repairs 5

Feb 19, 2008 13:37

well her is part five, which only exists because Muzaiden spent long amounts of time talking with me in character for this, and helping out with the plot. it's unbeta'd but i appreciate any constructive critisicm

Title: Repairs and repercussions
Author: Tsumi
Rating: teen
Warnings: violence, possible slash, and possible character death, possible OOC.
Pairings: pending BeexSam, JazzxProwl,
Synopsis: the battle in Mission city ended the war or did it? What will happen to the Autobots and their new human allies. And what is happening to Sam?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Part 5

Things were not going well for the Decepticons, first of all their great leader was gone and they had to obey the fool of a second of his who now styled himself the leader. The two seekers Thundercraker and Skywarp would at least do what Starscream wanted them to do. Soundwave and Barricade were loyalists to Megatron and would rather find their leader's corpse and serve it then the fool Starscream. Frenzy was just glad to be free and have both Barricade and Soundwave around because with Soundwave were his brothers Rumble, Ravage and Lazerbeak. Their first attack against the Autobots on earth since the loss of their leader was only a success in the fact that they had rescued their comrades. The remains of their fellow Decepticons were gone and that annoying second in command was alive and well, which suited Soundwave just fine he wanted to slag him. He had been annoyed to hear that he might have been gone. Now there were problems among the ranks of the remaining Decepticons, as they split between those loyal to Soundwave and those loyal to Starscream.

Soundwave was watching the recording Lazerbeak had made of the battle, two humans in particular got his attention. The boy who had destroyed their leader and another human child who had been riding in one of the Autobots.

“Frenzy who is the boy?” Soundwave demanded of the small silver menace.
“Witwicky knows about us. St-stupid bug pro-pr-protects him.” Frenzy stuttered out and Rumble hit him to try and calm him down.
“He is a weakness, find a way to bring him to me.” He ordered
“Ye-Yes sir.” He scrambled away to find Barricade.


The human teens who were friends with giant alien robots who had a habit of turning into cars were at school in the lunch room eating their nutritious school lunches when it was obvious there was a problem. Sam had little appetite he had not been eating much lately at all and finally disgusted with trying to eat he stood up to throw away his tray. Suddenly the world tilted around him the light was far to bright and the sounds of everyone seemed to have risen to a loud roar. The last thing he saw as the world blacked out was the floor rising up to meet him.

“Sam!” Mikaela screamed as Miles caught him.
“Is there a problem?” the teacher monitoring the lunchroom asked coming over.
“It’s Sam he passed out.”
“Take him to the nurse Lancaster.” The teacher said in a bored tone and walked off.
“Yes mam.” He carried Sam out carefully with Mikaela’s help.

Once out of the cafeteria they stopped.
“We can’t take him to the nurse.” Mikaela hissed.
“Why not?” he asked quietly.
“The burns.” She pointed out motioning to the long sleeves and fingerless gloves on the boy’s arms and hands.
“Oh yeah.”

They got him out of the cafeteria but did not go to the office. They took him out to Bumblebee and Sideswipe who sat in the parking lot side by side. Bee almost panicked at the sight of his human charge unconscious.
"Is he okay his temperature plummeted only a few minutes ago." The yellow guardian asked once they were closer. Sideswipe made a revving sound beside him. Still unable to communicate normally he was frustrated with the radio.

“Sam fainted Bee we are taking him to Ratchet like he asked us to. I’ll drive you there while Miles takes Sideswipe okay?” Mikaela asked.
“Alright Mikaela.” The Autobot said quietly as she put Sam in the back making him comfortable and left the school with Miles right behind her.

As they got to the ID check point she saw the very familiar forms of the tow truck and assa ult buggy waiting for them. the guard waved them in after verifying all IDs. She said nothing as they joined ranks with them. Ratchet was waiting for them in the rebuilt motor pool in his robot mode.

"What happened to him?" The CMO asked, he knew something was up with Sam but he had not found anything on surface scans.
"We don’t know he fainted." Miles said helping Mikaela get him out of the Camaro.

"Take him to the infirmary I’ll do some scans."
"Shouldn’t we take him to the medical wing?" the teen asked confused by the CMO’s order.
"No I will look him over.” The medic said simply.


The others watched the medic as he ran scans over the boy. The Earthborn had shown up at some point and he had to keep shooing Halo away as he tried to get a decent scan. Something was odd about the boy's vitals. They were not quite right.

"Mikaela, Miles have you noticed anything odd about Sam the last few days?" Ratchet asked over his shoulder.
"He hasn't had much appetite said his stomach was bothering him or that he wasn’t hungry. I thought it was just that he was upset over the search last week but he was still doing it after we found Sideswipe." Mikaela told him and the large head nodded once.
"What about the two of you have you felt ill?"
"No." Mikaela said quickly making the medic give her a look.
"I’ve been tired but I’ve spent alot of time fixing on Swipe." Miles told him.

"Both of you over there so I can scan you thoroughly." He ordered pointing to another metal table that was used for working on the others both could sit on it and be comfortable.

"What's wrong with Sam?" Miles asked.
"He seems to have been affected by the AllSpark more than we feared, It’s radiation along with the radiation we ourselves give off. Not much certainly not enough to hurt any of you humans who spend time with us unless you could live as long as one of us." he said simply.
“Radiation?” Miles asked
“Yes though as I said the small amount we give off is not enough to cause you any real harm.”
“What about cancer?” The blond sounded panicked.
“You will not get cancer Miles.” He said calmly.
"So is he going to be okay?" Mikaela asked.
"Yes, he will be fine after some rest." He said as he scanned the two teens.

Both were fine though Mikaela was slightly undernourished he had learned most females of her age group seemed to be this way and she got mad if he mentioned it.
Miles was slightly touched by the radiation from Sideswipe but not badly affected. He nodded once and returned to check on Sam. in his absence Halo and the other smaller Earthborn had climbed up to sit with Sam. Halo chittering away while the others were silent. They looked up at him purple optics calm.

"Alright you little things what do you want?" he asked knowing they had yet to speak.
"They are worried for Sam." Landmine spoke from the doorway. "They have never seen humans sleep before."
"And you have?" He turned to look at the gray mech, he stood there calm as ever watching Sam.
"No but I have searched the net on the subject, it is similar to our recharge." he seemed like a youngling himself though older than the smaller ones acted. Not as old as Longarm did, you would think that one was as old as Prime. As he thought about that the little things began to chatter amongst themselves and swarmed off the table except for Halo. They swarmed onto Landmine who simply petted them. Halo on the other hand sat by Sam's head still chittering quietly.

"He'll be fine." Ratchet told the little creature. He looked at Bumblebee who stood close by worried as well. Halo chitterd and leapt over to sit on Bumblebee’s shoulder. The larger mech patted it absently.

“Are you sure Ratchet?” The younger mech asked worried for his charge.
“Of course he is tired and needs rest that is all Bumblebee. All of you out now he needs peace.” He ordered and everyone left though bumblebee stayed by the door until Landmine dragged him off.

Ratchet sighed and called for Optimus, who was busy looking over areas for their base, the leader of the Autobots joined him as soon as he called.

“Is there a problem Ratchet?” He asked looking at the boy who was still unconscious on the large examination table, the one he called Halo sitting on his chest.
“That depends on what you call a problem. Sam has been affected by the AllSpark.”
“You said he wasn’t.”
“Apparently the small amount of the affect at that point made it impossible to sense at the time. It might even be the constant contact with one of us has increased it I am not sure, he seems to be changing though slowly.”
“Do you know what all is happening yet?”
“No it will take time I believe he should be quarantined until we know it is safe.”
It is your decision, though whatever you decide remember to tell his parents.”
“Of course.”


Something was wrong, there was pain and someone was suffering a lot though quietly. He wanted to touch them to heal the pain to save them. He reached out his hand felt the warmth and the screaming stopped.


Sam woke with a start trying to sit up he was stopped by a weight on his chest. Looking up he saw purple optics looking down at him. A pair of blue ones from a very familiar metallic yellow face joined the purple ones.

“Bee?” he croaked his throat felt raw and his body hurt but the pain was fading like a bad dream.
“I am here Sam.” His guardian said softly.
“What happened?” He reached out for his guardian feeling one large hand close to him.
“You fainted.”
“I fainted?”
“You fainted Man.” He heard Mile’s voice and turned his head to see his best friend on the edge of the large metal table he was laying on. “You stood up and nose dived for the floor.”
“Where am I?” He asked confused. He did not recognize the room at all.
“My medbay.” He hard Ratchet’s voice but couldn’t see him at the moment.
“It’s nothing I guess I was just alittle tired.”
“It was not nothing Sam. Miles if you would tell Mikaela Sam is resting still.”
“Yes sir.” The blonde left quite sure that he was getting kicked out for a doctor patient confidentiality moment.

Once the blond was gone Ratchet turned to the three. Halo had moved off Sam’s chest and Bumblebee had one hand on the table fingers touching Sam’s back.

“Sam I know you have not been resting well since the battle at Mission City. You have had nightmares and I have said nothing to others about your lack of weight in the last week. . This fainting spell has made them upset and they have told me you lack appetite.”
“Yes I haven’t been hungry and I’ve had weird dreams so what?” the boy shrugged, he had hoped none of the others would have noticed.
“I think you need to be kept under observation and in isolation until I can pinpoint the problem Sam.”
“Isolation? What about school?”
“That can be taken care of both Miles and Mikaela have stated they can get your homework and such from your classes. “
“Have you told my parents?”
“They will be told you are needed for a few weeks by the group here.”
“So what am I going to do isolation and where.”
“It depends Sam do you know what is going on?”
“I might know something.” He said with a quick look to Bumblebee.
“You know something Bumblebee?” The medic looked at the younger mech whose doorwings were slightly drooping under his scrutiny.
“I might.” He squeaked, he knew hiding things from his superiors was bad but it had not seemed important up to this point.
“I am going to call Optimus and the both of you are going to explain yourselves fully.”
“Yes sir.” They said in unison. Halo chitterd from Sam’s chest.

Optimus prime looked over the three on the exam table then to his CMO who seemed annoyed with the human and Autobot. Sam looked very pale and tired. He had said only a few days ago he was fine now Optimus was not sure he had meant it. The little Earthborn that was always with the boy sat on Bumblebee’s shoulder watching Optimus with his odd purple optics.

“What is this?”
“Sam and Bumblebee have something they should have told you.” Ratchet said and looked at the three before leaving the room.

“Sam Bumblebee what is going on?”
“Well Optimus sir.” Sam stopped and seemed to be trying to figure out what to say.
“We know some of what is wrong with Sam but it’s not wrong really.” Bumblebee spat out quickly.
“What?” He was infinitely patient but the two were acting like Sparklings caught doing something wrong. The little silver creature was silent as they looked at one another.
“It’s the AllSpark, some of it’s radiation affected me it’s in the burn marks only they aren’t really burns anymore.” He removed the gloves then his shirt to reveal for the first time to anyone the black metallic markings in Cybertronian along his arms and up to a single mark right above his heart. They were no longer burns but looked like the metal had gotten under his skin.
“What has happened to you?” The larger mech looked the young human over scanning him and finding nothing wrong just different form the first time they had met.
“It’s the AllSpark like I said, it’s changing me I’m not sure how really. When I got dizzy before Halo was there and it passed.”
“Halo?” he looked at the creature. “Has Ratchet scanned the Earthborn?”
“I don’t know.” He answered. “Why?”
“He is always with you here in the dam.” The Autobot leader pointed out.
“Most of the smaller Earthborn are, and the larger listen to him as well.” Bumblebee said quietly.
‘We should tell Optimus Sam. I told you before and so has Longarm.” The yellow mech told his human.
“Longarm?” Optimus raised one eye ridge he had noticed the Earthborn had seemed to have chosen the tow truck as their leader.
“He told me the other day we should not hide the changes from the rest of you. But Sam insisted we should because he was worried about the Decepticons and the humans here wanting to test on him.”

A look from Bumblebee to Sam confirmed the mech’s words as Sam nodded once.
“I don’t trust them, they hurt Bee they stupidly brought Megatron to the cube and they are the reason my great grandfather died in a psycho ward.” He spat out.
“And us?” he asked quietly, the human had no real reason to trust the ones who dragged him into their war.
“You I trust Optimus, the Earthborn trust all of you as well. I know you would not do anything to hurt a human but how do we know they have no spies here?”
“No I understand that Sam but I do agree with Ratchet that you should remain in isolation for a short time to ensure you are in no danger.” He told the boy who nodded.
“Bumblebee I know you were doing as Sam asked but for a time you must go to the brig.”
“Yes sir.” He said quietly. Slinking away as Ratchet came in.
“Sam I have contacted your parents they are upset by the situation but will send things for your comfort soon.”
“Fine where do I have to be isolated?” He asked not really wanting to be isolated and alone.
“An area of the barracks has been prepared.”
“Great lead the way.” He let the Medic lead him off not sure what exactly was going to happen.
“Ratchet after you have gotten Sam settled I want you to scan the Earthborn.” Optimus ordered.
“Yes sir.” He wasn’t sure what he hoped to find but the supreme Autobot leader left in the opposite direction of the rooms prepared for Sam.


“Does Sam really have to be in isolation?” Mikaela asked after the two had been told.
“Yes until we know he is not in any danger.”
“But he’s my best bud we’ve been there for eachother since pre-k.” Miles whined.
“It will be fine Miles it should not be more than a week.” Ratchet told him. “And you can still in contact but not physically.”
“It will be fine Miles. Besides its not like it will be that long.” Mikaela said with a sigh. She understood less then Miles why Sam needed to be put in a room alone.
“He will have food brought to him and there is plenty there to entertain himself.”
“What about company?”
“At the moment all of the smaller Earthborn are with him. Bumblebee will also no doubt spend time with him.”
“But no humans.” Miles frowned. “We haven’t spent this much time apart since kindergarten.”
“He’s been very uncomfortable around people lately anyway the only ones he’s been able to stand recently are us and Will.” Mikaela sighed; she had noticed a lot of things lately happening to Sam but had said nothing because he had said he was fine.
“We should head back home then so our parents don’t freak, we’ll bring Sam’s homework tomorrow.”
“Very well.”

The two left and he went to scan the Earthborn finding all but Halo the little silver x-box was nowhere in sight. He set about to scan them but found nothing odd about most of them except they were not the same as himself and the Cybertronians in materials.


Sam was bored; he had been given his own rooms in the barracks complete with a bathroom and bedroom. A small table and chairs were in one corner, there was a desk with a very high level computer, a phone, a bed with very comfortable pillows blankets and sheets. But he was alone, except for Halo; the small Earthborn had shown up at some point and simply sat there. He wished Bumblebee wasn’t in the brig not that his guardian could fit in the small rooms making him wonder how he would get meals would the smaller Earthborn bring them? Not likely besides he probably would not be able to keep the food down anyway he had not been able to eat with out throwing up for the past few days. He had told no one but Bumblebee knew because he was always scanning Sam and had found out Sam had sworn the Camaro to secrecy of his problems. He was thinking now he probably should have gone to Optimus the first time this happened. Too late now though. He fell back on his bed and sighed, he was still bored.

There was a knock on his door and he frowned he was in solitary right no human contact. Opening the door he was surprised to find Jazz in the hall. The smallest of the bots there he could fit tightly into the hall and looked only slightly comfortable.

"Hello?" Sam had really not expected the silver mech at his door since last he had seen him he was with Prowl.
"Hey kid want some company?" The second in command of the Autobot forces asked.
"Sure." He moved out of the way sitting on the bed to give Jazz more room.
Jazz slid in careful not to break the doorway or any furniture, he actually fit in the room as long as he didn't move much.

"So how are ya holding up?" He asked.
"I'm fine though I’m not sure how long I’ll last cooped up in here." Sam flopped back on his bed.
"You'll be fine, it's not like you'll be totally alone." Jazz reminded him.
"But you're the only one who can fit in here with me and no offense but you're not Bee."
"I know. " there was something mischievous in his smile. Sam chose to ignore it. "Besides I wanted to talk to you alone anyway."
"About what?"
"To thank you"
"Thank me."
"Don’t play dumb kid, I heard you before, everytime I got close to the matrix something pulled me back. I know it was you."
"Well yeah it was." he said quietly. "You’re not going to tell the others are you?"
"No though Prime and Prowl should have noticed and Ironhide for that matter." He told the boy.

They talked for awhile longer before Sam started to yawn and Jazz left him to go to bed. As he was drifting off he felt a weight settle next to him. He fell asleep with someone stroking his hair.


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