Friendzy Summer 2016: find active LJers who write the way you wanna read!

May 26, 2016 15:52

icon: "polyamorous relationship anarchist (a rainbow-colored heart with the 'anarchy' capital letter A cutting through it, over a brick texture that suggests the heart is graffiti)"
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belenen May 26 2016, 20:11:30 UTC
1) Age and location: 33, ATL, Georgia, U.S.
2) Self-labels / identity: queer, genderfree, trans, intersectional feminist, fat-&-proud, polyamorous (relationship anarchist), demisexual, poor, Southern, nudist, tree-hugger (literally & figuratively), vegetarian, non-neurotypical ADD-PI thinker, eclectic pagan Quaker, and artist.
3) I live with: an amazing human housemate with their sweetheart service dog and my anxious cranky cat.
4) My posts usually fall into the following categories:
--introspective self-examination
--my methods and 'hacks' for intimacy and self-awareness
--society; my ideas on why it is the way it is and how it could change
--meaningful experiences in my everyday life, especially emotionally intense ones
--analyzing relationships in my life
--goals and progress in self-growth
--personal feelings/thoughts about broad topics that have a script most people go by -- like when someone talks about an aspect of parenting which is common which they disagree with
5) My favorite things to read on my friends list are:all of ( ... )


slipjig May 30 2016, 15:26:28 UTC
You had me at "eclectic pagan Quaker." And again, I fail at order of operations, but I've taken the liberty of adding you to my f'list; let me know if this is problematic or you have any queries.


belenen May 31 2016, 01:26:22 UTC
Oh, I don't mind *smiles* I added you back!


mousme May 30 2016, 23:07:43 UTC
Oh, hello! A fellow Quaker! *waves*

I am trying to get back into posting, and I feel like we might be like-minded in interesting ways, and not-like minded in other, even more interesting ways! Let me know if you'd be comfortable with my adding you as an LJ friend. :)


I love your format too much to skip this! zimtkeks May 26 2016, 20:39:19 UTC
1) Age and location: 33, Germany
2) Self-labels / identity (gay, straight, old, young, monogamous, non-monogamous, etc): female (cis), hetero(-flexible), monogamous, teacher, big sister, reader (+ some I'll tell you when we've got to know each other better ;-)
3) I live with (roommates, spouse, my children, a tiger, etc): Salem, the cat in my user pic
4) My posts usually fall into the following categories: Most of them are summaries of what happens in my private life and at work, how I feel about things, and what gets me thinking.
5) My favorite things to read on my friends list are: I love when people share what they really think and feel about certain situations, as well as their ideals and general ideas.
6) In the past few years the biggest issues for me with friendship have been: I think one aspect is that at this point of life, many things are changing for many people (eg. marriage, childbirth, moving away), and that can make it harder or even mean that people grow apart. So I am trying to expand and stabilize my circle, both ( ... )


Re: I love your format too much to skip this! belenen May 26 2016, 20:49:56 UTC
*giggles* I like the couch potato outfit, with blanket included! When I go to burns and want to be naked but it's cold, I often wear a blanket. I approve as this as a wardrobe choice *grins*


zimtkeks May 27 2016, 08:42:15 UTC
On Sundays, I am Bed Woman! :-D


Re: I love your format too much to skip this! suzanna_o May 26 2016, 23:56:03 UTC
I think we would get along as writers/readers. I've added you, see what you think :)


phantoms May 26 2016, 20:58:14 UTC
I love your questions for this! Very creative!! :)

1) Age and location: 25, this planet.
2) Self-labels / identity (gay, straight, old, young, monogamous, non-monogamous, etc): Lesbian, socially awkward, day-dreamy.
3) I live with (roommates, spouse, my children, a tiger, etc): Currently I live at home since graduating (but I am trying to find a job so I can move out!!).
4) My posts usually fall into the following categories: My posts are always about my life, happenings and personal experiences.
5) My favorite things to read on my friends list are: Same as above, posts about real life.
6) In the past few years the biggest issues for me with friendship have been: Not liking the people I went to university with. Outgrowing my last friend. Another friend abandoning me entirely. My social awkwardness making it difficult (or impossible) to replace them.
7) I post entries on average once every (day, 2 days, week, etc): Every four or five days.
8) If someone made a deluxe action figure based on me, it would have these 3 props and 3 ( ... )


belenen May 27 2016, 00:23:58 UTC
thanks! Asking questions is my favorite thing, or at least in my top 5 favorite things *grins*


call_me_katya May 29 2016, 20:43:06 UTC
Hey, I think we might have stuff in common. Introspective Irisher here, writes about thoughts, feelings, friendships and The Past. Fancy trying being friends?


phantoms May 29 2016, 22:28:29 UTC
Sure thing, added back! :D


faceofisolation May 26 2016, 22:41:40 UTC
1) Age and location: 28, Scotland (I'm not Scottish, though, sorry)

2) Self-labels / identity: straight cis-gender woman, feminist, socialist, introvert, atheist, graphic designer, 4th generation New Yorker, expat/serial migrant/global citizen

3) I live with (roommates, spouse, my children, a tiger, etc): my husband, and also a mouse I've been working up the nerve to kill

4) My posts usually fall into the following categories:
--daily life
--analyzing personal relationships
--making a new life in a new country (happens a lot)
--at the moment, unfortunately, there's a lot of job hunting drama
--extremely occasional political rants

5) My favorite things to read on my friends list are:
Anything, as long as it's thought out and written with a sense of purpose.

6) In the past few years the biggest issues for me with friendship have been:Physical distance, more than anything. There are so many different ways to communicate internationally and I'm comfortable with all of them, but it's hard to keep track of everyone else's ( ... )


belenen May 27 2016, 00:29:22 UTC
Happy to know you're planning to post more often *beams*


yrpreciousheart May 30 2016, 13:33:39 UTC
I'm an ex-expatriate who used to live on the British Isles as well, and you seem fun, so I'm adding you. 🙃


faceofisolation May 31 2016, 12:58:27 UTC
Added you back :)


withfrost May 26 2016, 22:42:24 UTC
*peek* Hello!

1) Age and location:
28 - from Toronto, Canada.

2) Self-labels / identity (gay, straight, old, young, monogamous, non-monogamous, etc):
Female artist and pyrographer, animal obsessed, atheist, hyper-sensitive witch.

3) I live with (roommates, spouse, my children, a tiger, etc):
My husband Rich, and my kittie Trix!

4) My posts usually fall into the following categories:
- Life/family.
- Prose.
- I post a lot of my art.
- Random day-to-day thoughts.
- My journey with mental illness.

5) My favorite things to read on my friends list are:
Deep thoughts, ideas, opinions, day-to-day stuff... honestly, anything, as long as it's genuine and real.

6) In the past few years the biggest issues for me with friendship have been:
Severe Agoraphobia/Anxiety, people kind of falling off of the map, or only really coming around when it's convenient, I suppose.

7) I post entries on average once every (day, 2 days, week, etc):Due to moving, I'd been a little slow on posting, so I'm trying to get back into the swing of things now ( ... )


belenen May 27 2016, 00:27:45 UTC
Hi! you seem just my sort of person *smiles* and I have never met an atheist witch before -- I'm friends with atheists and witches but among those I know they're very different groups. I'd love to know more about your spirituality!

Want to try being friends & see how we get on?


suckyfucky May 28 2016, 01:44:01 UTC
I keep going back and forth with Wicca. Mind if I follow for your experiences? I'm intrigued by the "hyper-sensitive"


fayriekisses May 29 2016, 12:49:50 UTC

I'm an artist as well, I would like to add you.


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