Friendzy Summer 2016: find active LJers who write the way you wanna read!

May 26, 2016 15:52

icon: "polyamorous relationship anarchist (a rainbow-colored heart with the 'anarchy' capital letter A cutting through it, over a brick texture that suggests the heart is graffiti)"
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lj my beloved home, lj friends, meme

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belenen May 26 2016, 20:11:30 UTC
1) Age and location: 33, ATL, Georgia, U.S.
2) Self-labels / identity: queer, genderfree, trans, intersectional feminist, fat-&-proud, polyamorous (relationship anarchist), demisexual, poor, Southern, nudist, tree-hugger (literally & figuratively), vegetarian, non-neurotypical ADD-PI thinker, eclectic pagan Quaker, and artist.
3) I live with: an amazing human housemate with their sweetheart service dog and my anxious cranky cat.
4) My posts usually fall into the following categories:
--introspective self-examination
--my methods and 'hacks' for intimacy and self-awareness
--society; my ideas on why it is the way it is and how it could change
--meaningful experiences in my everyday life, especially emotionally intense ones
--analyzing relationships in my life
--goals and progress in self-growth
--personal feelings/thoughts about broad topics that have a script most people go by -- like when someone talks about an aspect of parenting which is common which they disagree with
5) My favorite things to read on my friends list are:all of ( ... )


slipjig May 30 2016, 15:26:28 UTC
You had me at "eclectic pagan Quaker." And again, I fail at order of operations, but I've taken the liberty of adding you to my f'list; let me know if this is problematic or you have any queries.


belenen May 31 2016, 01:26:22 UTC
Oh, I don't mind *smiles* I added you back!


mousme May 30 2016, 23:07:43 UTC
Oh, hello! A fellow Quaker! *waves*

I am trying to get back into posting, and I feel like we might be like-minded in interesting ways, and not-like minded in other, even more interesting ways! Let me know if you'd be comfortable with my adding you as an LJ friend. :)


belenen May 31 2016, 01:27:37 UTC
omg yay! I have no Quaker friends yet so I'm extra excited about the possibility of friendship. Let's add and see how we get on!


mousme May 31 2016, 01:29:48 UTC
Sounds good! I am still learning the ropes of being a Friend, in the Quaker sense, for what it's worth. :)


brujah June 1 2016, 07:46:20 UTC
I found my way here via slipjig. You sound like someone I'd very much enjoy reading and I'd like to add you.


belenen June 2 2016, 00:45:53 UTC
added back! *grins*


panda June 4 2016, 02:15:00 UTC
I would love to add you, if that's alright?


belenen June 4 2016, 02:17:17 UTC
Sure! I'll add you :)


mimoiikit143 June 11 2016, 13:16:28 UTC
Thank you for this friending meme, would also love to be friends if you're keen. I am super interested with your hacks for intimacy and self awareness ;) Also that you post about self growth progresses, I do such as well. <3


thatunicornfizz June 11 2016, 19:12:14 UTC
Hi there! If you don't mind that we're multiple (more than one mind in a body), may we add you? We're collectively genderqueer, fat and proud, have Pagan leanings but have just started attending Quaker meetings for worship, so it seems like we have a few things in common.


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