repairs chapter 3

Feb 02, 2008 06:22

this chapter came out faster then the first two thouhg part of it is the fault of my family for leaving me alone for hours rather then bugging me witt every little thing like they normaly do so here it is part 3

Title: Repairs and repercussions
Author: Tsumi
Rating: teen
Warnings: violence, possible slash, and possible character death, possible OOC.
Pairings: pending
Synopsis: the battle in Mission city ended the war or did it? What will happen to the Autobots and their new human allies. And what is happening to Sam?

part 1
part 2

Part 3

It had been a month since Sam had introduced Miles to the Autobots. He enjoyed the time he spent with them, even Mikaela was not that bad after awhile. She knew alot about cars and the two of them could talk for hours about machinery leaving Sam in the dark since Bumblebee could join these conversations easily.

He was surprised one Thursday morning to find Mikaela with her little blue Vespa waiting for him instead of Bumblebee’s familiar yellow Camaro.

“What’s going on?” He asked grabbing his shoes.
“Sam got called away.” She said with a smile not wanting Mile’s mother to hear about the Autobots. Once they got on she smiled.
“Optimus needed him, there was a landfall this morning.” She explained starting the engine.
“Landfall?” That did not sound good.
“One of the others arrived so they took Sam along as the human welcome wagon.” She explained.
“Oh when do we get to meet these new guys?” he asked.
“This weekend I guess we can bully Sam into taking us.”
“Sounds like a plan.”


Sam was enjoying the ride to the landing site, a secluded place just off the old route 66. He was sure they were close to Vegas as they came to the landing site which was secluded enough to give the two protoforms cover. He watched the two change fluidly from pod to protoform, it was beautiful. A pity Ratchet and Ironhide weren’t there but the medic had wanted to make sure he was ready for any problems and the Lennox family was on a trip taking the weapons specialist with them he had reported he would return as soon as he could.

The taller of the two stood stiffly infront of Optimus. He clicked out something in Cybertronian. Optimus answered back and the second one quipped something out. Then ducked a blow from the first one.

“What are they saying?” Sam asked Bumblebee from where he stood in the protective shadow of his guardian. The heat was dangerous for a human, so Bumblebee had not let him out of his shadow.

“Second lieutenant Prowl reporting. Optimus welcomed him and Sunstreaker is being an idiot.”
“Second lieutenant he’s the same rank as Jazz?” Sam asked staring at the silvery protoform who was at least twice Jazz’s height.
“Yes he’s the next in command after him.” Bumblebee sounded slightly sad, as they were still not sure what was going to happen with Jazz.
“Oh and the other one?” he pointed to the other who seemed to be looking around.
“Sunstreaker, he and his brother Sideswipe are the only twins I know of in our ranks. I hope Swipes is okay. “ Bumblebee muttered.

“The both of you need alt modes.” Optimus ordered,
“We’ll. Show them the highway.” Bumblebee volunteered.
“Do so.” He nodded.

“Hey mini-bot.” Sunstreaker greeted as if seeing his fellow Autobot for the first time.
“Stop calling me that.” Bee sputtered. His fans turned on to cool his systems.
“Can’t stop the truth.” He snickered. It was good to be around friends again.

They came to the highway and hid to watch the cars pass. After a few hours they saw a car chase passing, the lead car was bright yellow and the police car following close. Behind was not familiar.

Sunstreaker chose to take the yellow car. It was beautiful and fast, just his style. The other car was more Prowl’s type obviously authority. He turned to the others having now been covered with sleek yellow armor much brighter in color then Bumblebee’s. He grinned.
“I knew you say that?” He looked down at Sam. “So who is this squishy?”
“My name is Sam. And I’m a human not a squishy.” Sam told him.
“Sam is my friend and I am his guardian Sunstreaker.” Bumblebee told him.
“So humans are our friends fine do I get one?”
“No because you are nuts.”
“We should rejoin Prime.” Prowl sighed used to this squabbling.

They regrouped and Sunstreaker approached Optimus.
“Sir permission to find my brother I know he has to be close by.” Sunstreaker said as he approached his leader.
“Denied, we must make sure you and Prowl are alright and are introduced to our human allies before we search for our missing comrade.” Optimus said knowing that the young soldier would tear around to find his brother and not listen.
“It’s not just a missing comrade it’s my brother.”
“He will be fine we will find him.” Optimus told him.

The return to the dam was uneventful except for Sunstreaker staying close to Bee and complaining that the older bots would not let him find his brother. Bumblebee listened to him asking questions and getting stories about the three’s own time out in space. As Sunstreaker was telling him about one battle in particular they saw the dam rising up in the distance.

Prowl had been following along behind Optimus as he was supposed to. He had yet to ask the question he really wanted to. He had not see the second in command, it could just be he had been left behind to keep an eye on things but Jazz should have been there to greet him. He had a bad feeling in his spark at the idea of the saboteur only a few orns before he had had a bad dream while in recharge and had spurred his team forward even before they got Prime’s message. Sighing he finally opened his com to his leader.

“Prime, sir where is Jazz?”
“Our infirmary he was damaged in the battle for the AllSpark. Ratchet will show you after he checks over you and Sunstreaker.”
“Yes sir.” He had heard the pain and guilt in Prime’s voice.

Their arrival was heralded by a small group gathered in the motor pool. Complete with Ratchet and Ironhide with his humans nearby. The three larger Earthborn had also decided to join them apparently. Halo was sitting on Longarm’s shoulder until he saw Sam he then chitterd and ran to climb up onto him.

“Hey Halo.” Sam patted him like a pet.

Ratchet looked the two over superficially. Hit Sunstreaker on the head and led them off.

“Ow, hatchet what was that for?” he whined.
“Don’t call me that, and you know perfectly well what it was for.” The medic growled. As they walked away.

“Poor Ratchet.” Bumblebee muttered.
“It’s his own fault. “ Ironhide said gruffly. “He did not have to progenate twins.”
“He’s Ratchets?” Sam asked. He had not even thought about them having families, the fact there were twins was odd enough but for them to be Ratchet’s kids?
“Yes he and his twin.” Bee said smiling.
“That’s good I suppose that he’s here then huh I mean you guys families coming together and all.” Sam said sheepishly.
“Well that part is good. But until we find Sideswipe he’s going to be a pain in the aft.” Bumblebee sighed.

“We need to locate him soon.” Optimus said and Ironhide nodded.

Sam put Halo dow nwhen the little bot started to chitter and it took off.


Prowl and Sunstreaker checked out fine and after sending Sunstreaker to bother the others Ratchet led Prowl to the chamber where Jazz was laying in a make shift berth. He was attached to machines designed to keep an eye on him as he recovered. A steady hum filled the air.

“What happened to him?”
“He was ripped in half, Megatron did it.” He said as the tactician turned to him. “I stabilized him and repaired the worst of the damage but he is not responding.” He did not add that he was sure he might never respond that was not something to bring up with Prowl.
“But he’s.”
“Still functioning but not on-line.”
“I see.” He said this quietly and stepped forward. Ratchet left, it was better to leave him alone to deal with this.

Prowl ignored the medic to look at his old friend and mate. The two had been friends for orns before bonding with one another. He did not want to think of losing Jazz that had been a hard enough thought when they had gone separate ways to find the AllSpark. Touching the plains of Jazz’s face he smiled to himself, he had hoped to see him again as spastic and never standing still as he had always been. Looking at this chest he touched the metal there feeling the faint warmth of his spark, and his own spark ached. AS he stood there he thought he hard the door open and turned to see it closed as it had been after Ratchet left. He turned back to the form of Jazz as the warmth increased under his hand. Looking to the machines he frowned something was happening. He went to find Ratchet.

Ratchet was in the main infirmary alone. He looked up at the tactician.
“Ratchet you should come see this.”
“Just come see.”

The room where Jazz was looked just as he had left it, though the machines were getting noisy as they monitored the rebooting functions of the second or at least this is what they said as Ratchet looked over the machines.

“He’s coming back on-line.”
“He is?”
“Yes, though there ‘s no explanation for it.”
“Does it matter?”
“No it doesn’t.” He accessed his com-link “Optimus, everyone down to the medic bay now.”
‘Ids there a problem Ratchet?”
“No just the opposite.” He answered.

By the time they had gotten down there, the other Autobots and Sam were concerned about the situation but the sight of the second’s body was not as painful as it had been weeks before. He was in one piece now and his chest was open showing the radiant light of his spark as Ratchet looked over it. Closing the chamber he looked up at the others.

“He’s rebooting.” He medic reported. “ He is coming back on-line”
“He’s okay?” Sam asked.
“Yes for some reason. I have no idea how.”
“Does it matter?” Prowl asked.
“I guess not just be ready to welcome back our second in command.”


Miles was bored, for two days he had heard nothing from Sam and Mikaela was off with her female friends. So alone Miles wandered around the city to find something to do. Near the lake he found the wreck of a car. It was red, or had been and from the damage it looked like it had crashed into the lake and been dragged out. It was a gorgeous car, or would be soon. He didn’t see any plates or signs of anything else the poor thing had been crashed and left for dead. He would have to find a way to get it somewhere he could work on it.

Days later he was in his garage after school tinkering when Sam and Mikaela arrived.
“So this is the car huh?” Sam asked, it looked like a muscle car like Bee.
“Yep, from my research it’s a Lamborghini Countach LP5000 series.” He told them.
“Okay you lost me.”
“It’s a really hot car Sam almost as hot as Bee.” Mikaela translated.
“Nothing is as hot as Bee.” He looked at his watch. “I gotta go.”
“So what’s going on now?” Miles asked as they left the garage.
“We still need to find the missing bot. You guys could help.”
“No way I have to work on my baby.” Miles said.
“I have to go see my dad.”
“Okay see you guys later.” Sam said taking off in Bumblebee.

“So any new signs?”
“Nothing Sam it had been nearly a week.”
“How is Streaker doing?”
“He has been better the others are not letting him leave since he might do something stupid.”
“Poor thing.”
“Don’t feel to sorry for him Sam he is an expert at getting into trouble.


It was warm and comfortable where he was, he couldn’t see or hear anything and his scanners were off line but he was sure he was nowhere near the Decepticons. He was alone though and it scared him.


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