Doctor Who

Nov 28, 2010 14:52

Can someone recommend the absolute best episodes, perhaps one or two? I just finished watching the first one, 'Rose', and, well, I thought it was stupid. I don't want to judge an entire show based on one episode, though, so this is why I'm asking for the best. Is this episode even considered good to fans or is this akin to judging all of Star Trek ( Read more... )

halp, channel surfing

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Comments 50

probing_grays November 28 2010, 21:28:30 UTC
Doctor Who, particularly S1 - S4 (when RTD was the main writer) has a lot of filler and A LOT of episodes are hit or miss. So, if you're not digging the first few episodes, that doesn't mean you won't like the show. If you want to keep watching S1, the best episodes (in my opinion) are Father's Day, Dalek, The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, and the finale. You'd also probably like Captain Jack Harkness, who is introduced in The Empty Child ( ... )


ilmatarlady November 28 2010, 21:40:19 UTC
:O OMG how could I forget about The Master? John Simm; oh my gawd. I loved S3's finale. Even though story-wise it was a giant FETCH THE DEUS EX MAHCINA YOUGUIZE, WE NEED TO WRAP THIS SUCKER UP!
But the Master/Doctor chemistry and backstory were excellent.


probing_grays November 28 2010, 21:54:11 UTC
Oh god the S3 was so uneven. When it was good, it was goooooooood, but when it was bad, it was cringe-worthy. The way that they solved everything had me going D: IRL. But the phone sex. THE PHONE SEX. Made everything worth it.


bigmamag November 29 2010, 06:20:38 UTC
I watched "Blink" tonight and loved it, so may I like the show when it's not being the show? Because I watched "New Earth" and it was just okay at best. I'll try more though, because now I have some hope that parts will be all right.

YOU EVIL PERSON, WATCHING SPN AT SEASON 4! lol, though really I'm curious, how well did you follow the mythology? I find it fascinating how much of a wild difference there is between fans who saw from the beginning and those who saw from S4 and up.


sineala November 28 2010, 22:36:48 UTC
Blink. Blink blink blink. :)

And I love Doctor Who despite hating pretty much everything about Rose. She's only really there for two seasons! Then there's Martha (♥)! And Donna! And Amy! Or, yeah, you can just start with S5. Even if that means you miss out on things like all the Doctor/Master stuff and Captain Jack...


bigmamag November 29 2010, 06:24:02 UTC
I just watched "Blink!" AND YOUR ICON, LOL. It didn't really scare me since I'm pretty hard to scare, but I do admit to it being freaky and that the entire premise of the episode was amazing, especially the end when they show ordinary statues, like any of the ones we see every day could be evil.

I'll probably be picking and choosing from all the lovely suggestions on her, since I believe it's going to be a show that's all right but I won't follow religiously.


sineala November 29 2010, 15:52:11 UTC
Heh, well, it's not every day I get to pull out this icon. (Though it's actually from Season 5, The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone ( ... )


candesgirl November 28 2010, 23:14:52 UTC
Watch anything with The Master and Captain Jack Harkness in it. For reals. Truth, I don't love Nine, I LOVE Ten and I think Eleven is pretty good. I adore Rose, though. Martha is annoying. Donna is BADASS. Amy is BADASS jr. ;)


bigmamag November 29 2010, 06:26:44 UTC
I'm so picky with female characters that it's probably inevitable I don't like Rose, so I'm really interested in seeing different companions to see if there's a female character that even I would like. I am interested in Captain Jack Harkness, because I've seen clips of him and the infamous episode where he gets his name from the Jack dude and they kiss goodbye and stuff, AMAZING. But I don't think I could ever brave Torchwood because IANTO DIES. I can't go into stuff knowing that my otp is doomed.


ariadnechan November 29 2010, 14:21:03 UTC
jack start with nine in " the empty child"


bamfer December 13 2010, 20:15:33 UTC
Coming into this discussion way late... but what the hell.. if it's mostly slash you are after in Doctor Who, the two big ones are definitely Doctor/Master (see the infamous phone sex scene from S3 "Sound of Drums") and the Doctor/Jack ( the Doctor doth protest too much?). Mostly between 10/Master and 10/Jack (though other Doctors as well ( ... )


cicero_drayon November 29 2010, 00:54:27 UTC
Who is a show very, very, very heavily based in campiness, but there are definitely some incredible thought-provoking episodes and fantastic characters, most especially the Doctor (10 being the favorite; start at about S2.) personally i liked 'rose'--it's the one that got me into the series--but i have horrible taste, haha. she is quite annoying but i love everything about the series anyway.


ariadnechan November 29 2010, 01:49:14 UTC
Rose grow on you i think!

She had great episodes and she has a lot of passion and want to have fun too

but i think i love Donna more, and Amy


bigmamag November 29 2010, 06:31:33 UTC
It's not that I have good taste in female characters, it's that I have NO taste for them, lol. It's very, very hard for me to like a female character. Not because I'm a mysogynist or something, but simply because I believe that tv writers hardly ever write female characters properly, so now I'm curious to see the other females to see if there's one I might actually like ( ... )


ariadnechan November 29 2010, 14:22:32 UTC
then Donna is for you!!!
i really love her is bad ass!!


ariadnechan November 29 2010, 01:38:04 UTC
well no one like Nine too much, but he have good episodes specially when jack came aboard the tardis ( ... )


bigmamag November 29 2010, 06:36:49 UTC
I watched "New Earth", and it was all right, but "Blink" was fantastic, so I'm definitely looking to watch a few more suggested in this post. :D

I told another commenter this, but the campiness is sort of odd for me. See, Star Trek TOS was campy because it was the 60's, so you can forgive that, and it had a very small budget, so they had to use cheap stuff (like making a spacesuit from a shower curtain in "The Naked time") but even then ST sort of redeems itself and KNOWS it's silly because in the episode "Operation--Annilhilate!" a crewman remarks "they don't even look real!" at those one-celled flying pancake parasites. To me, it's almost inexcusable that a tv show in the 2000's would look that campy, even with borrowing enemies from the 60's tv show. To me Star Trek reboot works because it updates what's already there, and not resurrecting Hortas to fight. (though oh my god, I would love to see Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto fight against a Horta.)


ariadnechan November 29 2010, 14:17:27 UTC
in the last season there is another episode of the wipping angels
if you want to watch it from last season
"The Time of Angels"
"Flesh and Stone"

With the master
"The Sound of Drums"
"Last of the Time Lords"
and then the "end of time"

about tenth
"human nature"
"The Waters of Mars" and off course the end of time

i would totally love to see the horta with them too!!
a reboot horta offcourse!

ZAQSpock feeling the pain and protecting PineJim

I WANT!!!!!


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