Repairs 7

Mar 07, 2008 09:11

surprise chapter seven already done enjoy

Title: Repairs and repercussions
Author: Tsumi
Rating: teen
Warnings: violence, possible slash, and possible character death, possible OOC.
Pairings: pending BeexSam, JazzxProwl,
Synopsis: the battle in Mission city ended the war or did it? What will happen to the Autobots and their new human allies. And what is happening to Sam?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Part 7

There were some days Miles was glad they had a two-car garage that his mom didn’t use. Today was one of those days. He had no idea how he had done it but next to his car sat an exact clone of it.

“How did you get in here?” He asked after opening the garage door and finding the two of them comfortably installed in there together. There was no sign of entry, nothing was disturbed there was no visible way for him to have gotten into the garage without being noticed by someone.
“Trade secret, I wanted to spend time with my brother.”
“Okay I have no problem just don't get caught okay mom would freak and it's bad enough I can't see my best friend right now but I really don’t want to live in New York." The last part was whispered but the twins caught it easily.
"Why would you live in New York?" Sunstreaker asked curious.
"Cause that’s where my dad is." Miles explained.
"Ahh." He almost wanted to pry.
"I don’t want to talk about it come on Swipes I have to go to school." Miles grumbled, he did not like to think about his parents most of the time.
"Let's go then." The red car chirped.
"You can talk?" Miles stared at his "car" glad he could communicate without the radio, he was not sure how Sam had stood it but they seemed to like to use old songs to talk.
"Yes my vocal processors are repaired but the rest of my systems are still off." He sounded very sheepish for one of the Autobot’s' best warriors.
"Fine lets go we can wash you after school." Miles Promised patting the sleek hood.
"Great, and Wax?" he sounded a lot more cheerful now that he had discovered the joys of a cold bath then a hot wax.
"Yes," the red twin cheered he had no problems with spending time with the human. He knew how to take care of a car.
"Hey me too." The gold car chimed in not wanting to be outdone by his twin.
“Fine, don’t get jealous."
“Me jealous of that slagger never.”
“Yeah right.”

Miles climbed into Sideswipe and drove off with Sunstreaker following a short time later to patrol the city.


After school Miles and Mikaela headed for the parking lot.
"Need a ride Miki?" Miles asked as he hit the button on his keys to make Sideswipe pop the lock. They had decided this was the best way to hide the fact the car could unlock and start it's self since alot of cars had remote starters these days.
"No I have to get going my boss wants me to work at four." She said with a smile and a pat on the hood for the red car.
"We could drop you off." He offered.
"No you go enjoy washing the twins you know Sunstreaker will make you clean him too." She smiled at the look he gave her at the mention of the other twin.
"Of course he will." he smiled. "Later."
"Later. By sideswipe." She whispered patting the metal before going and grabbing her Vespa she headed for the garage she worked at.

"Miles something is wrong." Sideswipe said suddenly as they pulled out of the student parking lot.
"What do you mean Sideswipe?"
"I have a bad feeling in my spark there might be Decepticons around." he sent his scanners out all around him but found nothing but humans and their primitive unsentient cars.
"Call Sunstreaker then, he wanted a wash too anyway."
"Of course." A few minutes later he shuddered. "I can't communicate out of the city limit."
"That's bad isn't it?" Miles asked sheepishly.
"Only if we are attacked but they are laying low as well so they should not attack in a crowded area." I hope he admitted to himself, he was not that good in a fight right now but his brother was nowhere close by.
"Fine we go for the wash and hope it's okay." Miles said calmly stroking the dashboard to try and soothe his friend.

They arrived at the car wash and Miles proceeded to wash the red bot snickering at the muffled sounds he was making. Both were enjoying themselves thoroughly. Neither noticed the police car that cruised past. As Miles waxed him Sideswipe felt that off chill again, he didn't tell Miles this time though enjoying the relaxing feel of the cloth on his fender. Sunstreaker had not shown up yet and he still could not communicate with anyone else. There didn't seem to be anything blocking him his range just would not go out that far. He knew a lot of his systems were still damaged his long range was most likely among them.

They headed home once he was clean and shining. As they cruised red and blue lights lit up the rearview mirrors.
"What is that?" Sideswipe asked.
"Police, man this is not my day we weren't even going over the limit." Miles groaned.
"Miles I don't believe we should stop." Sideswipe said suddenly as his scanners passed over the car following them.
"What do you mean, that's a cop. we have to pull over." Miles said trying to step on the brake pedal but Sideswipe would not stop.
"No Miles that is not a cop that is Barricade, he is a Decepticon I should head for the dam." Sideswipe informed his human.
"Okay fine but move." Miles ducked down. That was a Decepticon? The one Sam had told him attacked him and Bumblebee the first time going after the glasses?
"Sideswipe you still can't transform can you?" he asked nervously.
"No Miles I’m stuck like this." Sideswipe confirmed his worst fear.
"Great it's like that stupid show my mom always watched when I was a kid." he muttered.
"What?" Sideswipe did not have time to check the net as he tried to get away from the evil police cruiser.
"Never mind."

They pulled towards the highway Barricade still in pursuit, luckily most people just figured it was a kid messing with a cop in his dad's car or something. no more cops joined the pursuit though as they turned a corner Sideswipe peeled to a stop before he hit a large dark blue truck of army make. Barricade come up behind them effectively catching them between a rock and a hard place.

"Damn." the human cursed as the seatbelt tightened.
"Miles are you alright?" the seatbelt snapped open.
"I am fine but these things are going to kill me aren’t they?"
"Maybe, they might not." Sideswipe told him trying to calm the human whose heart rate had jumped remarkably in only the last few minutes. He was also starting to sweat so he turned on the air conditioner.
"Thanks alot." Miles grumbled.

"What's the matter autobrat? Are you not going to make this hard for us?" Barricade growled taking his robot mode.
"Of course I’ll make it hard for you." Sideswipe shot back. "Miles I’m going to open my door. Once I do run fast to the fueling station we passed earlier and call the others. Stay there until either I come for you or one of the others."
"Sideswipe what are you going to do?"
"Nothing just go." He popped open the door and Miles flew out running as he hit the ground.
"Ravage stop the human." Soundwave ordered as sideswipe rammed him head on. Had he been a normal car that would no doubt have caused for more damage to himself than his enemy luckily he was not an ordinary car and he was made for fighting not running.

Ravage jumped from the back of Soundwave's cab his normal robot mode, that of a large panther would be far better then the organic’s legs. He growled once and took off after the human.

Miles ran the large black and purple cat thing right behind him. It was about a mile to the gas station that Sideswipe had told him to reach. He could hear the sounds of the others behind him and hoped that his car would be okay, he could not transform and shoot them after all. The panther jumped for him and he rolled finding himself under the beast in a flash.

"Don’t kill me." He whined.
It growled but said nothing as it grabbed his collar and dragged him back the way he had came. Where was a crowd of people to see him being dragged by a panther when he needed it?

"Help someone!" he started to yell hoping some one would see or hear the noise. There was a loud growl and a second large metallic cat, this one gold knocked the panther off of him. The two stood there growling and snarling at one another. He stared at them both as he scrambled to his feet. The gold one was as large as the panther. There was no symbol on either of them.

The sound of an engine revving got his attention and he saw a tow truck nearby its door was open and this must have been where the cat came from. He ran for the tow truck, grabbing onto the door.

"Longarm? Bud is that you?" the human asked. Really hoping it was the tow truck he knew.
"Yes Miles," the tow truck Earthborn assured the human. " Where is Sideswipe?" it was odd to see the blonde without one of the twins since he had brought the red one back to the others.
"Back there." He got up slowly dusting himself off. Making sure he was unhurt. "We have to get him."
"Of course." the tow truck agreed. "Wait here I will get him."
"No way he's my car I’m not waiting here for that cat thing to try and kill me again." Miles demanded still holding the door.
“But you will be damaged if there is a fight.”
“I don’t care Sideswipe is my friend.” He stated.
“Very well but if he is angry it is your own fault.” The tow truck told him as the cat creature jumped into the bed of the truck. The panther had already run back to the others.
“Right I’ll take the blame come on.” He said climbing into the truck's cab.

Sideswipe had been busy trying to keep the other two from grabbing him and had not expected a tow truck to come out of nowhere and knock into Barricade making him roll over. Soundwave went for him and was pounced by the gold cat thing for long enough for them to take off.
"Hoist?" He asked surprised.
"No it is Longarm" the tow truck said simply. "We should go."
"Going, where's Miles?" The others would kill him if he had lost one of their human allies and Sam would probably key him if he lost Miles.
"In my cab." Longarm replied.
“Let me take him” Sideswipe insisted sounding much calmer now that he knew the location of his human.
“We must hurry.”
“I know.”

They stopped long enough for Miles to climb out of Longarm and back into Sideswipe.

"Mile's are you alright?"
"I'm fine Sideswipe just a little scratched and bruised, nothing a good day in gym wouldn't cause." he assured the car. "How about you?"
"I think I scratched my paint.” He said softly.
"We'll fix it." he patted the dashboard gently.
"We should go, the others will be worried if they can't reach the city." Sideswipe said as he saw the police car getting back up.
"That is one reason I came," Longarm replied. “We were unable to reach the city and the little ones were being very loud."
"They wanted out of the base none of the others realized it until Sunstreaker returned from patrol and was going to join the two of you and could not reach you."
"So you came." Sideswipe said. “With Steeljaw.”
“So who is Steeljaw? He looks a lot like that other cat, but gold.” Miles asked
“Steeljaw is like Ravage the one who attacked you they and frenzy are part of Soundwave and a fellow of ours called Blaster. “ Sideswipe answered. “Where is Sunstreaker have you seen him?”
"I was the only bot in or near the city limits though Sunstreaker is no doubt close by now."
"Great we'll find him and head back to the dam, Soundwave must have been blocking the city from the signals.”
“I would not know.” The tow truck replied.
“The others will. But where did Steeljaw come from?”
“I almost ran him over earlier today, he was on his way to the city.”
“Great, always good to see him though I would be happier to see Blaster too.”

They were at the highway by the time they found Sunstreaker, the yellow twin almost ran his brother over.

“Sideswipe you’re okay.” Sunstreaker demanded scanning his twin as he fell in beside him.
“Yes brother I’m fine thanks to Miles, Steeljaw and Longarm.”
“I owe you another one squishy.”
“Then stop calling me squishy.” Miles said out the window with a smile.
“But it’s a nickname.”
“Could you find one that does not make it sound like I am going to be crushed please.”
“No I like squishy.”
“Decide later you two we have to report this.”


The dam was relatively quiet as they drove in the guards let him pass after checking his ID and as soon as they were in the main bay they were set upon by the CMO.
“What were you thinking Sideswipe.” He yelled as Miles climbed out of the sheepish red car.
“I was trying to protect Miles.” He said quietly.
“You could have been scrapped.”
“I wasn’t.”

Sunstreaker grabbed Miles and held him as the two faced off a slight smile on his features.
“Is he gonna be okay?” Miles asked quietly
“Yeah Hatchet's just mad whenever either of us gets hurt,” Sunstreaker assured him.
“He’s our progenitor.”
“In humans terms I guess he would be our dad.”
“Wow.” He patted Steeljaw absently as the large lion like cybercat sat beside him.
“Where’s he come from?” Sunstreaker asked seeing the loin.
“Oh he just attacked Ravage out of nowhere.”
“Must have gone ahead of Blaster.” He looked at the cat. “ Optimus should see him.”

"Optimus is not here at the moment." Ratchet said simply.
"Where is he?"
"he Bumblebee, Prowl, and Sam left yesterday to look at some possible base locations."
"Sam's gone too?" Miles asked upset enough that he couldn't se his friend in person.
"Yes, they asked him to go along." Ratchet finished looking over Sideswipe and looked at them. "Are you doing well Miles?"
"I'm fine Ratchet, only a few scratches." He told him.

"Sit still." he scanned the boy finding no damage. “Have you been feeling well Miles?”
“Yeah better then in awhile, I even got a good time on the running in gym yesterday.”
“Good, your systems are fully functioning.”
“Great, so when will Sam be back?”
“Within the week, the location they were checking out was close to the Lennox’s residence.”
:”So why didn’t you go? Miss a chance to see Ironhide?” Sunstreaker teased.
“I can contact him anytime I wish to speak with him.” The medic said simply.
“Wait Ironhide’s not like you guys mom or something right?”
“No miles, Ironhide and myself are mated to a femme. She would be considered their mother she also threatened to slag me when these two were formatted.”
“Can’t blame her.” Miles smirked and found himself sitting on Sideswipe’s hood very quickly, with Sunstreaker’s large hand holding him down.
“What was that squishy?”
“The thought of you two as little things is kinda scary.” The human told them. “You’re hellions now.”
“I guess so.”
“Can I get up now? I think I need a pop.”
“Let him go Streaker.” Ratchet ordered before heading back to his medbay.
"I don’t want to." Sunstreaker said simply.


The highway was quiet, there seemed to be few people on it in the early afternoon. So no one really noticed the semi truck following a police cruiser from another state. With a very yellow Camaro and black SUV taking up the rear. or the fact that only the driver of the Camaro was actually a human while the others flickered slightly as if made of refracting light.

Sam was feeling drowsy as he acted like he was driving his car. Said car was doing well without any human direction but he liked the human sitting in his driver's seat. it seemed like an idyllic way to spend the rest of their day until they all heard a very unmistakable sound.

Two jets barreled toward the highway and the small convoy. a missile narrowly avoided hitting the road infront of Prowl.

"Seekers!" bumblebee called out screeching to a stop seconds before hitting Optimus’s rear. As the semi truck pulled to a stop to avoid hitting Prowl.

"Optimus you should get out of here with Wheeljack we can handle the seekers." Prowl told their leader.
“Yes I’ll get him to Ratchet. Don’t get slagged.”
“I won’t sir.”
"Sam get in Optimus' cab please it will be much safer." Bumblebee told his human.
"Right going." Sam scrambled out of Bee and ran along Optimus' side as Prowl and Bumblebee transformed to handle the seekers.
"I will stay with Prime and the boy to cover them." Stockade volunteered.
"Fine go." Prowl barked.

The two vehicles moved fast along the freeway leaving their comrades behind.

“Autobots this is Optimus Prime we are enroute back to the dam and have been caught under seeker fire. Prowl and Bumblebee are engaged with the seekers I am transporting precious cargo and cannot transform. If possible meet me at these coordinates.” Optimus sent out trying to reach his comrades.

“Will they be okay?” Sam asked as they tore down the highway.
“They will be fine both Prowl and Bumblebee have handled seekers.” The truck rumbled.

Sam sat back not wanting to remind the Autobot commander of the last time Bumblebee had dealt with a seeker.


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