Eureka
16/10/07: Count to twelve and keep your silence - TWW
16/10/07: The last stolen doughnut - TWW
03/12/07: Seven for a Secret - TWW
05/12/07: How Much it May Storm - Robin Hood BBC
25/12/07: Strange Meeting - Runaways
25/12/07: In mercy, whisper low - The 4400
25/12/07: Protégé-Mentor Guidelines - 30 Rock
25/12/07: Truth Unspoken - Umbrella Academy
30/12/07: The way stories end - Robin Hood BBC
13/01/08: Time doesn't stop for the world's ending - Torchwood
17/01/08: Not so much a virtue - Futurama
17/01/08: Acceptable Behaviour - Friday Night Lights
18/01/08: Kind of like applause - Studio 60/30 Rock
18/01/08: King of the Lab - Bones
19/01/08: Unfaded - Sarah Jane Adventures
19/01/08: We could walk these paths blind - TWW
20/01/08: Know when to wait, and when to move - Eureka
20/01/08: Not even the comfort of lies - Robin Hood BBC
30/01/08: Negotiated Space - Primeval ITV
14/02/08: Can truly light the world - TWW/Who
14/02/08: Both 'arty' and 'bird' are negotiable - Top Gear
14/02/08: Particularly homoerotic - Top Gear
14/02/08: Silk, whisper-soft - Firefly
25/02/08: Promises to keep - TWW
28/02/08: Finesse and the lack thereof - Top Gear
19/03/08: Should something strange begin - Eureka
29/04/08: Hell is here (wherever you're not) - Reaper
05/05/08: Atomised - Torchwood
05/05/08: This time over again - TWW
05/05/08: Something borrowed - TWW
05/05/08: In the time between - BtVS/SG-1
05/05/08: Ground Zero - TWW/BtVS
05/05/08: Reasons to watch - TWW/House
11/06/08: The Greater Compliment - Iron Man (movieverse)
11/06/08: And I Know Too Much (To Go Back and Pretend) - Eureka
07/07/08: We Only Seek to Answer - Eureka/Pushing Daisies
10/07/08: You only trust me with your eyes closed - Entourage
20/07/08: Every Death but One - Dr Horrible
28/07/08: If not, leave him for me - Gossip Girl
29/07/08: Cold - Torchwood
29/07/08: Every touch a welcome bruise - Gossip Girl
29/07/08: Superhero Fanboy - Iron Man (movieverse)/Entourage
30/07/08: The opposite of between the lines - TWW
30/07/08: Liars of us all - Chuck
30/07/08: Days like these - Gossip Girl
31/07/08: What good girls do - Grey's Anatomy
01/08/08: Looking Back at You - Entourage
01/08/08: Daniel in the Lion's Den - Gossip Girl
01/08/08: Only if you smile (and say please) - Entourage
02/08/08: Out of the Rain - HIMYM
03/08/08: Reputations for destruction - Dr Horrible
12/09/08: Sort of like a drunken power couple - Entourage
17/09/08: The lesser of two train wrecks - Entourage
17/09/08: Censor - Heroes/TWW
17/09/08: Mirrored means reversed - Heroes/TWW
17/09/08: All about duty - Dr Who/TWW
17/09/08: Normality at its finest - Eureka
18/09/08: The clouds shall be our building blocks - Heroes
01/10/08: Words which aren't names - Merlin BBC
06/10/08: And eyes without speaking confess - Merlin BBC
31/10/08: Sixteen miles to the Promised Land - Torchwood/Dr Who
15/11/08: All about the next four years - Entourage/TWW
19/11/08: Look if you like - TWW
24/11/08: This is how we make decisions - Entourage
25/11/08: Made known silently - Merlin BBC
03/12/08: Getting the message - Entourage
07/12/08: Quarter View - Merlin BBC
21/12/08: Well, winter's going to end - Entourage
25/12/08: Laying In - Shelter
25/12/08: Man names woman, but woman names the act - Entourage
25/12/08: They might be Vikings - Sugarshock!
21/01/09: Off the map - HIMYM
28/01/09: Backroom - Entourage/Gossip Girl
28/01/09: Futures written in blood - Buffy/Merlin BBC
28/01/09: Convert rancour into beauty - TWW

By fandom and pairing

The West Wing
Sensory Experience
Drabble: Si vis amari, ama
Two Kisses
Drabble: Love Letters
Drabble: Blue and Red and White - Sam/Toby/Josh
Words in Air and Silence
Secret Messages in the Carved Out Spaces
Drabble: New York
Drabble: Three's Company - Sam/Toby/Josh
Five times Sam and Toby almost kissed
Five Ways Toby Avoided Telling Sam 'I Love You'
Five ways Toby would have seduced Sam, if it weren't for their careers
Five 'Dates' That Toby Takes Sam and/or CJ on - Sam/Toby/CJ
By the morning won't exist
In the changing seasons - Sam/Toby/Josh
Five things that never happened in the back of a movie theatre
Speech after long silence - Sam/Toby/Will
Will rise in majesty
This Wartime Morality - AU
Ficlet: Never happened - Sam/Toby/Josh
Drabble: Proof
Seven for a Secret
Ficlet: This time over again - deathfic
Ficlet: The opposite of between the lines
Look if you like

Sam&Toby gen/pre-slash
Drabble: Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae
Drabble: Insanabile cacoethes scribendi
End of a Missing Year - in larger gen piece
Beginnings Again
Ficlet: The Requirements of Piety
Drabble: Strategising
Ficlet: Steering by a darkened sky
Drabble: The Review
Drabble: Strange Days
Five times Toby covered for Sam and Will, out of the goodness of his heart (or maybe it was out of pity) - Sam/Will

Drabble: Illegitimi non carborundum
Drabble: Blue and Red and White - Sam/Toby/Josh
Twice into the River
Drabble: The Boys are Back in Town
Drabble: Three's Company - Sam/Toby/Josh
In the changing seasons - Sam/Toby/Josh
Ficlet: Never happened - Sam/Toby/Josh

Drabble: Blue and Red and White
Drabble: Three's Company
In the changing seasons
Ficlet: Never happened

Ficlet: Sailboats and no burning trashcans
Drabble: Inside Information
Five times Toby covered for Sam and Will, out of the goodness of his heart (or maybe it was out of pity)
Speech after long silence - Sam/Toby/Will

Drabble: Speechwriting Partnerships
Drabble: Managing Frustration
Speech after long silence - Sam/Toby/Will

Drabble: The Sundance Kids
California Sunset, close as a kiss

Other pairings
Drabble: Everything's Alright (I think it's time) Jed/Abbey
Drabble: Gold - CJ/Toby
Within history's repeating - Toby/Andy
Five 'Dates' That Toby Takes Sam and/or CJ on - Sam/Toby/CJ
Speech after long silence - Sam/Toby/Will
Sex and violence in the mid-afternoon - Toby/Josh
Ficlet: We could walk these paths blind - CJ/Josh/Sam/Toby
Ficlet: Something borrowed - Toby/Josh
Censor - Toby/Elle Bishop (crossover with Heroes)
Mirrored means reversed - Sam/Nathan Petrelli (crossover with Heroes)

Toby and the Clan Ziegler
End of a Missing Year - twins as part of larger genfic
Memories at Eight - Toby and the twins
Writ large and more clear - Toby and Molly
Songs of Sea and Sky - Toby and Huck (Molly, Andy and David)
Drabble: Dreams not my own - Toby, David
and there are many victories worse than a defeat - Toby, David
Painted tall and strong and bright - Andy, Molly (Toby, Huck)
Ficlet: Different kinds of silence - Huck, Toby

Other Gen
Holding their Leashes - Toby, Josh and Sam
While they Sleep - Main cast
1984 - Sam, Senior Staff
Drabble: Amicus humani generic - CJ and Sam
End of a Missing Year - Toby (Senior Staff, Andy, Twins)
Drabble: Oh, Mandy - Sam and Mandy and Leo
Drabble: Exodus - CJ
Drabble: Crash and Burn - Toby
Drabble: The Abyss - Jed, Toby
Drabble: Rewritten - Toby
Drabble: Any other business - Sam, Donna
Chinese Food in the Roosevelt Room - Josh and Will
I blame myself, I continue as before - Will, Sam, Toby
Experience was not my only teacher - Sam (President, Senior Staff, canon pairings, some OCs)
Stars that clear (have been dead for years) - Toby, Josh (Will, CJ/Danny)
What was once straight rope - Sam, Toby, Josh
Count to twelve and keep your silence - Matt Skinner
The last stolen doughnut - Cathy
Can truly light the world - xover with Doctor Who; Sam, Martha, Ten
Promises to keep - Sam, Matt Santos
Ficlet: Ground Zero - Gen (TWW/BtVS)
Ficlet: Reasons to watch - (TWW/House)
All about the next four years - Josh, Ari Gold (TWW/Entourage)

Sports Night
Drabble: The End of the World
Drabble: Father's Day
Drabble: Charity - Dana with Dan/Casey
Drabbles: SN100: Sex and the City titles x 3
Drabble: Square Pegs

Drabble: Faith - Casey&Dan
Drabble: Prudence - Natalie/Jeremy
Drabble: Charity - Dana with Dan/Casey
Drabble: Tessellation - Casey

None so Blind - Mal/Simon
Readiness - Mal, Zoe
While Mortals Sleep - Mal, River, Crew
Silk, whisper-soft - Mal/Simon

House, MD
Broken - House/Chase
Transference - House/Chase
Ulterior Motives - House/Chase
Ficlet: Reasons to watch - (TWW/House)

Dr Who/Torchwood/SJA
Far Away - Rose/Nine
Alone Now - Rose/Nine, Rose/Jack, Rose/Tardis
I remember singing Rose/Nine, Rose/Ten, Jack, AU-Torchwood and family
Act as if you have faith - Owen/Ianto, team!gen, Jack/Owen and Jack/Ianto implications, canon-pairing mentions
Scrutiny and no surprises - Jack/Ianto/Owen and variations thereof
Five ways the problem was resolved without guns - Mostly TW-team-gen, with implications of het and slash
Four ways things unexpectedly didn’t lead to an orgy (and one way they unexpectedly did) - Torchwood orgy!fic, preceded by lots of implication
Two minutes, thirty-six seconds - Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Gwen; TW-team-gen
The difference between wanting and having - Ianto/Jack/Owen
The ones that stay - Ianto/Jack/Owen
Ficlet: Unauthorised Modifications - Tosh/Sarah Jane
Ficlet: Free Movement - Jack/Owen
Time doesn't stop for the world's ending - Torchwood team-gen, apocafic
Ficlet: Unfaded - older!Maria/Sarah Jane-ish
Ficlet: Can truly light the world - xover with The West Wing; Sam, Martha, Ten
Ficlet: Atomised - Owen
Ficlet: Cold - Ianto/Owen/Tosh
Ficlet: All about duty - Martha/Sam Seaborn (xover with West Wing)
Sixteen miles to the Promised Land - Owen, Jack, Ten

Against Expectation, the sun rises - Jack/Daniel (SG1)
But I'll be close behind - John/Rodney (SGA)
Ficlet: In the time between - Daniel & Tara (BtVS/SG-1)

The perils of joint tenancy - Jack/Nathan
Misconceptions - Jack/Nathan
Ficlet: Know when to wait, and when to move - Jack/Nathan
Should something strange begin - Jack/Nathan
And I Know Too Much (To Go Back and Pretend) - Zoe gen
We Only Seek to Answer - xover with Pushing Daisies; Chuck/Ned, Jack&Nathan
Ficlet: Normality at its finest - Jack/Nathan

Top Gear
Both 'arty' and 'bird' are negotiable - Richard/James
Particularly homoerotic - Richard/James/Jeremy
Finesse and the lack thereof -Richard/James/Jeremy

You only trust me with your eyes closed - Eric/Vince
Superhero Fanboy - Tony/Vince(Iron Man movieverse/Entourage)
Looking Back at You - Eric/Vince
Ficlet: Only if you smile (and say please) - Eric/Ari
Sort of like a drunken power couple - Eric/Ari
The lesser of two train wrecks - Ari/Vince
All about the next four years - Ari, Josh Lyman (Entourage/TWW)
This is how we make decisions - Ari/Vince, Ari/Eric, Eric/Vince
Getting the message - Ari, Eric/Vince
Well, winter's going to end - Eric/Vince

Gossip Girl
If not, leave him for me - Rufus/Lily
Ficlet: Every touch a welcome bruise - Chuck/Dan
Days like these - Chuck/Dan/Nate/Blair/Serena
Daniel in the Lion's Den - Chuck/Dan/Nate

Censor - Elle/Toby Ziegler (Heroes/West Wing)
Mirrored means reversed - Nathan/Sam Seaborn (Heroes/West Wing)
The clouds shall be our building blocks - Nathan, Peter, Sylar, Ensemble (background Matt/Mohinder)

Merin BBC
Words which aren't names - Arthur/Merlin
And eyes without speaking confess - Arthur/Merlin
Made known silently - Arthur/Merlin
Quarter View - Arthur/Merlin/Gwen/Morgana

Five times Willow did the spell wrong - Willow/Tara (Buffy)
Pit Stop Dean/Tim (Friday Night Lights/Supernatural)
Weirdest Day Ever - Intern!orgy (Grey's Anatomy)
Faltering without falling - Matt/Landry (FNL)
Watching - Tim/Jason (FNL)
Custom-made - Tim/Matt (FNL)
How Much it May Storm - Allan/Will/Djaq, Robin/Marian (Robin Hood BBC)
Strange Meeting - Chase/Alex (Runaways)
In mercy, whisper low - Jordan, Shawn, Tom, Kyle (The 4400)
Protégé-Mentor Guidelines - Jack/Liz (30 Rock)
Truth Unspoken - The Rumor (Umbrella Academy)
The way stories end - Much/Robin, Robin/Marian (Robin Hood BBC)
Not so much a virtue - Fry/Leela (Futurama)
Acceptable Behaviour - Tim/Smash (FNL)
Kind of like applause - Liz Lemon/Matt Albie (Studio 60/30 Rock)
King of the Lab - Zack/Hodgins (Bones)
Not even the comfort of lies - Allan/Much (Robin Hood BBC)
Negotiated Space - Cutter/Connor/Stephen (Primeval ITV)
Hell is here (wherever you're not) - Sam/Sock (Reaper)
Ficlet: In the time between - Daniel & Tara (BtVS/SG-1)
Ficlet: Ground Zero - TWW/BtVS
The Greater Compliment - Tony/Rhodes (Iron Man movieverse)
We Only Seek to Answer - Chuck/Ned, Jack&Nathan (Eureka/Pushing Daisies)
Every Death but One - Billy/Penny (Dr Horrible)
Superhero Fanboy - Tony/Vince(Iron Man movieverse/Entourage)
Ficlet: Liars of us all - Chuck/Bryce (Chuck)
Ficlet: What good girls do - Cristina/Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
Out of the Rain - Barney/Ted (How I Met Your Mother)
Reputations for destruction - Horrible/Hammer (Dr Horrible)

West Wing fic organised by theme/plot/universe

Here Today focussed, AU or otherwise
Two Kisses - Sam/Toby
Drabble: Love Letters - Sam/Toby
End of a Missing Year - Gen (Staff, Andy and Twins)
Memories at Eight - Toby and Twins
Beginnings Again - Sam/Toby
Drabble: Crash and Burn - Toby
Drabble: The Abyss - Toby and Jed
Drabble: Rewritten - Toby

Sam MS arc/West Wing leaving angstiness
Sensory Experience - Sam/Toby
Words in Air and Silence - Sam/Toby
Five times Sam and Toby almost kissed - Number 5
Look if you like

Writing themes
It should be noted that most of the Sam/Toby is writing themed - these are those with an even stronger emphasis!
Words in Air and Silence - Sam/Toby
Five times Sam and Toby almost kissed - 1 and 2
Five ways Toby would have seduced Sam, if it weren't for their careers - Number 1
Drabble: Insanabile cacoethes scribendi - Sam&Toby
Secret Messages in the Carved Out Spaces - Sam/Toby
Speech after long silence - Sam/Toby/Will
This Wartime Morality - Sam/Toby, 1950s Theatre AU (Josh/Donna, CJ/Danny)
Experience was not my only teacher - Sam gen
Seven for a Secret - Sam/Toby
The opposite of between the lines - Sam/Toby

Rewriting Sam's S7
Two Kisses - Sam/Toby
End of a Missing Year - Toby gen (Staff, Andy and Twins)
Beginnings Again - Sam/Toby

Not re-writing Sam's S7
Five ways Toby would have seduced Sam, if it weren't for their careers - Number 5
Twice into the River
Five Ways Toby Avoided Telling Sam 'I Love You' - Number 3
Five times Toby covered for Sam and Will, out of the goodness of his heart (or maybe it was out of pity) - Number 2
Drabble: Any other business - gen
Drabble: The Boys are Back in Town - Sam/Josh
Experience was not my only teacher - Sam gen
Promises to keep - Sam, Matt Santos

Sam-as-Potus verse
Beginnings Again - Sam&Toby
Five Ways Toby Avoided Telling Sam 'I Love You' - Number 3
By the morning won't exist - Sam/Toby
Five things that never happened in the back of a movie theatre - Number 5, Sam/Toby
Will rise in majesty - Sam/Toby implied
Experience was not my only teacher - Sam gen
Can truly light the world - xover with Doctor Who; Sam, Martha, Ten

Sam leaving the Santos White House
Drabble: New York - Sam/Toby
Ficlet: Steering by a darkened sky - Sam&Toby
Speech after long silence - Sam/Toby/Will
Seven for a Secret - Sam/Toby

Santos losing reelection campaign
In the changing seasons - Sam/Toby/Josh

Bartlet losing election
Drabble: Blue and Red and White - Sam/Toby/Josh

Sam in California, and how he gets there
Five 'Dates' That Toby Takes Sam and/or CJ on - Sam/Toby/CJ, Number 5
Two Kisses - Sam/Toby
Drabble: Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae - Sam&Toby
Five times Toby covered for Sam and Will, out of the goodness of his heart (or maybe it was out of pity) - 1, 3, 5
Ficlet: The Requirements of Piety - Sam&Toby
Drabble: Strategising - Sam&Toby
Ficlet: Sailboats and no burning trashcans - Sam/Will
Drabble: Inside Information - Sam&Will

TV-writing AU
Five things that never happened in the back of a movie theatre - Number 3, Sam/Toby
Drabble: The Review - Sam&Toby

Other AUs
Five things that never happened in the back of a movie theatre - Number 4, Academic AU, Sam/Toby
This Wartime Morality - 1950s Theatre AU, Sam/Toby (Josh/Donna, CJ/Danny)
Stars that clear (have been dead for years) - Dystopia

fanfic: masterlist

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