8 answers to find your new best LJ friend

Oct 04, 2017 13:38

icon: "vivacious (my face with bold cat-eye makeup, with my head tilted down and to the side, looking at the camera with a wide close-lipped smile, hugging myself)"

Looking for more active LJ friends? Post about yourself and find new people!

1) My age and location:
2) My self-labels:
3) My posts usually fall into the following categories:
4) My favorite things to read on my friends list are:
5) My friendship dealbreakers are:
6) I post entries on average once every [day, 2 days, week, etc]:
7) I consider myself more knowledgeable than the average person (average from people I've known) on these topics:
8) If everyone alive would agree to change their behavior in a single way regarding ONLY me, I would want it to be:

also please spread the word!
https://belenen.livejournal.com/693011.html">http://oi60.tinypic.com/2po5zx0.jpg" border="1" alt="two people back to back with their upper arms touching, and on each arm is half of a gold heart that reads besties">

friendzy: active LJ friends!

It's been years, time for another go! please share this around, the more the merrier!

lj friends, #friends

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