
Jan 23, 2008 10:21

umm just a little bunny that chewed on my brain,

Title: Repairs and repercussions
Author: Tsumi
Rating: teen
Warnings: violence, possible slash, and possible character death, possible OOC.
Pairings: pending eventual Beexsam
Synopsis: the battle in Mission city ended the war or did it? What will happen to the Autobots and their new human allies. And what is happening to Sam?

An: do not own, wish I did but I don’t

Title: Repairs and repercussions
Author: Tsumi
Rating: teen
Warnings: violence, possible slash, and possible character death, possible OOC.
Pairings: pending
Synopsis: the battle in Mission city ended the war or did it? What will happen to the Autobots and their new human allies. And what is happening to Sam?

Part 1
After the battle was over and they had cleaned up the battlefield they transported everything to Hoover dam including the Autobots themselves, and the remains of the Decepticons. Two of the still functioning were on ice as it were. Once they had everything secured Ratchet got to work on his comrades' injuries, something that would be easier to accomplish if some of these humans were not watching. At least the young humans were in the hands of human medics though Sam had gone under protest wanting to stay and be with Bumblebee who was not going anywhere until his legs were fixed. Though he seemed worried about the boy. Ignoring the younger bot’s protests he got to work.


As Ratchet worked others were taking care of business in other areas of the Dam. Agent Simmons and a few others had been in charge of corralling and securing those who had been born with the AllSpark’s power. Now six smaller machines huddled under the protective stance of a robot that had once been a Mountain Dew vending machine some of the agents had already affectionately called DewBot. The tow truck, which had been used to cart Bumblebee, was among them standing beside DewBot and watching everything in a calm manner. A third larger grey bot who had been one of their assault buggies also stood infront of the others, he watched the agents warily, they were odd all of them and unlike their Cybertronian counterparts their optics were a uniform purple. Simmons shuddered under their optics, he was not sure what they would do but as long as they remained in the N.B.E.-01 chamber it was fine.

“What do we do with them sir?” one of the men asked.
“Watch them, do nothing for now they are not a threat.” He told them and went to se how their fellow humans were doing.


The humans had been taken to the medical bay. The two teens and the rangers were being looked over by the doctors. The boy’s hands were bandaged heavily and the girl was talking with him quietly. The soldiers looked no worse for wear and were congratulating their captain on killing the helicopter thing that had killed their comrades back in Qatar.

“Hey Agent Simmons.” Glen yelled from where he and Maggie were talking with Secretary Keller. “How are the others?”
“Good, they're good.” He said with a nod. “Is everyone okay?”
“We're fine, clean bill of health in fact only one of us is on any bad shape.” He looked at Sam.
“I’m fine just a few burns.” The boy said simply. “I’m fine.” He insisted as the others gave him a very incredulous look.
“As fine as any young man who faced down the largest nastiest piece of work the universe has to offer can be I guess.” Mikaela teased him with a smile. He smiled back still unsure of their relationship, they had yet to talk about it in the rush to clean up and drag everyone to the dam.
“So when can I see my parents?” The teen asked.
“Soon, Tom should be getting them cleared soon.” Secretary Keller told him looking away from his conversation and his two new employees.

As if summoned by their words three adults entered the clinic and the woman threw herself at Sam. Hugging him close and looking him over like any worried mother would. It was not hard to miss the bruises and scratches he'd gotten in the last fight he just hoped he could talk her into believing it was not as bad as it looked.
"My baby are you alright, they told us such fantastic things and what happened to your hands?" she asked the bandages looked far worse than the other injuries.
"Hi mom, um they kinda got burned." not a lie they were burned just not by any fire a human could ever touch. "I'm fine mom really I’m fine."
"Sam what's going on?" His father asked.
"It's a long story." he told them. Not sure if he could even tell them half of it.
"We've already explained about your friends." Tom Banachek told him.
"Oh good, everything?" He asked faintly
"Most of it."
"Sam is your car really alien?" His dad asked distracting him from the man.
"Um yeah so we really got a deal. I mean a giant alien robot should be way more then four thousand dollars. The insurance premiums will never go up, He’s smart he's got a great sense of humor and he's my friend.” he said quickly.
"You're kidding right?"
"No." He looked around. "We could go see him if Ratchet's done fixing him."
"Well there's five or I guess four now of them." he said. Suddenly remembering Jazz, Ratchet had said he might be able to fix him on the ride back to the dam. "Ratchet's their medic, I think they said he was their chief medical officer."
"I'm not sure if that's wise their medic seems kinda violent." Simmons began.
Sam shot him a look, as much help as the man had been he was still not forgiving him for what had happened to Bumblebee yet.
"Actually I need a word with Optimus Prime their leader anyway come along son let's see your friends." Secretary Keller said heading for the door.
"Okay." Sam followed him trailed by his parents Mikaela, and Agents Simmons and Banachek. After a moment Maggie and Glenn followed.


The others were fixed and Ratchet was focusing on repairing the unmoving Jazz. Even if he was gone they would give their comrade as much dignity as they could. They owed that much to the second in command who had stood by them for as long as he had been an officer. He only hoped he could repair the damage or the arrival of any other officer would not be fun.

As soon as he saw Sam Bumblebee went for the entrance to the room to make sure he was okay. He had been nervously flexing his little doorwings in an unconscious gesture since he had regained enough of himself to realize where they were being repaired even with most of the equipment gone he knew this room where they had held him. as soon as he was repaired fully he had been trying to get Ratchet to let him go find Sam just so he could leave this room. Reprieve had come for the medic in the form of the humans Sam had gotten him out of the room once he could do it again. Sam also had recognized the route and the room and hoped his friend and the others were okay.

"Sam are you alright?" he asked ignoring the others. He was not trustful of the sector seven agents where his human friends were concerned.
"I'm fine Bee, umm these are my parents. Mom Dad this is Bumblebee he's kinda my guardian." he introduced as Keller approached Optimus and the others hung back. He noticed the flexing of the doorwings which might be a possible clue to the origin of his name and hoped he was okay, they stopped moving as he turned to the two adults and Sam relaxed himself.

"Hello." Ronald Witwicky stared up at the yellow mech that was apparently his son's friend. He had not believed the men when they had told him about the aliens or even the footage he had seen of them. Now looking up at one he was sure this was real and that he had bought his son way more than just a car. He swallowed hard and held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you Bumblebee." He greeted, though he was small among his own kind Bumblebee still towered over the humans.
"My pleasure Mr. Witwicky." the mech answered holding out one hand and the man shook one finger.
"You are really the car?" Judy asked.
"Yes I could demonstrate." his voice crackled slightly as his vocal processor was only recently repaired.
"No that's okay." she was sure there was more than they were telling them like about Sam's hands or what happened in mission city and why Sam had been there.

"You could go elsewhere to talk." Ratchet grumbled. "You all are functioning."
"Of course old friend we will go elsewhere." Optimus said and the others left splitting off. Sam and Mikaela along with his parents and Bumblebee went off one way. Keller and his new assistants as well as Optimus went another. Ironhide grumbling about something went to find a quiet place to recharge.


Sam when exactly are they going to let us go home?" Ron asked taking a sip of the soda he was nursing.
"Soon I’m sure once everything is in place, though you know Bee's coming with us?"
"Well he is your car."
"And my friend." It might take awhile to convince them he was an intelligent being after all.
"Yes dear." he could tell his mother was not too comfortable with the autobot who was following them.
"So what exactly happened to your hands Sam?" His mother asked, she was still leery of the large yellow mech.
"Well they got burned, there was a fire and it got my hands that's all nothing to worry about."
"Yeah he's fine I mean it was Bee that got hurt after he took him away." Mikaela jumped in.
"He did?"
"Yeah he was great weren't you Bee?"
"I do not think Ratchet would agree he kept grousing the whole time he was repairing me and Ironhide." the yellow mech told her, catching on to her plan he tried to look solemn.
"Well that's ratchet even only knowing him for a day it's clear he's a bit grumpy."
"He is, has been." the little mech said.

They came to the N.B.E-01 chamber and Sam looked in to see the Earthborn that had been affected by the Allspark, they were all sitting there quietly still under the protective stance of DewBot and the other two. The Tow truck looked at them his purple optics shifting slightly blue as he did.
"What are they?" Sam's mother asked.
"They are young I do not know if they are stable or not this must be where they were put when we returned here." Bumblebee said looking at them.
"Poor things." Mikaela said with a frown, she and Bumblebee owed the tow truck at least as he had helped them when Starscream had blown off Bee’s legs.

"We should find somewhere to talk." Sam's dad said distracting the trio from their thoughts and they all went to find somewhere more comfortable. The bots watched them go.


Secretary of Defense John Keller settled onto a bench as the analyst and hacker found their own seats and the leader of the Autobots watched him getting comfortable himself on the floor of one of the many large rooms in the dam's interior. Traveling along the hallways was easier to do in alt mode but sitting and talking took his proper form.

"How may I help you Secretary."
"Call me John please."
"Very well."
"We need to figure all of this out Optimus Prime."
"Optimus, and yes, one of my men has already asked to remain with a human."
"The boy and the yellow one right?"
"Yes, Sam and Bumblebee." Optimus corrected.
"Well I can’t blame em he's a good kid even under all this stress he's holding up well."
"They both are." was all he said no use in letting the humans know how young their youngest officer was. " Even with Megatron's death the other Decepticons might return to avenge him or even go after Starscream."
"I understand but those of you who are here and others who follow would be a shock to people it might be best of you remained unknown for now. I will speak to the president and it will be decided."
"I understand I must at least let my people know what has occurred here soon."
"Of course and I’m sure everyone wants to go home." he said simply.

"Yeah my grandma’s gonna be pissed I’ve been gone this long." Glen said suddenly.
"And the whole arrested thing." Maggie reminded him.
"Oh that too." he looked slightly abashed but not much.

"Once I have spoken to the president I’m sure everything will be cleared up.
"Hope so."

fan fiction

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